User Roles
Shopper - Student employees and graduate students are Shoppers, can search and add items to their cart. Shoppers can only assign their cart to a Requester for them to review and place the requisition.
Requester – All permanent faculty and staff. Can submit requisitions/carts and are ultimately responsible for completing mandatory fields on requisitions.
Approver - Are responsible for reviewing and approving the Requisitions, Purchase Orders or Invoices.
Forms for Buying and Paying
Punchout Catalog - Shopping experience maintained on the Supplier’s website. Connects directly to the vendor’s website. It will look and behave like you are shopping on the vendor's website.
Non-Catalog Requisition - Process to initiate a purchase for goods and/or services that are not available in a punchout or hosted catalog. In most cases, Requestors should obtain a quote from a supplier to attach to the requisition.
Hosted Catalog - Internal ordering that provides access to Supplier’s negotiated prices but is maintained within SmartBuyMSU.
Payment Request (Non-PO) – Also referred to as a Non-PO Payment Request. Used to pay invoices when a PO is not Required. See Non-PO list.
After The Fact Request – Used to obtain retroactive approval for a purchase that should have gone through SmartBuyMSU. Does not send a PO to a Supplier.
Future Funding Approval Form –Requisition to replace PD-1 for Funding Approval for formal solicitations, Does not place order, and does not encumber funds. Requisition number (and form) is also referred to as a FFAN (Future Funding Approval Number)
Legacy Agreement Payment Request – Used to replace BPAs to pay for contracted purchases that Pre-date SmartBuyMSU
General Terms
Requisition – A cart that has been reviewed and submitted by a requester. The requisition goes through an approval workflow for review.
Purchase Order (PO) – Automatically Generated by SmartBuyMSU after a Requisition has been approved. SmartBuyMSU sends PO to the supplier to initiate the purchase.
Change Request - Change Requests are changes to a PO that can only be entered when a Requisition has been fully approved and has generated a Purchase Order.
Receipt – Electronic record that goods or services are received. Required to authorize funds to be released for invoices on requisitions. Requestors must initiate receipt on all POs for goods over $5,000 or all services.
Invoice – Document from a supplier requesting payment for delivery of goods and services.
Contract Request Form - Process to initiate creation of a contract for services.
Commodity Codes - A code which categorizes the product or service being purchased. MSU uses UNSPSC codes. Used for spend analysis.
Supplier – any company or individual the University does business with or submits payments to
Catalog Supplier – Any Supplier that has either a punchout or hosted Catalog in SmartBuyMSU
Supplier Request Form – Process to initiate a supplier to be invited to register in SmartBuyMSU
Credit Memo - created when money is owed back to the university. Credit memos are created in the same manner as invoices except they are marked as credits instead of debits