Engineering Management Minor
The M&IE Department is now offering a non-teaching minor in engineering management.
![Engineering management graduates](/mie/images/imse-images/asg-20200312-engineering.jpg)
The field of Engineering Management is focused on the managerial, financial and systems level aspects of engineering problem solving. Students are required to complete 21 credits for the minor by taking a core group of four courses and selecting an additional three elective courses. Students completing the minor will find themselves better prepared to successfully work in a technical leadership capacity.
The Engineering Management minor is open to all MSU students except Industrial & Management Systems Engineering majors. Students earn the minor by completing the following courses.
Finincial Engineering majors are required to complete this minor for entracne into the IMSE Accerlated Master of Science Program.
The MSU catalog listing of this minor.
Required Prerequisite Courses (6 credits)
One of the following:
- EGEN 350: Applied Engineering Data Analysis
- EIND 354: Engineering Probability and Statistics I
One of the following:
- M 166Q: Calculus for Technology II
- M 172Q: Calculus II
Recommended Core Elective Courses
Students interested in the Engineering Management minor are encouraged to fulfill their Core 2.0 electives through at least one or more of the following courses to enable greater choice in the managerial problem solving electives.
One or more of the following:
- BGEN 242D: Introduction to International Business
- PSYX 101IS: Introductory Psychology
- SOCI 101IS: Introduction to Sociology
Required Courses (12 credits)
- EGEN 325: Engineering Economic Analysis (will also accept EGEN 330 or ECNS 345)
- EIND 300: Engineering Management & Ethics
- EIND 373: Production Inventory Cost Analysis
- EIND 434: Project and Engineering Management
Technical Problem Solving Elective Course (3 credits)
Choose one of the following:
- EIND 455: DOE For Engineers
- EIND 457: Regression & Multivariate Analysis for Engineers
- EIND 458: Production and Engineering Management
- EIND 477: Quality Management Systems
Managerial Problem Solving Elective Courses (6 credits)
Choose two of the following:
- BGEN 361: Principles of Business Law
- BMGT 329: Human Resources Management*
- BMGT 406: Negotiation/Dispute Resolution*
- ECIV 406: Sustainability Issues in Construction
- BMGT 464: International Management*
- ECNS 309: Managerial Economics
- EIND 425: Technology Entrepreneurship
- PSYX 360: Social Psychology
- PSYX 461: Indust & Organiz Psych
- PSYX 481: Judgment & Decision Making
- SOCI 345: Sociology of Organizations
- SOCI 370: Sociology of Globalization
* Students who have declared the Engineering Management minor may substitute EIND 300 for the BMGT 335 prerequisite in business courses.
More Information
For more information, please contact Dr. Bernadette McCrory, the Engineering Management minor certifying officer:
Bernadette McCrory
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
220 Roberts Hall
(406) 994-2801