We are proud of the success our students have had being accepted to health professions programs. It is important to understand that the statistics on this page are specifically for students that use our services. This includes semesterly meetings with HPA staff, using our help workshops, completing HPA courses, and following our advice with applications.


Acceptance Statistics:

Medical School Acceptance: 80%

Dental School Acceptance: 75%

PA School Acceptance: 75%

PT School: 88%


The numbers shown are for the most common health professions our students submit applications for. We do have other students that apply to podiatry, optometry, pharmacy, occupational therapy, SLP, and other health profession progams. Combined, 80% of HPA students that apply are accepted to a health professions program. This includes undergraduates, alumni, post-bacc students, and graduate students. On average, students who use HPA services are between 40-60% more likely to be accepted to a program (this depends on the specific career).



Schools that have accepted MSU students include (this is not a complete list):

Boston University (Med, AT)

Case Western (Med)

Dartmouth (Med)

Idaho State University (PA, PT)

Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine (Med)

Montana College of Osteopathic Medicine (Med)

Midwestern (Pod, PA, Dent, PT)

Medical College of Wisconsin (Med)

Mayo Clinic (PT, Med)

Michigan State (Med)

Oregon Health Sciences University (Med, Dent)

Quinnipiac University (Med, PA)

Rocky Mountain College (OT, PA)

Stanford (PA)

Tufts (Dent)

Touro (Med, PA, PT)

University of Colorado (Med, Dent, PT, PA)

University of Washington (Med, PT, PA)

University of Mary (PT, OT)

University of Minnesota (Med, Dent)

University of Utah (Med, Dent, PA, PT)

University of North Dakota (Med, PA)

Uniformed Services University (Med)

University of Texas Medical Branch (Med)

University of Las Vegas (Med)

University of Reno (Med)

University of Vermont (Med)

University of New England (Med, PA)

Yale (PA)