Huazhong Agricultural University                                                      2019

Field Work at Yellowstone National Park

In July and August, 14 students from Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU) in the city of Wuhan, China, had the opportunity to experience Montana’s wide variety of ecosystems. This was thanks to collaborations between HZAU researchers and members of the Land Resources and Environmental Sciences Department in Montana State University’s College of Agriculture along with MSU's Office of International Programs. The 2019 HZAU Summer Program newsletter shows many of the activities that were a part of this program!

Naha Nikkei Business School                                                               2019


This four-week program provides undergraduate college students from Naha Nikkei Business School in Okinawa, Japan with an opportunity to improve their English, leadership and teambuilding skills, and learn about American culture.

The students take English classes at INTERLINK Language Center at MSU and improve general conversation and presentation skills in English.

They also get the chance to experience the local Bozeman community in the unique form of Homestays. Homestays place the students in the homes of community members and allow them to be immersed in American Culture.

University of Veracruz                                                                           2019

Veracruz Group Photo

In February, ten students in the field of agriculture and animal sciences at the University of Veracruz, Mexico visited to learn about American universities and Montana State University’s College of Agriculture, in particular. Students were able to visit the BART farm, the Wool Lab and animal science classes. They met President Waded Cruzado, agriculture faculty and the Agricultural Ambassadors.  They even got to taste cooked insects at the Annual Bug Buffet and hear a lecture about wolves at the Museum of the Rockies.

EducationUSA Academy                                                                        2017

EducationUSA Academy students pose with their certificates

This four-week program was an incredible opportunity for 8 high school students from 6 countries to visit institutions of higher learning in the United States.  In addition to English classes, participants learned about American culture and traveled to Butte, Helena, Billings and Yellowstone National Park. These trips allowed the participants to better understand all the different parts of the American system of tertiary education.

Rikkyo University                                                                                    2017

Rikkyo University In 2017, International Training Programs hosted seven administrators from Rikkyo University for an intensive week-long professional learning program where our visitors were exposed to Montana State University's best practices. While in Bozeman, Rikkyo University visitors met with various administrators and faculty across campus, including the Honors College, Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success, Office of Student Engagement, Human Resources, MSU Admissions Office, and Office of International Programs.

University of Celaya                                                                    2015, 2016

University of Celaya

This program, held in 2015 and 2016 was an opportunity for a small group of students from the University of Celaya in Mexico to come to Montana State to join in sessions and activities for International Education Week. To enhance the opportunities for cultural exchange, participants stayed with host families in the community.

China University of Geosciences                                                         2016


The 2016 China University of Geosciences (CUG) Summer Program was an exciting and intensive program that provided 19 students with an opportunity to improve their English skills, learn about U.S. culture, and enjoy some of the American West's finest outdoor activities. In addition to classroom instruction, program participants visited the world-famous Museum of the Rockies and went to the Yellowstone National Park, one of the world's most geologically diverse and famous natural landscapes.

University of Tokyo                                                                                2015


The University of Tokyo has been selected as one of 37 leading Top Global University Project universities by the Japanese government. As globalization expands, both inbound and outbound students and researchers will be increasing. This means not only the international division but all sections of the university should be globalized as soon as possible. The university carries out two programs, described below, in order to promote globalization of the university through the experience of foreign institutes.

Campus visit program was for nine staff members who had no experience in international affairs and had never traveled abroad for business. They visited Montana State University to experience the atmosphere of a foreign university from February 1st to 7th.

There was a The job shadowing program for nine staff members with an English level of EIKEN 2nd grade or higher. They learned about U.S. higher education, university office systems, and the differences between U.S. and Japanese systems from February 1st to 13th.

The Top Global University Project is a funding project by the Japanese government that aims to enhance the international compatibility and competitiveness of higher education in Japan. It provides prioritized support for the world- class and innovative universities that lead the internationalization of Japanese universities. The program divides Japanese universities into two catagories:

Type A - The Top Type is for world-class universities that have the potential to be ranked in the top 100 in world university rankings (The University of Tokyo has been selected as one of the Type A universities).

Type B - The Global Traction Type is for innovative universities that lead the internationalization of Japanese society, based on continuous improvement of their current efforts.

 More information: The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

10th Anniversary Access Workshop                                                   2014

10th Anniversary Access Workshop

On April 20, 2014, a group of twenty-three participants from around the globe, arrived in Bozeman, for an intensive, weeklong workshop that was a part of the English Access Microscholarship 10th Anniversary celebration.  The program was facilitated by WorldMontana® with the help of the Office of International Programs (OIP) International Training and Development Programs Division at Montana State University (MSU). The program was sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by FHI 360.

The program’s goal was to prepare and motivate participants to become better leaders in their communities and nations. Cross-cultural interaction between the hosts and the Access Alumni participants themselves was an important element of the program. 

  • Build participants' leadership and conflict resolution skills.
  • Understand the role youth play as agents of change and the actions they can take to act effectively and positively within their communities.
  • Develop participants’ understanding of the importance of volunteerism and civic engagement in American society.
  • Advance the participants’ ability to build cross-cultural relationships within novel situations.
  • Refine essential communication skills and critical thinking abilities.
  • Develop participant knowledge about contemporary political, social and economic issues in American society and the parallel issues in the participants’ home country.
  • Develop proficiency in social media.

Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Dem. Republic of Congo, Egypt, El Salvador, India, Indonesia, Lebanon, Mauritania, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Rwanda, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uruguay, Yemen


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