EELE 417/517: Acoustics and Audio Engineering
Fall Semester 2018
LECTURE: Section 1 (CRN 25143/25144), MWF 12:00-12:50PM, Cheever 214
Topics and Notes Summary (last update 11/14/2018):
DATE | Comment |
Nov. 16 (Fri) |
Loudspeakers, start audio electronics . |
Nov. 14 (Wed) | Exams returned; discussion of authoritative references |
Nov. 12 (Mon) | Veterans Day Holiday (no MSU classes this day) |
Nov. 9 (Fri) | Exam #2 in class. |
Nov. 7 (Wed) |
Microphones, start loudspeakers, exam review. Assigned: Course term papers: Notes on authoritative references and plagiarism. |
Nov. 5 (Mon) | Transducers: microphones and loudspeakers (cont.) |
Nov. 2 (Fri) | TOUR of Montana PBS studios. MEET in the upper lobby of the Visual Communications Building at noon (do not go to the regular classroom). |
Oct. 31 (Wed) |
D2L Quiz 5 assigned (due by class time on 11/9/18). Transducers: microphones and loudspeakers . Reminder: mid-term #2 in class on Fri. Nov. 9. Example "practice exam." |
Oct. 29 (Mon) | Sabine equation examples (cont.) |
Oct. 26 (Fri) | Sabine equation and reverberation estimation. |
Oct. 24 (Wed) | Sound isolation and environmental acoustics (cont.) |
Oct. 22 (Mon) |
Environmental and architectural acoustical considerations (Chapter 13, then Chapter 12). Determining sound transmission class (STC), and example wall partitions. |
Oct. 19 (Fri) | No class (instructor out of town) |
Oct. 17 (Wed) | Guest Lecture: Prof. Ross Snider |
Oct. 15 (Mon) |
Computer piston radiator homework due at the start of class. NOTE: special due date extension granted until noon on Tuesday 16 Oct.
Oct. 12 (Fri) |
Strengths and weaknesses of the human hearing system. Note on computer homework assignment: Question about the off-axis angle of the 4 cm driver as a function of the observation angle, theta. One way is to think of it as a two vector problem. Vector #1 is the axis of the 4 cm driver and remains fixed, while Vector #2 is the "r4" vector from the center of the 4 cm driver down to the observation arc 2 meters from the lower driver. Choose the origin (0,0,0) to be at the center of the 4 cm driver. Then the axis vector
Vector #1 can be represented (x, y, z) as (2,0,0), and the Vector #2 is the position
on the observation arc, represented by So you have two vectors as a function of theta12, and need to find the angle between those vectors, which is the off-axis angle for the 4 cm driver. Recall that the vector cross product relates the vectors and the angle between them, gamma. | V1 x V2 | = |V1| |V2| sin(gamma) . See if you can use this viewpoint and the Cartesian cross product calculation to find the angle information you need. |
Oct. 10 (Wed) |
Anatomy and function of the ear (cont.) . |
Oct. 8 (Mon) |
Start physiology and psychology of human hearing (ch. 11). Hearing system: frequency response of the ear. . Computer homework problem assigned. Due at the start of class on 10/15/18. |
Oct. 5 (Fri) | No class this day (instructor out of town) |
Oct. 3 (Wed) |
Finish plane piston model; Assignment: Read chapter 11. Quiz #2 assigned on D2L. Due by class time on Oct. 10. |
Oct. 1 (Mon) |
Return exams. Plane circular piston: near field on-axis and far field off-axis. |
Sept. 28 (Fri) | Exam #1 in class. |
Sept. 26 (Wed) | "Simple source" model for sources with ka <<1. Start consideration of plane circular piston model for loudspeaker driver. |
Sept. 24 (Mon) |
Review for Exam 1, to be held in class on Friday, Sept. 28. Coverage of Chapter 1, Chapter 5, and perhaps one question on Chapter 7 material. Exam is open book and open notes. Bring a calculator and pencil. Spherical sound sources and acoustics of a small pulsating sphere model. |
Sept. 21 (Fri) |
Begin Chapter 7: radiation and reception of acoustic waves Spherical sound sources and acoustics of a small pulsating sphere model. |
Sept. 19 (Wed) |
Decibel and weighting functions. Notes on the Decibel Scale for engineering Reminder: D2L quiz due by class time. Assignment: practice problems 5.12.3, 5.12.12, and 5.13.2, from Kinsler and Frey. Note: Exam #1 is planned for Friday, Sept. 28, in class. More info to follow soon. |
Sept. 17 (Mon) | Spherical waves, complex specific acoustic impedance. |
Sept. 14 (Fri) | Speed of sound experiment. Spherical waves and acoustic impedance. |
Sept. 12 (Wed) |
Ch. 5 (cont.): linear acoustic wave equation, plane waves, particle speed, and specific acoustic impedance. Assignment: Practice problems (not collected) 1.13.3 (note that a âtâ is missing in the cos argument), 1.15.7, 5.2.4, and 5.6.2 . D2L quiz #2 assigned: two attempts by class time on 9/19/18. |
Sept. 10 (Mon) |
Linear acoustic wave equation (cont.) |
Sept. 7 (Fri) | The linear acoustic wave equation: symbols and fundamentals.
Assignment: Read Chapter 5 of the K&F textbook. |
Sept. 5 (Wed) |
Damped oscillators, Driven oscillators, and electrical analogies. Reminder: D2L quiz due by 11:30PM on Friday. |
Sept. 3 (Mon) |
No class this day: Labor Day holiday (University Holiday--no classes, offices closed). |
Aug. 31 (Fri) |
No class this day: instructor out of town. Assignment: Practice Problems #1: three problems from the K&F text: 1.3.2, 1.3.3C, 1.6.1 . Read and understand Chapter 1 of the K&F textbook, then work on the homework #1 practice
problems. Your problem solutions will NOT be collected. These are simply practice
problems for your own preparation. |
Aug. 29 (Wed) |
Basic units and acoustical quantities. Review of simple oscillators. Assignment: Read Chapter 1 of Kinsler and Frey. |
Aug. 27 (Mon) |
First class meeting at noon in Cheever 214. EELE 417 course introduction and some listening experiments. Go over the syllabus and course expectations/goals/policies. |