Third party contractors/vendors/performers (“Insured”) performing services/events/or seeking to use facilities at Montana State University (“Certificate Holder”) are required to carry the types and limits of insurance shown below, and to provide MSU SRM with a Certificate of Insurance. The Certificate shall be executed by a duly authorized representative of the Insurer, showing compliance with the insurance requirements below.

All Insurers shall have an AM Best rating (or equivalent) of A- or better and be licensed and admitted in the state of Montana. All coverage shall be written as primary policies and not contributing to or in excess of any coverage may the university choose to maintain.

All contractors/vendors should carry the following minimum insurance limits, unless approved in advance by MSU SRM and/or MSU Legal Counsel:

  • Commercial General Liability, including bodily injury and property damage: $1,000,000 per occurrence (can be a combined single limit), and $2,000,000 aggregate.
  • Automobile Liability, including bodily injury and property damage: split limits of $500,000 per person; $1M per accident occurrence  (personal injury); and $100,000 per accident occurrence (property damage) OR combined single limits of $1M per occurrence/any auto. Coverage should include Non-owned and Hired auto  coverage.
  • If applicable, Professional Liability, including Errors & Omissions insurance of not less than $1,000,000 on a “claims made” basis, to cover claims made during the policy period and reported within three years of the date of occurrence, referred to as “tail coverage”.  This is needed because some contracts require that a “tail” be provided for Professional Liability coverage.
  • If applicable, Liquor Liability in the amount of $1,000,000. State of Montana and Montana State University are required to be named as Additional Insured via endorsement to their policy for all events that include alcohol (unless using the university’s contracted alcohol vendor).
  • If applicable, owned or non-owned aircraft liability insurance coverage on an occurrence basis with at least $2,000,000 per occurrence with a sublimit for invasion of privacy of no less than $50,000. If there is an aggregate limit, it must be at least twice the required occurrence limit.
  • If applicable, Workers' Compensation following Montana statutory limits, to include $1,000,000 Employer’s Liability. Certain employers may be exempt from Workers' Compensation. If so, a letter attesting to the exemption must be provided.

These are the most common limits requested by the university. Other lines of insurance coverage may be required for certain types of exposure, and limits of liability may vary depending on the type of agreement or contract. The university reserves the right to require higher limits from a contractor or vendor for a particular project, or event based on the scope of work and associated risks to the university, or anticipated number of attendees.

By requiring this insurance, the university does not represent that coverage and limits will necessarily be adequate to protect the Insured, and such coverage and limits shall not be deemed as a limitation on the Insured’s liability. All agreements/contracts shall provide for thirty (30) days’ written notice to the university prior to cancellation or material change of any insurance referred to in the provided certificate.

Please contact the Insurance Manager at or (406)994-6888.