The National Society of Women Engineer's Conference is a great opportunity for women
engineers to network with companies around the country and to learn the leadership
skills and confidence necessary to be a woman in a male dominated field. This conference
is held every year toward the end of October and is always in a different city than
the previous year. This fall it will be held in Texas. For information on how to attend,
talk to a SWE officer or check out the SWE national website.
Social Events
Every year the MSU chapter of SWE hosts several social events for engineering students. To find out more about our SWE Events, check the College of Engineering Weekly Events emails or contact any SWE officer.
Professional Events
Each semester when the career fair comes along, SWE tries to host information sessions as well as resume critques to help engineering students prepare for the career fair. This semester will feature events with some of the sponsors to prepare for career fair.
SWE does several outreach events over the course of the school year, mainly with younger students in elementary school and high school. We have done Engineer-a-thon, nanodays, and shadow-an-engineer day, along with some other fun outreach activities. To get involved with SWE outreach, contact KaeLee Massey (contact info on the officer page).