As of 8/8/2024, users will need to go through the DUO process to connect remotely to a computer. 

Windows Remote Desktop Connection allows you to remotely connect to another computer running Windows and then be able access and use all of the programs and files on that computer. Both computers must be running Windows.  

For the sake of clarity the instructions below are written with the assumption that you are connecting to your work computer from your home computer. Your work computer is the one being enabled to accept a Remote Desktop connection. Choose instructions for the OS of your work computer (the computer being accessed).

Please Note:  Access to Windows Remote Desktop TCP port 3389 is now blocked by default to your desktop. To gain access you will need to do one of the following:

  1. Add an exception to allow remote administration to your desktop.
  2. Connect to MSU VPN before using Windows Remote Desktop Connection.

For additional assistance please contact the Service Desk Desk (994-1777).

Connect to a Windows 10 computer

When prompted for username and password enter your MSU NetID and password.