Using the Core Reserve Fund
How to use the core reserve
To request reserve funds, fill out the DocuSign power form linked below. Please retain your completed and signed form as backup documentation. Transactions posted to the reserve index which do not correspond to an approved request form will be declined or corrected to the core’s sales & service index.
Appropriate uses of the reserve fund
Reserve funds are allocated to minimize the downtime of a core’s critical resources due to circumstances which could not have been reasonably anticipated and budgeted for. Such circumstances could include:
- Damage by a facility user
- Damage due to natural disasters
- Technological failures not arising due to neglect
- Other (please justify your claim on the request form)
Reserve funds may not be used for the following:
- Coverage at fiscal year end for lower than projected revenues
- Routine maintenance expenses
- Foreseeable repairs/replacements which can be planned and budgeted for
- Non-essential, non-time sensitive purchases that can be reasonably delayed until the next fiscal year
Other funding sources
If your need is not eligible for reserve funding, consider using sales & service, RED Support, or recharge funds instead of the reserve. Additionally, the core facilities grant program (CFGP) is a good source of mid-year equipment repair/replacement funding.
Report your incident
A report of incident form should be completed and submitted to Safety & Risk Management (SRM) within 24 hours of any damage to state-owned property, research instrumentation included. For more information about incident reporting, please refer to SRM’s reporting guidance. Do not arrange for any repair work until you hear from MSU’s insurance manager. Deductibles for insurance claims may be paid with reserve funding.