Faculty members who serve as Principal Investigators (PIs) who include and pay Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) and undergraduate research support salaries from OSP funding sources with F&As will be eligible to receive a percentage return from the VPRED. Under the IRD program, PIs will receive 20% of the F&A generated by expenditures in GRA account codes 61127 and 61127A and undergraduate research support account codes 61225, 61226, 61227, and 61228 per semester up to a maximum of $15,000 per semester (fall, spring, summer).

IRD is an F&A reinvestment program. Faculty members who serve as Principal Investigators (PIs) who include and pay Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) and undergraduate research support salaries from OSP funding sources with F&As will be eligible to receive IRD. PIs will receive 20% of the F&A generated by expenditures in GRA account codes 61127 and 61127A and undergraduate research support account codes 61225, 61226, 61227, and 61228 per semester up to a maximum of $15,000 per semester (fall, spring, summer).

These funds are to be used to further support the research mission at MSU. Types of expenditures may include travel, equipment, supplies, student and research personnel salaries, tuition and fees and service agreements. Per MSU policy, IRD expenditures are subject to a 6% administrative fee, assessed by the Vice President for Administration and Finance Office.

One fund/index for each PI will be established by the Research and Economic Development (RED) Office. Funds will be deposited after each semester in January, June and August. The PI’s home department / organization number will be utilized for the designated fund/index set up.  A standard naming nomenclature of “IRD Support PI Last Name” will be used. Funds will be managed by the appropriate departmental or Fiscal Shared Services (FSS) personnel and any remaining cash balance at the end of each fiscal year can be carried forward to the next year. Any overspent fund/index numbers will be the responsibility of the PI and department to handle. If a PI transfers to a new department/org, a new fund/index can be established to move any remaining balance to the new location. When a PI leaves MSU, any remaining balance will return to the VPRED. 

Prior to subsequent disbursements a review of the current cash balance in the PI’s fund/index will be determined to see if an additional distribution can be made. If the PI’s fund/index balance is greater than $15,000 when new distributions are being calculated, no distribution will occur for that semester. Calculations will not accumulate or be done retroactively, and undistributed amounts will revert to the central pool in RED. The distributed funds will be reflected as income (account code 53360G) and the description will state which semester was involved (e.g. “IRD GRA FY21 Fall”). PIs can begin spending once funds have been received, NO expenditures can occur in advance of deposits.