ETD Formatting Advisor:

Formatting Advisor | 

For questions on ETD formatting, submission, or publication, feel free to reach out to the Formatting Advisor! The Formatting Advisor can be communicated with through email; however, students are welcome to set up a virtual appointment as needed.

The Formatting Advisor with the Graduate School helps facilitate your ETD submission. The Formatting Advisor does not provide technical or editing support and will not format your ETD for you. It is the student’s responsibility to create a professional document that conforms to the Graduate School’s formatting guidelines. They will also notify students of any changes that need to be made for a document to be approved.

Formatting Guidelines and Sample Pages

The Graduate School has formatting standards in place which all ETDs must meet before they receive final approval as a fulfillment of graduation requirements. The Sample Pages (PDF) explains these guidelines. Templates and instructions are provided below for your assistance.

Two options are available:


In order to help make your ETD accessible to everyone, we ask that you do your best to address accessibility issues when formatting your ETD.

Please review our accessibility information and check our Formatting FAQ for help with questions about formatting.


Microsoft Word and LaTeX are the most commonly used document preparation software, though students may use which ever program with which they feel comfortable. The Graduate School does not provide technical support for document preparation. Templates for Word and LaTeX are linked to below:

Microsoft Word

The Graduate School provides templates for front matter (title page, copyright page, etc.) in .docx format:

Note: the formatting requirements and Templates were updated in August 2020 to allow for a 1" left margin. Papers with 1.5" left margins are also still acceptable.

Video Tutorials & FAQ

For a walk-through on using the Word templates and commonly seen formatting errors, please visit the Video Tutorials page. For instructions on how to achieve various formatting tasks in Word, check out the Formatting FAQ.


Please review our accessibility information and do your best to address accessibility issues while formatting.


The Graduate School links to a LaTeX Template Page provided by Mechanical Engineering Professor Mark Owkes. The Graduate School does not provide technical support for LaTeX and all ETDs formatted in LaTeX must comply with all formatting guidelines. Students using LaTeX templates from this website are responsible for ensuring that the resulting document conforms to all formatting guidelines regardless of the current template configurations.

Typist/Editor List

The Graduate School maintains Typist & Editor List as a resource for students. The individuals listed are independent contractors and are not employed by The Graduate School. The Graduate School does not guarantee the availability or credentials of the individuals on this list. Fees, credentials and any other necessary information are solely the responsibility of the student hiring the typist/editor.