Per the PCOSUW By-laws (3/14/19) the membership and committees of the commission are formed as follows:

Download the organizational flow-chart

Flowchart of the Commission

By Position
By Constituency
VOICE Center Coordinator
Senior Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Department Head/Chair/Director
Women’s & Gender Studies Chair
MSU Extension
Women’s Center Director
Office of Institutional Equity (inclusive of Title IX Coordinator)
Chief Human Resources Officer
Great Falls College MSU
Senior Women Athletic person
All Staff Council
Women’s Faculty Caucus Chair
Faculty Senate
Diversity Awareness Office Director
Associated Students of MSU
Center for Faculty Excellence
Graduate Student Council
Past Chair/co-chairs of PCOSUW
Chair/co-chairs of PCOSUW
Family Advocate
Office for Planning & Analysis, equity data analyst

Other members may be appointed annually, as need, by the Chair/Co-chair. Examples include: Career Services, Research Faculty, Community Member, PI of the ADVANCE grant, Union Representative(s).

Chairs & Committees
Appointed by the President
Executive Committee
Standing Committees

Selected from the University faculty/staff community

Chair/Co-Chair elect:

Selected from the University faculty/staff community

Chair/Co-Chair of Commission

Chair/Co-chair-Elect of Commission

Standing Committee Chairs





     Nominations (Chair: Past Chair/Co-chair)

     Policy Review

     Ad hoc*


Other Members:  may be appointed for 2-year terms and may be reappointed as needed by Chairs or President

1.Committee Chairs are elected every two years from the Commission membership

2.Committee members can be appointed from outside the Commission membership

*Ad-Hoc Committees can be appointed by the Executive Committee as needed.