The Montana State University Field Placement and Licensure Office is enthusiastic to support the Teaching Endorsement Internship. The internship is a partnership/cooperation between MSU, the Teaching Intern, and the Cooperating School District. You can learn about the rules and responsibilities surrounding the Teaching Endorsement Internship in Montana ARM here, and through OPI here.  

The Teaching Endorsement Internship allows an already licensed Montana teacher to add an endorsement while teaching in the new area in partnership with a Montana University/College and an employing school district. This arrangement allows for approved status to teach in the new licensure area during the time in which the Teaching Intern (teacher) is preparing in the new content area. Candidates for the Teaching Endorsement Internship should familiarize themselves with the information and requirements on thispage, where there is a wealth of information and guidance about the program and requirements.   

The responsibilities of each of the partners above identified include the following:   

Role of Montana College  

Pursuant to ARM 10.55.707(1)(b), the Montana College/University must fulfill these responsibilities:   

  1. Make provisions to provide the appropriate coursework or the acceptable approved equivalent that leads to endorsement,   
  2. Provide periodic supervision and evaluation of the intern,  
  3. Supply a list of teaching interns to the Montana OPI Licensure Unit by the first Monday in October each year, and   
  4. Notify the Montana OPI Licensure Unit of any change in status of the intern.   

Role of the Cooperating School District   

Pursuant to ARM 10.55.707(1)(b), the Cooperating School District must meet the following requirements:   

  1. Allow the teaching intern to attend summer sessions, internship seminars, and professional development activities as specified by the internship agreement,   
  2. Provide on-site, ongoing supervision of the intern by the administrator in the area of the designated endorsement,   
  3. Agree to cooperate with the college or university in meeting the needs of the teaching intern,   
  4. Report annually, as part of the OPI Annual Data Collection, the status of the teaching endorsement intern,   
  5. Provide periodic supervision and training by a licensed teacher who is currently endorsed in the intern’s prospective endorsement area, and   
  6. When appropriate and feasible, the cooperating school district may agree to contribute to the tuition and supervision fees of the intern.      

Role of the Teaching Intern  

Pursuant to ARM 10.55.707(1)(b), the Individual must meet the following requirements:   

  1. Have at least a Class 2 teaching license prior to entering the program,   
  2. Be a contracted employee of a Montana school district or have a contract offer pending enrollment in the Teaching Endorsement Program, teaching in the new endorsement area,   
  3. Prior to placement, have completed or be enrolled in six semester credits of study in the endorsement area the teaching intern is pursuing. (These credits must apply to the program and be approved by a university or college.),   
  4. Complete the endorsement program within three (3) years of entry into the program,   
  5. Provide a copy of the endorsement program of study to the cooperating school district,   
  6. Enroll in a Board approved Internship Program for credit each year of the agreement, and,   
  7. If required, remit a fee for supervision each year of the agreement to the Montana university or college (CEEX 280).  

Additionally, the Teaching Internmust fulfill each of the following:

  1. Have been assigned to teach oneor more classes in the new endorsement area,
  2. Submit yearly teaching schedule each fall via Survey sent to all candidates from the Field Placement Office,
  3. Complete six (6) credits in new endorsement area each academic year engaged in the Internship,
  4. Be Enrolled in the CEEX 280 Teaching Internship field experience course each fall and spring semesters while participating in the internship OR be enrolled in the Library Media Certification program or the Family & Consumer Science Graduate program,
    1. If you are a student in the FCS graduate or Library Media program, you will not be required to take CEEX 280.  Both programs offer graduate-level courses that satisfy this requirement. 
  5. Submit official transcripts of coursework taken outside of MSU each year to your TeachMT file through OPI, where MSU will access them,
  6. Provide a yearly progress report (via Survey sent from Field Placement Office) at the end of each summer of courses taken, course approval status, and yearly plan for making progress on coursework plan, 
  7. Maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher in the new content area coursework with no grade less than a C (grades C- or below will not be counted as completed), and
  8. Plan for sufficient time and monetary resources, as well as a high level of commitment necessary to complete the required coursework within three (3) years.

As with all professions, specialized training is a prerequisite to specialized practice. However, due to a critical shortage of qualified teachers in some endorsement areas within Montana, the Board of Public Education (BPE) and the Office of Public Instruction (OPI), in cooperation with Montana State University (MSU), have developed a teaching endorsement internship program. The program is referred to as the Teaching Endorsement (or TE) Internship. This program is available for Montana licensed teachers who are seeking to add an endorsement to thier current, valid teaching license, and for those individuals in the advanced programs of library media, principal K-12, superintendent, and school counseling. The program relies on Montana school district personnel to recommend candidates and contribute ongoing support and a field supervisor (usually the school district principal).  

 The Teaching Endorsement Internship endorsement categories that MSU sponsors are: 

  • Early Childhood-P3
  • Elementary K-8
  • Secondary 5-12 and K-12 (see Added Endorsements for endorsement areas)
  •  Principal K-12

  • Superintendent
  • Library Media Certificate K-12
  • Master’s Family and Consumer Sciences
  • School Counselor

MSU does not sponsor any other endorsement categories. 

Working with the Field Placement and Licensure Office, applications for the Teaching Endorsement Internship are accepted on an annual basis to cover the July 1 to June 30 academic year. Enrollment in this program is reported to the Office of Public Instruction after the intake process via Teach MT.  Prior to applying for the TE Internship, we ask that you contact our Post Baccalaureate Specialist, Jamie O'Callaghan,, who will guide you through the process.   We do not accept applications until potential interns complete this procedure  with our Post Baccalaureate Specialist.

As a Cooperating School District that has offered a teaching contract to a Teaching Endorsement Intern, the Montana State University Field Placement & Licensure Office (FPLO) asks that Cooperating School Districts work in conjunction/partnership with us on the following TE Internship Requirements, including the following:  


  1. Providing periodic supervision and evaluation of the intern, and  
  2. Cooperating with the college or university in meeting the needs of the teaching intern.   


 Other requirements for the Cooperating School District are the sole obligation of the Cooperating School District, which agrees to meet these requirements:  


  1. Unless otherwise decided, the principal or superintendent of the school district shall take on the role of field supervisor and will provide the TE Intern with a support system for the duration of the program.  (If the principal and/or superintendent is unable to perform this task, they will notify FPLO and assign a licensed teacher as field supervisor of TE Intern to conduct periodic supervision and the observations of TE Intern teaching a lesson in the new content area.)    
  2. The following is a list of what the field supervisor will provide/perform for the TE Intern:   
  3. Meet Teaching Endorsement Internship Rules for the Cooperating School District as set forth by the Office of Public Instruction,  
  4. Conduct two observations and evaluate the intern teaching a lesson in the new content area.  The principal shall use the Danielson Observation Tool mid-year (December) and year-end (May),   
  5. Provide feedback on lesson plans and instructional performance on said observation to TE Intern in accordance with OPI Rule Guidelines,   
  6. Submit a summative Danielson Performance Assessment to FPLO at completion of endorsement program,   
  7. Provide TE Intern with a copy of year-end assessment,   
  8. Ensure TE Intern submits yearly teaching schedule to FPLO each fall for the duration of program,   
  9. Ensure TE Intern enrolls in the CEEX 280 (cost: $250) Teaching Endorsement Internship course through MSU-Academic Technologies Outreach each semester (if in a program that requires this pathway – see above guidelines), and  
  10. Notify FPLO if the TE Intern teaching contract is terminated and/or the intern is no longer teaching the new approved content area.   
Once a candidate has been determined to be eligible for the Teaching Endorsement Internship and is able to meet both the OPI and MSU-FPLO requirements, the next step is to proceed with the application process for formal acceptance into the internship program.  


A link to the application will be sent to the candidate from the Field Placement Office, after which the following should occur:   


  1. Once the Internship Candidate receives the link it will request basic demographic and licensure information, as well as the name and email addresses for both the principal and superintendent of the school district.   
  2. The Intern Candidate will then agree to the terms of the Internship and sign the application. 
  3. Once signed, the application will route to the principal sponsoring the Intern for their agreement to the terms and for their signature.  


Following completion of the form, the application will proceed to the superintendent for agreement.   


Following the completion of the form by each required candidate, (Intern Candidate, Principal, Superintendent) all parties will receive notification of form completion and will receive a copy of that document for their records, after which a final sequence of events will occur:   


  1. At this time, the Field Placement Office will initiate the Internship Application in the Intern Candidates’ TeachMT account.   
  2. This application is restricted and can only be initiated by an “Education Preparation Provider” or EPP (MSU FPLO).   
  3. MSU FPLO will notify the Intern Candidate and District Administration when the application has been initiated in TeachMT.   
  4. There are elements that must be completed and signed off on in TeachMT by each party.   
  5. Following the completion of the Intern candidate and sponsoring district elements, the MSU Field Placement Office will complete the application for the candidate.   

Details and information regarding the CEEX 280: Teaching Endorsement Internship course, required for non-LMC/F&CS endorsement candidates, will be provided to the new intern.  The field supervisor, who is the school principal (unless otherwise designated), will also be notified as well outlining their role and responsibilities.  

Please keep the Field Placement and Licensure Office notifiedof any changes in address, phone number, or email.   

If an intern chooses to leave the program or is dropped because of failure to complete the requirements, the intern will not be eligible for re-entry.  

This course is structured for the TE Internship program. The intern is required to enroll in the CEEX 280  Internship course each semester (fall and spring) for the duration of the program and receives 4.5 continuing education credits (CEU’s).  These credits do not count towards the six (6) credit yearly requirement in the new endorsement area. This course provides MSU with evidence of intern professional development as well as a record of state-required field supervisor evaluations. FPLO will send a registration link 4-6 weeks before each semester.

Fee:        $250.00/semester

Credits:  4.5 CEU’s

NOTE: If you are a student in the FCS graduate  or Library Media programs, you will not be required to take CEEX 280.  Both programs offer graduate-levelcourses that satisfy this requirement. 

To maintain good standing in the Teaching Internship Endorsement program the Teaching Intern agrees to communicate with MSU and adhere to all of the guidelines and requirements described above. Coursework taken toward the endorsement must be pre-approved by the Post-Baccalaureate License Specialist, and/or the LMC/F&CS programs of study.   


Annual progress will be collected at the end of the summer semester prior to renewing the status in the internship for each candidate. Communication with the Field Placement Office is critical to a Teaching Intern’s success. We are here to support you!   

Admission to MSU

Interns are required to be admitted to MSU only if planning on taking coursework at the university. If the intern is taking coursework at MSU, contact Jamie O’Callaghan, and she advise interns on the appropriate admission process. If the intern is not taking any coursework at MSU then intern is only required to take the CEEX 280 Internship course at MSU. 

New Endorsement Area Coursework

Coursework may be taken at another campus or online through another institution. Some institutions offer courses similar to MSU's.  We have created a list of those institutions to assist you in locating substitute courses:   LEAT: Finding Coursework. All courses taken to fulfill the LEAT must be pre-approved through the Post Baccalaureate Licensure Specialist.

All courses not taken at MSU-Bozeman must be pre-approved by FPLO, prior to registering. If you have questions, contact Jamie O’Callaghan.

Once a Teaching Intern has fulfilled the plan of study identified in theLEAT, or has completed the LMC or F&CS programs, that intern will need to apply for the endorsement with OPI and notify MSU FPLO of the intent to be recommended. The TeachMT system will need a full set of official transcripts fromthenew endorsement. Interns should work directly with OPI on the endorsement in this regard. However, interns willalso need to initiate a recommendation request with the Field Placement Office. Please review the FPLO Licensure webpage detailing the process for requesting a recommendation for an Added Endorsement.  

The intern will have completed the three-year TE Internship once these requirements are satisfied:

  • Enroll in and complete CEEX 280 Internship course (or FCS or Library Media graduate-level courses that meet this requirement) each semester of the internship (fall and spring semesters) and complete all assignments.
  • Complete all coursework required on LEAT endorsement review (or in designated advanced program) with a passing grade of C or higher
  • In final semester of CEEX - complete final, summative assignment and observation
  • Seek approval for all content coursework prior to enrollment each semester, per your course plan. Communicate with Jamie O'Callaghan regarding course approvals.
  • Receive a minimum GPA  of 3.0  or higher in new endorsement area.
  • Submit all course transcripts annually to demonstrate progress.


**Failure to successfully complete the minimum of six (6) credits each year will result in the termination of your TE Internship status.

**Failure to enroll in the CEEX 280 Internship course  (or graduate-level F&CS or Library Media courses) and submit all assignments each semester will result in the termination of the TE Internship status.

**It is the intern's responsibility to satisfy these requirements and track when to submit the required materials.


LEAT Process

Jamie O'Callaghan, Post Baccalaureate Specialist

CEEX 280 Internship Course Instructor

Dr.Gini Mohr, (406) 994-4762, Associate Director