1. Inspect and investigate

  • Look for signs of pests and damage caused by pests
  • Find out where mold, insects or weeds are coming from

2. Identify the life cycle of your pest

  • Learn their biology
  • How does it reproduce, where does it live, and what does it eat?

3. Know when to act

  • It is easier to get rid of a small number of pests than large numbers!
  • Rats, mice, and cockraoches can cause dieseases and asthma

4. Choose a control method(s)

  • Eliminate food, water, and/or hiding places

    • Take away water source
    • Clean frequently
  • Deny entry - Keep them out!

    • Seal with caulk, fill holes, repair screen openings, use barriers
  • Eliminate the existing population with traps or biological controls

  • When all else fails .. pesticides are a final resort

    • Choose the least toxic control first
    • Be sure to read and follow the product label
    • Use the correct amount
    • Wear protective clothing and respirators
    • Store and use properly -- away from childern

5. Evaluate

  • Check to see if control methods are working


Created by Montana State University Extension Housing and Environmental Health Program

Contact Myla Kelly at 406-994-6948 or myla.kelly@montana.edu

Download a printable poster (.pdf)