Powwow grand entry from the planner's view: Amskapi Piikuni, Niitsitapi Territories 2017 by Christopher Carter MSU Native Land Project

NASX 570

Fall Semesters: Online

3 Credits, Graduate Level

Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Santry

Course Description

The intent of this online course isto empower emerging MSU graduates and practitioners through substantive knowledge of contemporary strategic planning and Indigenous community development. This course will build a foundational understanding of the political, legal and cultural protocols, values, social structure, development economics and traditional knowledge of Indigenous peoples (primarily from North America) and engage with constructive planning practice that contributes to both local economic development and human development outcomes. Students can expect a challenging but engaging work load with ample opportunities to develop professional regional planning skills.

Reading for this course may include, but are not limited to:

*Resource and materials list subject to change. Check with the instructor before purchasing books!*

  • R. Walker, T. Jojola & D. Natcher. Eds. (2013). Reclaiming Indigenous Planning. McGill-Queens UP.

  • R. Keeney. (1992). Value Focused Thinking.Harvard Press.

  • T. King. (2013). The Inconvenient Indian. A Curious Account of Native People in North America. Anchor Books.

  • Paulette Regan. (2012). Unsettling the Settler Within. UBC Press.

  • Coulthard G.S. (2014). Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition (Indigenous Americas). University of Minnesota Press.


Dr. Jennifer Santry

Jennifer Santry is a citizen of Choctaw Nation and Sicangu Lakota, Mdewakanton Dakota, and Yankton Dakota. She has been involved in food advocacy and education for the last 20 years. Jen has a doctorate in Educational Sustainability, a M.A. in Nonprofit Management, and a B.S. in Zoology. Through Lakota stories and relationships with food, she is collectively addressing the need for cultural preservation and land-based knowledge in sustainable agriculture education. Jen also teaches for UMASS Amherst and Peninsula College. She’s invovled in a number of collaborative projects that include working directly with SW and PNW Tribes in climat change planning and Native youth engagement.

Tuition and Fees

If you are accepted into a qualified online program, see the appropriate MSU Tuition and Fee table below:

For more information, view MSU Fee Schedules.


How to Register

You must be accepted as a student to Montana State University to take this course. Learn how to apply.

Students register for courses via MSU's online registration system, MyInfo.

Registration requires a PIN number. Learn how to find your PIN.

Once you have your PIN, learn how to register through MyInfo.


For course information:

Please contact nas@montana.edu or Jennifer Santry at jenevesantry@gmail.com.