person in labclothing looking in freezer


Ultra-low temperature freezers are extremely energy-intensive, making purchasing decisions particularly impactful for sustainable labs. Some models use 70-75% less energy and generate 70-75% less heat than standard compressor-based ULT freezers. For the most energy efficiency, look for a freezer that uses ~8kWh/day or less.

  • Perform regular freezer maintenance:
  • Clean the air filter to remove dust and grime.
  • De-ice the freezer: Scrape ice from around the door and rubber gasket and perform a total thaw of the unit.
  • Keep freezers 8 inches away from the wall and 5 inches away from each other, and do not store items on top of them.
  • Keep a paper or digital inventory of your samples to ensure you always know where your samples are and how many you have. Use rack, box, and sample labels to stay organized.
  • Increase the temperature of your ULT freezer. -70° C has been proven safe for most if not all samples. Increasing the temperature of your freezer can save electricity and also prolong the life of your compressor.
  • Ensure you have a comprehensive backup plan should your freezer fail. If you can keep a backup freezer, set it to -40°C to -60°C. You can also check with your department to see if they can loan a backup freezer.

Check out the Ultra Low Temperature (ULT) Freezer Rebate Sustainility Program

MSU is incentivizing labs to replace their energy inefficient Ultra Low Temperature Freezers with new Energy Star rated ULT freezers to reduce energy waste and save on energy costs. 

MSU will offer money back to laboratories in the form of a rebate for purchasing a new ULT freezer from the list of eligible freezers.