ariel view of campus students studying

What should I do?

  1. I have had a personal, family, or medical issue arise and need to go home.  
    Start by communicating with all of your instructors- let them know what is going on and that you will be missing class. Ask how to move forward with making up work, etc. If you will only be missing class for a short period of time, this is all you need to do. If you need to leave campus for the remainder of the semester, call the Dean of Students office (406) 994-2826 and schedule an on-call appointment with one of our deans to discuss a Leave of Absence. You may also contact Counseling & Psychological Services if emotional support is needed.             

  2. I'm having an issue with one of my professors but I don't know what to do. 

    The first step for any instructor issues-whether that be not being able to miss the necessary class for a personal emergency, or an academic or non-academic grievance- is to attempt to resolve the issue by meeting with the professor. If the issue arose over email communication, schedule an in-person meeting to discuss. If you have attempted to resolve the issue with the professor and it is not working, then schedule an on-call meeting with our office to discuss the next steps. This can be done by calling (406) 994-2826, and we recommend having some type of written communication with the instructor in question to demonstrate an attempt to resolve the issue.  

  3. I want to go to therapy or need to see a doctor but I'm not on the MSU student health insurance plan.

    You do not need MSU student health insurance coverage to use the Student Health Service or Counseling & Psychological Services. If you are enrolled in 7 credits or more, you are automatically charged a student health fee which gives you access to nurses, doctors, counselors, and psychologists. Students are only required to purchase the MSU student plan if they do not have other health insurance. Inquire at the Student Health Service about the resources available to you. 

  4. I recevied an email saying I need to meet with the Dean of Students- what do I do?
    Usually these emails will contain instructions on how to schedule a meeting. If you are still unsure about what do to, first look at the email and figure out which dean sent it. Then call our office (406) 994-2826 and let us know that you received an email and need to schedule an appointment with the dean in question.

  5. I was experiencing extenuating circumstances in a previous semester and was not able to take a leave of absence.

    Yes, you can apply for what is called a Retroactive Withdrawal for any previous semester, no matter how many years ago it happen. In order to apply for a retro, call our office at (406) 994-2826 and ask to schedule an on-call meeting with one of our deans to discuss a retroactive withdrawal.

  6. Why does the University get involved if students are in violation of the law or are arrested off campus?

    The University Student Conduct Code, Section II.B states, "Students who commit offenses against the laws of the city, state, or United States are subject to prosecution by those authorities and may be subject to disciplinary action under this code if the offenses are also violations of this code. University disciplinary proceedings may precede, follow, or take place simultaneously with criminal proceedings and will not be subject to challenge on the grounds that criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced." 

  7. I've had an emergency like my computer breaking or car issues and don't have the funds to fix it. 

    Our office provides a program called the Student Emergency Fund to help students in instances where they have a short-term, emergency financial need. The application can be accessed through an on-call meeting with one of our deans. Please call (406) 994-2826 to schedule.

  8. I'm struggling in some of my classes and don't know what to do. 
    Set up a meeting with the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success. They provide advising, tutoring, and coaching and can support students both in and out of the classroom during their time at MSU. The link to schedule can be found on the homepage of their website.