Healthcare and Policy
Principal Investigator:
Peter Buerhaus, Ph.D, Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies and Professor, College of Nursing
The nation's healthcare system faces extraordinary challenges that affect not only
the health of citizens and communities, but the nation’s fiscal health and the role
of government.
This research program will support and provide leadership to healthcare-related research projects and investigators, including helping identify emerging policy issues.
Peter Buerhaus, a professor of nursing and director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies, is a nurse and healthcare economist who is well-known for his studies and publications focused on the nursing and physician workforces in the United States. He serves on the Board of Directors for Academy Health, the nation’s premier association of health services and health policy researchers, as well as on the Bozeman Health Board of Directors.
Before coming to Montana State University in 2016, Dr. Buerhaus was the Valere Potter Distinguished Professor of Nursing (2000-2015) and Senior Associate Dean for Research (2000-2007) at the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Professor of Health Policy at Vanderbilt University’s Department of Health Policy (2013-2015), and assistant professor of health policy and management at Harvard School of Public Health (1992-2000). During the 1980s he served as assistant to the Vice Provost for Medical Affairs, the chief executive of the University of Michigan Medical Center (1987-1990), and as assistant to the chief executive officer of the University of Michigan Medical Center’s seven teaching hospitals (1983-1986).