
If an MSU email account or any other IT access is required due to continued engagement with or on behalf of the University, a non-employee appointment form must be filled out.

Parking on Campus

The parking system on campus will be changing on September 1, 2019, but be assured that the lifetime free parking privilege will continue as before. The system will change however: hangtags will no longer be used and will be replaced by a car license recognition system. Here is what you need to know and do:

-You must let Parking Services know of your license plate number(s). Up to two cars can be registered per retiree but only one of those cars can be parked on campus at any given time. Call 994-1723 or visit Parking Services in the Huffman Building (7th and Kagy) to register your vehicles. Try to do this by 9/1/19. However, old deadlines will still be honored for the time being. Your new permit will be valid until September 2023.

-You may park in any of the Bobcat lots (a map is attached). The Bobcat lots are roughly equivalent to the old SB lots. You may no longer park “down” however in the old E and F lots. The permit is valid only for the Bobcat Lots.

For more information call 994-1723 or go to the Parking Services website at www.montana.edu/parking.


Retired Faculty/Staff can continue to use their current CatCard (all privileges: CatCash, gym access, etc.) and would need to let us know so we can update their expiration date periodically. We do issue CatCards to Emeritus faculty free of charge. CatCards are no longer issued to people that are not actively involved with MSU. An exception could be made for people that are using the gym and do not want to use the hand scanner. This information is from Dylan Cummings, CatCard Manager. Visit CatCard website for their services and policies.  MSU CatCard or replacement available at the CatCard Office located under the Miller Dining Commons (in the Hedges Complex). There is a $15 charge for the card.


All community members are welcome to use the library, as well as to receive a Montana Resident Courtesy Borrower Card in order to check out materials. Visit MSU Library Policies for details.  Emeritus faculty retain their MSU library privileges.  An MSU CatCard is required.  Visit the MSU Library website for more information.


Retiree's may serve as a Principal Investigator on an externally funded research program if they have a minimum of 0.1 FTE appointment. See "Principal Investigator Guide" from the Office of Sponsored Programs, Appendix D, Who May Serve as a PI?).

ASMSU Recreational Sports & Fitness

Retirees are no longer able to buy MSU Retiree memberships at the Marga Hosaeus Fitness Center (MHFC), based on an audit decision and decision letter from the Commissioner of Higher Education for the Montana University System, per state law 20-25-332, MCA. Current memberships will expire August 31, 2019. After September 1, 2019, qualified MSU Alumni members may purchase a membership for $200 for four months or $540 annually - this is a full use pass and includes access to GX classes. Or MSU Alumni members may purchase a Special Use Pass, which has access but only to limited areas of the fitness center, pool and running track for the same price as Alumni membership or daily access for $8 per day. Visit the Recreational Sports & Fitness website for more information or contact their office.

ASMSU Outdoor Recreation Program

We do serve retirees; our software system does not retain retiree's information once they are no longer active faculty/staff. Because of this we would ask that they bring a Cat Card and some type of proof that they are an MSU retiree. We will then manually enter them into our system and they will be set up to rent at the Faculty Staff rate. This information from Ty Atwater Director Outdoor Recreation Programs. For details on services and equipment offered, see the  Outdoor Recreation web page.

Athletic tickets

At this time there is no special provision for retirees. Retirees who are members of the MSU Alumni Association qualify for alumni discounts which currently are listed on the Alumni Association Benefits web site such as 20% off  tickets for volleyball, men's basketball and women's basketball.

MUS Wellness Programs

Retirees utilizing the MUS medical benefit programs have access to the University System wellness programs.  See the MUS Wellness web page for details. 

Privileges of Emeritus Status

As mentioned above, if an MSU email account or any other IT access is required due to continued engagement with or on behalf of the University, a non-employee appointment form must be filled out.

Quoted from the MSU faculty handbook (effective date, July 1, 2017):

"Emeritus status shall entail continued campus courtesies including, but not necessarily limited to, the options to:

a. use library facilities,

b. use recreational facilities at a reduced rate,

c. participate in academic convocations, commencements, and other academic endeavors,

d. request that their names be retained in the university catalog, if desired, until their death,

e. attend, without vote, meetings of their department and college,

f. act as principal investigator for MSU grant proposals consistent with the policies of the Office of Sponsored Programs,

g. request office, laboratory space, and/or secretarial help, as available. Since the resources of the various departments vary, no university-wide policy can guarantee access. Such accommodations may be extended to emeritus faculty with the understanding that the instructional, research, and service requirements of the tenurable faculty have priority.

Note: Any or all privileges granted emeritus faculty may be rescinded should it become necessary to do so."