Accelerated Masters of Professional Accountancy (MPAc) Program
The Accelerated MPAc Program allows Jabs accounting students to complete the Bachelor of Science (BS) and Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAc) degrees within five years. Also known as a “4+1” or “seamless” master’s program, the accelerated MPAc program can be completed by integrating both graduate and undergraduate course requirements in the final semesters of the combined period of study. Students on the Accelerated MPAc track can reserve up to 12 credits of coursework for their MPAc degree while undergraduates. In their fifth year, these students complete the remaining MPAc graduate work.
Credit Requirements
In total, as an Accelerated MPAc student you would take 120 credits to earn a B.S in Business Accounting and an additional 30 graduate credits to earn your MPAc degree. Together the program total of 150 credits which satisfies the Montana Certified Public Accounting (CPA) licensure requirement.
Admission Requirements
To be considered for the Accelerated MPAc track you must meet the following requirements:
- By the Fall of your third year your GPA must be at least 3.25 or 3.3 in upper-division business & accounting coursework,
- By the end of Fall of your third year you must have at least 75 credits
- During your third year submit an Accelerated MPAc Pre-Qualifying Application
- If admitted, you will be asked to apply to the Graduate School, per this guidance
To continue to the MPAc degree you must meet the following requirements:
- You must finish you BS in Business Accounting degree (i.e., graduate)
- You must have completed an application to the Graduate School and have been admitted
First Year
- Incoming freshmen are advised about the possibility of following theAccelerated MPAc degree map.
- Students who elect to follow the Accelerated BS/MPAc plan schedule their classes in Degree Works to track theAccelerated MPAc degree mapand assigned to a dedicated advisor.
Third Year
1) Qualifying Pre-Application: To start reserving the 12 credits towards their graduate degree, students must apply to be admitted to the Accelerated MPAc track. To apply, complete this Qualifying Pre-Application.
- The Jabs Office of Student Services (OSS) will inform you if you are accepted into the Accelerated MPAc track.
2) Apply to the Graduate School: After you are accepted to the Accelerated MPAc track, you must then apply to the Graduate School. Your application should set the start date for your degree as the semester after your BS graduation date.
- Be sure to contact MSU Financial Aid to ensure you understand any implications of reserving credit.
Fourth Year
- Accelerated MPAc students may reserve up to 12 credits towards the MPAc degree. To reserve the credits, the students meet with the MPAc Director, Dr. Marc Giullian, who approves each semester plan and adds a note “Accelerated student- Approved Courses: “listing the approved reserved course(s) for the semester. The Registrar office will see these notes and enroll students in the courses.
Summer of the fourth year
- Accelerated MPAc students are fully admitted to the Graduate School after they finish their undergraduate degree.
Fall of fifth year
- Accelerated MPAc students file their Program of Study.
Spring of fifth year
- Accelerated MPAc students submit their Graduation Application.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, provided you meet the requirements for admission to the Accelerated MPAc program
by Fall semester of your third year.
Even if you are not accepted into the Accelerated MPAc Program, you may still reserve
up to 9 credits for your graduate degree.
Yes, provided you meet the requirements for admission to the Accelerated MPAc program
by the Fall of your third year. To do so, you may take Summer classes.
Even if you are not accepted into the Accelerated MPAc program, you may still reserve up to 9 credits for your graduate degree.
No, the intent of this program is to help MSU undergraduate students earn both their bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in 5-years.
Our 30-credit MPAc program is designed to be completed in 1 year. The MPAc Accelerated program is not necessary for you to complete your MPAc degree in one year.