
Dealing with academic misconduct is one of the more distasteful duties faced by university faculty. MSU policies (see below) detail the process for following up on any suspected act of misconduct. If you suspect that a student has committed academic misconduct, please read the policy carefully and complete the ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT NOTIFICATION form (see links below). Although not a substitute for the detailed policy, the following is a brief summary of the key elements. If you have questions, please contact Erin MacDonald-Peck in the Office of the Dean of Students (994-2826; erin.macdonald3@montana.edu).

Policy Summary
  • It is important to document every finding of academic misconduct by filing the ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT NOTIFICATION form. Records of misconduct are maintained by the Office of the Dean of Students; these findings do not automatically result in the creation of a disciplinary file for the student. If a second offense is reported, the case is referred to the Dean of Students' Office for further action, and the Assistant/Associate Dean in the student's college is notified.
  • If you believe that a student has committed academic misconduct, it is recommended that you first meet with the student to discuss the situation. If, following the meeting, you believe that the student has committed misconduct, complete the form and assign the appropriate sanction (see the policy for a list of sanctions that faculty may apply without convening a conduct board).
  • If the student cannot be reached or ignores requests for an initial meeting, you can proceed with filing the form.
  • If the event occurs at the end of the semester, and the sanction could result in a lower grade, submit the initial grade as incomplete (an "I" grade). If you have already submitted your grades, contact the Registrar's Office to change the grade to an "I" pending resolution. Because the "I" grade is temporary, the usual form is not required.
  • If you believe that the offense warrants an action that goes beyond that immediately available to you, indicate this on the form. The case will then be referred to the Dean of Students for the possible convening of a conduct board. A conduct board is a formal proceeding in which faculty, staff, and students on the board hear evidence and render a decision. It is generally only used for more serious cases or where multiple infractions have occurred.
  • Students do have a right to appeal your decision, which goes to your Assistant/Associate Dean of your college, and then to your dean (similar to a grade appeal). The form directs students to the Student Conduct and Instructional Grievance Procedures for this information.

View the complete policy.