

Degrees Held:

BSc in Chemical Technology

MSc in Psychology MSc in Brain Imaging and Cognitive Neuroscience

Preferred email address:


Memory and Aging Lab


Dr. Michelle Meade

Research Interests:

How social interaction influences memory and learning


Dean’s Honor List, The Education University of Hong Kong, 2017-2018 

Meritorious Fellowship Award, Montana State University, 2021                                             

College of Letters and Science Dean’s Travel Fund Spring 2022 Award                                 

College of Letters and Science Dean’s Travel Fund Fall 2022 Award                                     

Graduate Student Award Outstanding Performance in Research, 2023 

College of Letters and Science Dean's Travel Fund Fall 2023 Award                                      

Graduate Professional Advancement Grant Fall 2023 Award                                                     

Graduate Student Award Outstanding Performance in Research, 2024                                                                               

Psychonomic Society: Yates Student Travel Award 2024 


Wei, Y., Charbonneau, B., Meade, M. L. & Hutchison, K. A. (in press). Examining the Time Course of Post Collaborative Benefits across Word Lists and Prose Passages. Memory & Cognition 

Pre-registered Report:

Wei, Y., Meade, M. L. & Soderstrom, N. C. (in principle acceptance). Reviewing Notes in Groups Improves Test Performance, but Only When the Review Delay Is Long. Memory 


Meade, M. L., Wei, Y., Giannakopoulos, K. L., & De Silva, N. N. (2023)Social contagion:  Remembering with others can distort memoryIn L. M. Bietti & M. Pogačar (Eds.)The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Memory Studies.  Palgrave Springer Nature Press. 

Conference Presentations:

Wei, Y., Meade, M. L. & Soderstrom, N. C. Metacognition about collaborative learning: Students’ beliefs are inconsistent with their learning preferences. Poster presented at the meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association. Salt Lake City, UT, April 2022. 

Wei, Y., Meade, M. L. & Soderstrom, N. C. Metacognition about collaborative learning: Students’ beliefs are inconsistent with their learning preferences. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Boston, MA, November 2022. 

Wei, Y., Meade, M. L. & Soderstrom, N. C. Two Heads Are Better Than One: Quizzing Each Other In A Group Is Better Than Self Testing. Poster presented at the meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association. Albuquerque, NM, April 2023. 

Wei, Y., Charbonneau, B., Meade, M. L. & Hutchison, K. A. Examining the Time Course of Collaborative Inhibition and Post Collaborative Benefits across Word Lists and Prose Passages. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. San Francisco, CA, November 2023. 

Wei, Y., Charbonneau, B., Meade, M. L. & Hutchison, K. A. Post Collaborative Benefits Are Long Lasting and Selective to Veridical Recall. Oral presentation at the meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association. Denver, CO, April 2024. 

Wei, Y., Meade, M. L. & Soderstrom, N. C. Examining Individuals' Memory and Judgment of Learning after Group Testing, Individual Testing, and Restudying. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. New York, NY, November 2024.