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The Peace Corps Prep Program


Montana State University is proud to offer The Peace Corps Prep Certificate Program to undergraduate students. The Peace Corps Prep Program creates a framework for students across campus to build four competencies through the integration of coursework, hands-on experience and professional/leadership development. The four competencies are: 1) training and experience in a work sector, 2) foreign language skills, 3) intercultural competence, and 4) professional and leadership development. Students pursuing the Prep Program Certificate focus on one of the following areas for the first competency: education, health, environment, agriculture, youth in development, and community economic development.


With strategic planning, MSU students can easily earn the Prep Certificate along with their major. Upon completion of the program, students receive a certificate from the Peace Corps and a competitive edge when applying for Peace Corps service as well as for other global engagement opportunities and career paths.

Program Administrator - Patricia Catoira

 Gaines Hall 118C


More resources and contacts

Learn more about the Peace Corps 

Find your Peace Corps Montana Recruiter

Corey Armstrong
Recruiter, Office of Recruitment & Diversity
Peace Corps/ Tumwater, WA (Southern Washington & Montana)

Learn a foreign language

Study Abroad: See the world, earn credits, and enjoy an incredible experience

Find Campus and Local Outreach/Service Opportunities

Make an appointment with a career coach from the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success

Connect with our local Returned Peace Corps Volunteers group at this website and email.



Participate in Peace Corps virtual events here

Check out what’s happening at the Montana World Affairs Council


Student Guide

Learn more about the Peace Corps Prep Program


Apply to the MSU Peace Corps Prep Program

Exit Checklist

Complete when you finish the program