EELE 217 FL18: Topics and Notes Summary
(last update 12/4/18)
Dec. 10 (Monday) |
Final Exam |
Dec. 6 (Thurs) [27] |
Final class meeting--course wrap-up, and study for final exam. In-class quiz on lecture material. |
Dec. 4 (Tues) [26] |
Digital Audio (cont.), audio coding [audio coding] [spatial hearing] |
Nov. 29 (Thurs) [25] |
Digital Audio In-class quiz on lecture material. |
Nov. 27 (Tues) [24] |
Audio electronics |
Nov. 22 (Thurs) |
Thanksgiving Holiday (no classes) The Thanksgiving Day holiday in the United States comes from the harvest festival tradition of 16th century agrarian Europe. The traditional "first Thanksgiving" was held in 17th century America by the Pilgrims (1621). George Washington instituted a national day of Thanksgiving in 1789, but the event did not gain widespread official acceptance until Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation on October 3, 1863, setting aside the last Thursday of November as a day of thanksgiving. Incidentally, this proclamation was issued just a few weeks before Lincoln gave his famous address at Gettysburg (November 19, 1863). Every president after Lincoln continued the Thanksgiving Day tradition, and Congress adopted the fourth Thursday of November as a national holiday in 1941. The fourth Thursday can be as early as Nov. 22 and as late as Nov. 28. Look ahead formula: to determine the date of Thanksgiving next year: subtract one from the day of the month this year; then if next year is a leap year, subtract 1 more. If that result is less than 22, add 7. Example: in 2016 (a leap year) the date was November 24, so in 2017 it was Nov. 23 and this year, Nov. 22. Next year, 2019, it will be on Nov. 28. |
Nov. 20 (Tues) [23] |
Audio transducers and audio electronics |
Nov. 15 (Thurs) [22] |
Audio transducers: principles of microphones and loudspeakers |
Nov. 13 (Tues) [21] |
Musical acoustics (cont.) |
Nov. 9 (Thurs) [20] |
Musical acoustics: scales and sound production |
Nov. 6 (Tues) |
Election Day holiday (no MSU classes). Please VOTE! |
Nov. 1 (Thurs) |
No class this day (instructor out of town) Assigned: view on your own the video "What is Music?" from the PBS NOVA series (1989). |
Oct. 30 (Tues) [19] |
Meet in Reynolds Recital Hall: acoustical observations and measurements. |
Oct. 25 (Thurs) [18] |
Finish room acoustics, begin musical acoustics. [musical acoustics] |
Oct. 23 (Tues) [17] |
Reverb measurement (cont.) Sound transmission through walls, floors, doors, etc. Handout on wall systems and sound infiltration. Homework problem assigned (due at the start of class on Tuesday, October 30). |
Oct. 18 (Thurs) [16] |
No EELE 217 class this day (instructor out of town) |
Oct. 16 (Tues) [15] |
MIDTERM EXAM in class. Closed book, closed notes. Pen/Pencil and calculator only. |
Oct. 11 (Thurs) [14] |
Methods of reverb measurement. Mid term exam review topics. |
Oct. 9 (Tues) [13] |
Sabine equation and reverb time estimation. |
Oct. 4 (Thurs) [12] |
In class Quiz. Sound in rooms. Description of surface absorption and absorption calculations. |
Oct. 2 (Tues) [11] |
Doppler Effect, temporary threshold shift. Begin discussion of sound in rooms: absorption, reflection, transmission. Architectural acoustics and reverberation. |
Sept. 27 (Thurs) [10] |
In class Quiz. More on the hearing system, noise protection, response to sound. [notes 10] |
Sept. 25 (Tues) [9] |
Structures and functions (cont.); characteristics of hearing (physiology and psychology). Audio demos and listening. [notes 9] |
Sept. 20 (Thurs) [8] |
In class Quiz on reading and lecture material. Start physiology of the ear. Structures and functions of the hearing system. [notes 8] Reading assignment: Chapters 13 and 14. |
Sept. 18 (Tues) [7] |
Harmonics, wave interference; Sound level and the decibel. [harmonics] [notes 7] Reading assignment: Chapters 9, 10, and 12. |
Sept. 13 (Thurs) [6] |
In class Quiz on Chapter 4 and lecture material. Wave phenomena, relationship between frequency, wavelength, and speed of sound. [notes 6] Reading assignment: Chapters 6 and 8 from the Strong textbook. |
Sept. 11 (Tues) [5] |
Waves and wave motion in air. [notes 5] |
Sept. 6 (Thurs) [4] |
In class Quizon Chapters 3, 4, and lecture material. Vibration in simple mass-spring systems and basic mass-spring-damper systems (cont.). Stiffness and mass effect on natural frequency of vibration. Begin waves and wave motion in air. [notes 4] |
Sept. 4 |
Power and energy discussion. Vibration in simple mass-spring systems and basic mass-spring-damper systems (Chapter
4) Reading assignment: Read chapter 4 from the Strong textbook. |
Aug. 30 |
Basic physical quantities and laws. Measurement units for distance, time, mass, frequency, force, energy, power, etc. Vibration in simple mass-spring systems and basic mass-spring-damper systems. [notes 2] |
Aug. 28 |
First class meeting at 3:05PM in Howard Hall Room 117. Course introduction and some listening experiments. [notes 1] Reading assignment: Read chapter 3 from the Strong textbook . |