EELE 250: Circuits, Devices, and Motors
Fall Semester 2013
Section 1 (CRN 21732), MWF 11:00-11:50AM, Roberts Hall 101
Topics and Notes Summary (updated 12/5/2013):
Dec. 6 (Fri) |
Course review and problem session (cont.) Congratulations--last day of class!
Dec. 4 (Wed) |
Course review and problem session Example final exam for practice. Here is a solution summary for the practice final exam.
Dec. 2 (Mon) |
Wrapping up EELE 250: projects and building blocks Reminder: Lab #9 this week (last one). Don't forget the prelab, and meet directly in EPS 119. Wednesday and Friday this week will be review and problem sessions (in class). Bring your questions from prior exams, quizzes, and practice problems! Final exam is Tuesday morning, 8AM. The final will be comprehensive. You may bring up to 3 handwritten sheets of notes, a calculator, and pen/pencil. A young competitor making sure he "smokes" the Huffing for Stuffing turkey (11/28/13).
Nov. 25 (Mon) |
Transistors (cont.) NOTE no class on Wednesday or Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday break. We will work on Lab #9 (last one) after break. If you are going to be in Bozeman on Thanksgiving Day, please plan to join in the Huffing for Stuffing event (run OR walk OR volunteer) that benefits the Food Bank. Your instructor will once again be the costumed male turkey runner in the 5km: "smoke" the turkey and you get a prize! Ladies, there is a female turkey runner in the 5km, too. Thanksgiving holiday
Nov. 22 (Fri) |
Semiconductors: diodes, triacs, transistors NOTE that there were some precision problems with the automatic grading on D2L Quiz #9. The problems should be fixed as of 5:30PM on 11/22/13. A few of you who took the quiz earlier have had your grades corrected manually. Sorry for the confusion with the D2L setup. Here is Lab #9 (last one). Note that there is a prelab assignment. This lab will be performed during the last week of class (12/3 and 12/4). Go directly to EPS 119 (power lab) at your assigned lab time that week.
Nov. 20 (Wed) |
Motors (cont.) and simple DC power supply concepts Quiz #9 is posted to D2L. It is due by 5PM on Monday, Nov. 25.
Nov. 18 (Mon) |
Motors (cont.) Exam #3 returned in class {avg. 90% (80/90); 28 scores of 100%} No lab this week or next week. Last lab will be held during the last week of class (12/3 and 12/4). Quiz #9 (last one!) will be posted later this week. Reminder: final exam will be held at 8AM on Tuesday, 12/10/13. The final will be comprehensive. You may bring up to 3 handwritten sheets of notes, a calculator, and pen/pencil.
Nov. 15 (Fri) |
Midterm Exam #3 in class Covers material on Operational Amplifiers (lectures, labs, practice problems, quiz problems) Closed book. You may prepare one 8.5 x 11 sheet of handwritten notes, and bring a pencil and a calculator. Format: Mix of multiple choice and short answer questions.
Nov. 13 (Wed) |
Motors (cont.) Read 16.1 - 16.3 No quiz this week. Lab #8 this week. No labs the week of 11/18 or the week of 11/25. Lab #9 (last) will be week of 12/2. For those of you interested in additional op amp review, I have made available an online tutorial system from our textbook publisher. Please follow these instructions to sign up, and give it a try!
Nov. 11 (Mon) |
Veterans Day Holiday -- No MSU classes this day. To all of our veterans: Thank you for your service to our country.
Nov. 8 (Fri) |
Motors Assignment: Here is a practice exam in preparation for exam #3. Practice exam solution. For next week we will work on Lab #8. There is no prelab assignment, but print a copy of the lab and review the steps required. Remember to go directly to EPS 119 for the lab session. For those of you interested in additional op amp review, I have made available an online tutorial system from our textbook publisher. Please follow these instructions to sign up, and give it a try!
Nov. 6 (Wed) |
Inductance and Transformers Assignment: Practice problems: P15.7, P15.12, P15.37, P15.62, P15.63, P15.68 Practice problem solutions. No quiz this weekend. For next week we will work on Lab #8. This lab will take place in the POWER LAB, which is EPS 119. Do not go to your regular lab room next week, go directly to EPS 119. Reminder that exam #3 will be held in class on Friday, November 15.
Nov. 4 (Mon) |
Magnetic fields and inductance No quiz or labs this week. Read from the text: Chapter 15
Nov. 1 (Fri) |
Three-phase power and electrical power circuitry Reminder: Quiz 8 due by class time Monday, and no labs next week. Read from the text: 5.7 and 15.1 - 15.2
Oct. 30 (Wed) |
Op amps (cont.); begin discussion of three-phase power D2L quiz #8 is posted. Due date is next Monday at the start of class. Reminder that your lab TA will be collecting and grading the lab notebooks again this week. Turn in your notebook to your TA's office (628 Cobleigh) before 2:00PM on Friday 11/1/13.
Oct. 28 (Mon) |
Op amps (cont.) Look for D2L quiz later this week. Lab #7. This lab will use operational amplifiers, and requires some extra study and a prelab DESIGN exercise. Be sure to allow time to study the lab and read the material from chapter 14. NOTE that your lab TA will be collecting and grading the lab notebooks again this week. Turn in your notebook to your TA's office (628 Cobleigh) before 2:00PM on Friday 11/1/13.
Oct. 25 (Fri) |
Op amps (cont.) Non-inverting op amp configuration Inverting summer configuration Other useful op amp circuits involving resistors, capacitors, and diodes Assignment: Practice problems: P14.19, P14.20, P14.22, P14.23, P14.32 Practice problem solutions. No quiz this weekend. For next week we will work on Lab #7. This lab will use operational amplifiers, and requires some extra study and a prelab DESIGN exercise. Be sure to allow time to study the lab and read the material from chapter 14. NOTE that your lab TA will be collecting and grading the lab notebooks again this coming week. Turn in your notebook to your TA's office (628 Cobleigh) before 2:00PM on Friday 11/1/13.
Oct. 23 (Wed) |
Midterm Exam #2 in class Covers primarily material from chapters 4 and 5. Closed book. You may prepare one 8.5x11 sheet of handwritten notes, and bring a pencil and a calculator. Format: Mix of multiple choice and short answer questions.
Oct. 21 (Mon) |
Op amps (cont.) Negative feedback and the ideal op amp analysis assumptions Inverting op amp configuration
Oct. 18 (Fri) |
No EELE 250 lecture this day (instructor out of town)
Oct. 16 (Wed) |
Exam review and in-class practice problem session, Just for practice, here is an example of the second exam from a prior semester. Here are the solutions for the practice exam 2. For next week we will work on Lab #6. This lab will use operational amplifiers, and requires some extra study and prelab work. Be sure to allow time to study the lab and read the material from chapter 14.
Oct. 14 (Mon) |
Frequency response in AC circuits; start discussion of op amps Assignment: Read 11.1 AND 14.1-14.3 (amplifiers and op amps) Practice problems: P11.4, P11.8 Practice problem solutions. D2L Quiz #7 is due by 11AM on Monday 14 Oct. There will be NO QUIZ later this week. There are NO LABS this week. Exam #2: in class on Wednesday 23 Oct.
Oct. 11 (Fri) |
Diodes and AC frequency response D2L Quiz #7 this week. It is due by 11AM on Monday 14 Oct. No EELE 250 labs next week (10/15-10/16) EELE 250 will NOT meet on Friday 18 October (lecture cancelled that day).
Oct. 9 (Wed) |
Impedance and power calculations AC circuits Assignment: D2L Quiz #7 this week. It is due by 11AM on Monday 14 Oct. Lab #5 this week; no EELE 250 labs next week (10/15-10/16) There were several questions about problems 8, 9, and 10 on Quiz #6. Here are example solutions to those quiz problems.
Oct. 7 (Mon) |
Impedance and power calculations AC circuits Assignment: Read 5.5-5.6, 6.2, AND 10.1 10.6 (diodes) Practice problems: P5.63, P5.68, P5.77, P5.85 Practice problem solutions. D2L Quiz #7 will be posted this week. It is due by 11AM on Monday 14 Oct. REMINDER: Lab #5 will be performed this week be sure to do the pre-lab assignment calculations! Exam #2: in class on Wednesday 23 Oct.
Oct. 4 (Fri) |
Steady-State AC analysis (cont.) Work on phasor and impedance problems. Next week: Lab #5. Be sure to do prelab before your lab session! If your familiarity with complex numbers and complex arithmetic is a bit rusty, please
take a few minutes to review Appendix A in the textbook. It has a good summary and
overview of complex notation. 1 / j = -j
Oct. 2 (Wed) |
Steady-State AC analysis Assignment: Read 5.1 - 5.6 Practice Problems: P5.16, P5.23, P5.25, P5.34, P5.38 Practice problem solutions. D2L Quiz #6, due by 11AM on Monday, Oct. 7. Next week: work on Lab #5. Advance notice: Exam #2 will be held in class on Wednesday 23 Oct.
Sept. 30 (Mon) |
EELE 250 lecture is CANCELLED for Monday, September 30. Labs WILL be held this week.
Sept. 27 (Fri) |
Transient analysis: capacitors and inductors (cont.) SPECIAL NOTE: EELE 250 lecture is CANCELLED for Monday, September 30. There was a question about Quiz #4 problem 2: here is an example solution to that problem. Assignment: D2L Quiz #5, due by 11AM on Monday, Sept. 30. Next week: work on Lab #4. There is a prelab assignment that you need to complete and hand in at the start of your lab period. Here are a few notes about the lab instrument called the oscilloscope.
Sept. 25 (Wed) |
Transient analysis: capacitors and inductors SPECIAL NOTE: EELE 250 lecture is CANCELLED for Monday, September 30. Please use that time to work on practice problems, your prelab for Lab #4, etc. Reminder: the problems of interest to us can be solved using a standard form of solution. No need to prove the differential equation each time! RC circuits: (1) Find the capacitor voltage for t=0 ("V0") and for t→∞ ("V∞") RL circuits: (1) Find the inductor current for t=0 ("I0") and for t→∞ ("I∞") Assignment: Chapters 4 and 5 in the textbook. D2L Quiz #5, due by 11AM on Monday, Sept. 30. Next week: work on Lab #4. There is a prelab assignment that you need to complete and hand in at the start of your lab period. Your lab notebooks have been graded: pick them up from outside the TAs' office 628 Cobleigh.
Sept. 23 (Mon) |
Capacitors and inductors Assignment: Read 4.1 - 4.3 AND 5.1 - 5.4 Practice Problems: P3.60, 3.64, 3.72 Practice problems solutions. D2L Quiz #4 is due by 11AM on Monday, Sept. 23 Wednesday, Sept. 25. Quiz #5 will be posted on Wednesday, and it is due by 11AM on Monday, Sept. 30. Reminder: no lab meetings this week.
Sept. 20 (Fri) |
Capacitors and RC circuits [continue lecture 8] Exam results discussion. Average 61/80 (76.5%); median 63/80 (78.8%); High score
80/80 (10 students). Assignment: D2L Quiz #4 is posted. It is due by 11AM on WEDNESDAY, Sept. 25. No lab meetings next week (9/24, 9/25). REMEMBER that your lab TA will be collecting and grading your lab notebooks this week. Turn in your notebook to your TA's office (628 Cobleigh) before 2:00PM on Friday 9/20/13 (today).
Sept. 18 (Wed) |
Midterm Exam #1 in class
Sept. 16 (Mon) |
Exam review Start Capacitors and RC circuits Assignment: Read 3.4 - 3.7, AND 4.1 - 4.3 Practice Problems: P2.57, P2.59, P2.91 <--note that these involve controlled sources Practice problem solutions. D2L Quiz #4 will be posted this week. It is due by 11AM on Monday, Sept. 23 Wednesday, Sept. 25. Lab #3 this week, and remember to do the prelab BEFOREHAND! [Lab#3] Your lab TA will be collecting and grading your lab notebook after the Lab #3 experiment. Turn in your notebook to your TA's office (628 Cobleigh) before 2:00PM on Friday 9/20/13. Reminder: Exam #1 will be held in class on Wednesday 9/18/13. Here are the solutions for the practice exam 1.
Sept. 13 (Fri) |
Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, power transfer, and superposition (cont.) [cont. lecture 7] Assignment: D2L Quiz #3 due by class time next Monday, September 16. Lab #3 this coming week, and remember to do the prelab BEFOREHAND! [Lab#3] Your lab TA will be collecting and grading your lab notebook after the Lab #3 experiment. Turn in your notebook to your TA's office (628 Cobleigh) before 2:00PM on Friday 9/20/13. Reminder: Exam #1 will be held in class on Wednesday 9/18/13. Just for practice, here is an example of the first exam from a prior semester. Practice exam solution.
Sept. 11 (Wed) |
Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, power transfer, and superposition Assignment: D2L Quiz #3 will be posted Wednesday. The quiz is due by class time next Monday, September 16. You have two attempts, and the grade is based on the highest attempt. Reminder: there will be a special (optional) PROBLEM / REVIEW SESSION as exam preparation on: Thursday 9/12/13 4:00PM in Cobleigh 608 (ECE Conf. Room).
Sept. 9 (Mon) |
Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits Assignment: For this week: Read 3.1 - 3.3. Additional practice problems: T2.2, T2.4, T2.5 Additional problem solutions. TAKE D2L QUIZ #2 by Monday 9/9/13 at class time. D2L Quiz #3 will be posted Wednesday. Lab #2 this week, and remember to do the prelab BEFOREHAND! [Lab#2] Exam #1 will be held in class on WEDNESDAY, September 18. Covers material from chapters 1 and 2. Closed book. You may prepare one 8.5x11 sheet of handwritten notes, and bring a pencil and a calculator. Format: Mix of multiple choice and short answer questions. PROBLEM / REVIEW SESSION: Thursday 9/12/13 4:00PM in Cobleigh 608 (ECE Conf. Room).
Sept. 6 (Fri) |
Node and Mesh Analysis (cont.) Assignment: For next week: review text section 2.6 on Thevenin and Norton circuits. TAKE D2L QUIZ #2 by Monday 9/9/13 at class time. Lab #2 for 9/10-9/11 has a PRELAB assignment that you must complete BEFORE you arrive at the lab session. Your lab TA will collect the prelab sheets for grading at the start of your lab session. [Lab#2] NOTE: Exam #1 will be held in class on WEDNESDAY, September 18. Coverage will be from chapters 1 and 2. Chapter 1 practice problem solutions. Chapter 2 practice problem solutions.
Sept. 4 (Wed) |
Node and Mesh Analysis Assignment: TAKE D2L QUIZ #2 by Monday 9/9/13 at class time. This quiz involves node and mesh analysis, so you will need to be able to solve a set of equations for the unknown values. Be sure to do the practice problems before taking the quiz. You have two attempts at the quiz, and the grade will be based on your highest score. Each attempt must be completed in 2 hours. Note that a "practice-only" (optional) copy of quiz 2 will be posted later if you want to use if for review.
Sept. 2 (Mon) |
Labor Day Holiday (no classes, offices closed) NOTE that the labs WILL meet the second week of class, beginning Tues 8:00AM.
Aug. 30 (Fri) |
Series and Parallel Resistors, Voltage dividers, Current dividers Assignment: TAKE D2L QUIZ by Friday at 5PM. Note that a "practice-only" (optional) copy of quiz 1 will be posted later if you want to use if for review. Register your i-clicker if you have not done so already. Obtain a lab notebook, as described in the syllabus. You will need a lab parts kit (no cost for engineering students who have paid the Program Fee), and a solderless breadboard. The parts kit and the breadboard are available from theECE Stockroom, 622 Cobleigh Hall. There are two choices of breadboard: a smaller, basic board for $12.50, and a larger
board for $25. The small board will be sufficient for EELE 250, but if you think
you might be doing any basic electronic work after this class, getting the larger
board could be a better way to go. Download and print the Lab Cover Sheet for your notebook, and the Lab #1 experiment: bring your lab kit, lab notebook, and these write-ups with you to your lab section next week! [Cover Sheet] [Lab#1] [multimeter guide]
Aug. 28 (Wed) |
Circuits: nodes, branches, and loops. Node voltage, voltage drop, KVL, KCL, R, Ohm's Law Assignment: Read 1.1 through 1.7; and 2.1 through 2.3 Do practice problems before Friday, Sept. 6: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 practice problem solutions. Chapter 2: Chapter 2 practice problem solutions. Note that practice problems are MANDATORY for you to do, but they are NOT turned in.
Aug. 26 (Mon) |
First class day. Meet 11:00AM, Roberts Hall room 101 Introduction and class expectations. Link to course syllabus. Review of electrical charge, current, voltage, power, energy, etc. NOTE that the labs will NOT meet the first week of class. |