Montana State University [“University”] and the undersigned student [“Student”] enter into this University Student Apartments Contract upon the following terms and conditions:

  1. University Regulations: The Student agrees that they and their household members and guests will observe all University policies and University Student Apartments regulations as set forth in the Montana State University Code of Student Conduct, the University Student Apartments Community Standards, and this contract. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including termination of your housing contract. All University rules and regulations published in the Montana State Code of Student Conduct, University Student Apartments Community Standards and University Student Apartments Newsletter, are specifically made a part of this contract by this reference.
  2. Eligibility and Priority: University Student Apartments are intended to provide students at Montana State University and Gallatin College with affordable housing in an environment conducive to academic and personal success. Students with families, single graduate students, and eligible undergraduates may apply for available housing units. Any student that has been given housing restrictions from the MSU Campus Safety & Welfare Committee, or as a result of any student conduct process, is not eligible to live in on-campus housing.
    1. Student Status: The Student must be and remain a degree-seeking student of Montana State University or Gallatin College. Students must be registered for and complete a minimum of nine (9) undergraduate credits or six (6) graduate credits during each semester of occupancy and make timely progress towards a degree in an approved academic program. Students who register for but do not complete the required number of credits may lose their eligibility status and be removed from housing at the discretion of the University. Failure to maintain eligibility status during a semester (e.g., dropping below the required number of credits) may result in denial of housing in future semesters.
      1. Undergraduate Single Student Status: When availability permits, single undergraduates who have earned more than seventy-two (72) credits are eligible to reside in housing designated for single graduate students. Single undergraduates will be housed in a Grant Chamberlain apartment or a Nelson Story or Peter Koch Tower apartment; limited Inventory/ availability.
      2. Interlink Students: When availability permits, full-time Interlink students are eligible to reside in University Student Housing Apartments; part-time Interlink students may request a temporary exception.
      3. WWAMI students: may reside in University Student Housing Apartments, provided program and class registration can be verified, and program participation continues to require Student presence in Bozeman, MT. WWAMI students must meet contract registration requirements each semester of tenancy. 60 Day Notice requirements may be waived upon WWAMI reassignment and relocation.
      4. The Student must have a primary role as a student. Students meeting all other criteria who are also a MSU employee at .75 FTE or greater are not eligible to reside in student housing. 
      5. Spouses/partners of MSU employees receiving the family tuition waiver are not eligible to live in University Student Housing
    2. Registration: Students must pre-register for classes or demonstrate intent to register (from an advisor), no later than June 15 for fall semester, and November 30, for spring semester, of each calendar year to maintain eligible student status.
    3. Length of Tenancy: The following parameters below apply to the duration of tenancy in all University Student Housing options:
      1. You may continue to live in University Student Housing if you progress to the next degree level, provided it is your first of that type of degree.
      2. Undergraduate students should be in their first undergraduate degree and not exceed six years (72 months) living on campus.
      3. Master degree students should be in their first master degree program and not exceed three years (36 months) living on campus.
      4. Doctoral students should be in their first doctoral program and not exceed six years (72 months) living on campus.
      5. The maximum cumulative time that any student may live in student housing (all degrees and all housing options) is nine years (108 months).
    4. Family Status: Students meeting eligibility requirements with families may reside in University Student Housing Apartments only with those for whom the Student has or shares a legal responsibility:  students with partners/spouses, students with dependent children, dependent parents, and/or dependent extended families, and students with disabilities who require an MSU approved live-in personal care attendant.
      1. Student applicants must provide documentation of their legal relationship to those persons residing with the student prior to picking up keys for their assigned unit. Such documentation includes:
        1. A marriage certificate; Civil Union License, Declaration of Domestic Partnership Relationship Form, Affidavit of Common Law Marriage, or equivalent.
        2. Children’s Birth Certificate(s), court ordered custody decree, adoption certificate, or legal/notarized letter of guardianship. A student must have physical custody of a dependent minor for four or more months of the academic year to maintain eligibility.
        3. Mutual Will, Shared Health Insurance, ‘significant combined financial investment’
        4. or proof of a shared loan, shared credit card, or shared insurance. Shared bank accounts and shared utilities do not qualify as documentation of legal relationship.
    5. Summer Occupancy: To continue occupancy during the summer months, the Student must either:
      1. Be and remain a registered student for Summer Semester (six (6) undergraduate credits or three (3) graduate credits) and be pre-registered for the following fall semester by June 15 if planning to continue living in University Student Housing Apartments.
      2. Be and remain a full-time registered student for Summer Semester (six (6) undergraduate credits or three (3) graduate credits), and plan to vacate within 15 days of the last date of summer classes if not intending to continue eligibility and residency in University Student Housing Apartments.
      3. Have completed at least nine (9) undergraduate credits or six (6) graduate credits for the preceding spring semester, be in good scholastic standing for the preceding spring semester, and be pre-registered, by June 15, for the following fall semester.
      4. Be pre-registered for the upcoming fall semester (this only applies to students seeking a new housing assignment, moving in during summer months, and otherwise eligible for student housing.)
    6. Change in Status: If there is a change in marital status, residence of spouse/partner, residence/dependency of children, change to credit load, or other status related to eligibility, the Student must notify University Student Housing immediately. If the Student’s change in status results in their ineligibility for student housing, the Student must vacate the unit within thirty (30) days following the change in status causing ineligibility, regardless of when University Student Housing was notified.
    7. Credit Waivers: Students must enroll and complete one semester to be eligible for a credit waiver. Credit waivers are intended for Students who have extenuating circumstances requiring them to withdraw or drop below the minimum number of credits to live in University Student Apartments. The Student may only use a credit waiver one (1) time during their tenancy. The request must be submitted via the housing portal and must be approved by University Student Housing. Conduct history and rental account history will be considered in the determination. Suspended students are not eligible for a credit waiver.
    8. Extension Requests: When necessary, the Student may petition the required move out timeline. Each request will be reviewed, and a determination made based on the Student’s history, current demand for housing, and any other relevant factors as determined by the University. Submit your request via the Housing Portal on the University Student Housing website. Extensions are not guaranteed. If an Extension Request is denied, the Student will be held to the terms of the 60 Day Notice.
    9. Transfer Requests: The Student may submit a transfer request via the Housing Portal. Determinations will be based on current rental account status, rental account history, inspection of current unit, available inventory, conduct, roommate relations history/mediation, and Student Status eligibility. Approved transfers will be charged a $100 administrative fee.
    10. Contract Transfer Requests: The Student may request to transfer their University Student Housing Apartments contract to their eligible student partner/spouse. Determinations will be based on rental account history, inspection of current unit, available inventory, conduct history, and Student Status eligibility. Approved transfers will be charged a $100 administrative fee.
  3. Premises: Subject to the terms herein, the University agrees to provide the Student with a housing unit specified during the term of this contract. Assignment to a unit will be made according to University procedures in the following order:
    1. By receipt of original housing application.
    2. Family Status eligibility.
    3. Whether a student is in a graduate program or an undergraduate.
    4. Student Status eligibility as defined above.
    5. Office of Disability Services approved Accommodation Request.
    6. Available Inventory.
    7. Student preference.
  4. Inability to deliver possession: The University does not and cannot guarantee the date of delivery of possession of a unit. If the offered unit is unavailable by the University stipulated date on the Assignment Paperwork, the Student is not liable for rent for any period they are not in possession.
  5. Contract Period: This contract becomes effective upon the date the unit is available for occupancy, as stipulated in the Assignment Paperwork. Contract continues on a month-to-month basis until either the Student or University Student Housing provides notice.
    1. A Contract Acknowledgement process is facilitated each summer outlining any changes to the student housing contract. This will include rental fees, confirming Student Status eligibility, and updating household records. This process must be completed by any Student wishing to continue tenancy regardless of their original contract start date. Failure to complete Contract Acknowledgement in fourteen (14) days will result in being issued a Contract Termination and fourteen (14) days move-out notice. 
    2. The Student will have fourteen (14) days to remedy any Student Status eligibility issues brought forth during Contract Acknowledgement before being issued a Contract Termination and fourteen (14) days move-out notice.
  6. Rent, Fees and Assessments:
    1. Application Fee/Security Deposit: An application fee of $300.00 is required at the time of application.
      1. The full application fee will be refunded if applicant cancels their housing application prior to an offer of housing
      2. $250 of the application fee will be retained by the University if applicant cancels their housing application after an offer of housing has been made. 
      3. $250 of the application fee will be retained by the University if applicant fails to respond to an assignment offer or outreach by University Student Housing staff.
      4. Once the Student is assigned to a unit, the $300.00 application fee is retained as a security deposit. The security deposit will be returned in full upon termination of the tenancy, unless deductions for back rent, cleaning charges, replacement, repairs, utilities, or other outstanding University receivables are applied.
    2. Rent: Rent is payable on the first day of each month by visiting the Housing Portal on the University Student Housing website, or in person at the Cashier’s Office located under Miller Dining Commons. Charges for a partial month are computed on a daily basis based on the number of days in the month. Students with a history of late payment of rent may have their housing contract terminated or be required to enter into written payment plans that may require pre-payment of rent for periods that exceed one month.
      1. Late Payments: A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed on the 5th day of each month if the account is in default by $100.00 or more. If rent is not paid by the 15th, the University may immediately terminate the Student’s contract. Students may not register for classes or receive transcripts until full payment has been made for unpaid rental and/or other assessments. 
      2. Rent Increase: The University reserves the right to increase the applicable monthly rent during the term of this Agreement, after thirty (30) days written notice to the Student. Contract Acknowledgement, including annual rent increases, take effect August 1.
      3. Refunds: After deduction for any unpaid rent, outstanding utility charges, cleaning and/or damage charges, or any other outstanding charges to Montana State University, the University will refund any unused portion of the monthly rent, via student accounts, if the Student is released from this contract.
    3. Assessments:
      1. Students are expected to pay their rent on a monthly basis.  If the Student fails to demonstrate consistent ability to pay rent and associated, fees, University Student Housing will proceed to document the Student through the student conduct process. 
        1. If the Student receives three (3) late fees within the contract
        2. If the Student carries a balance forward for more than 3 months
        3. If the Student violates housing probation for rent and/or rent is 60 days past due, the Student will receive a pay or terminate notification on the 5th of the month and must pay or vacate by the 25th of the month.
      2. Holds: The University reserves the right to place a hold on the Student’s university account, transcripts, and registration if the Student has an outstanding account balance with University Student Apartments.
      3. Collections: If collection is required, the Student agrees to pay all additional collection fees, including but not limited to collection agency fees of up to 33% and reasonable attorney fees made or incurred by the University in enforcing this contract.
  7. Occupancy Limits: Occupancy limits are based on International Building and Fire Code and there are no exceptions. The Student is required to keep household member information accurate with University Student Housing. Submitting household changes can be done via email, phone, or in-person with Community Assistants or University Student Housing staff. Failure to do so may result in fines or termination of contract. 
    1. No more than two (2) occupants may reside in a one-bedroom single graduate/undergraduate designated apartment.
    2. No more than two (2) occupants may reside in two-bedroom single graduate/undergraduate designated apartments.
    3. No less than two (2) and no more than four (4) related occupants can reside in two-bedroom family designated apartments.
    4. No less than three (3) and no more than six (6) related occupants can reside in three-bedroom family designated apartments.
    5. If the Student exceeds the occupancy limit, they must request a transfer to a larger unit when availability permits or vacate the unit within thirty (30) days.  The University does not guarantee availability of other housing units.
  8. Check-in of Premises: At the time of taking occupancy, the Student will be checked into the unit and is responsible for its’ condition. The Student will sign the Apartment Inspection Sheet (AIS) as acceptance of the condition of the unit and its’ contents. AIS must be completed and returned,  within five (5) business days of move in. 
  9. Check-out of Premises: At the time of check-out, Maintenance Staff will review the unit and compare condition and contents to the original Apartment Inspection Sheet. The Student will be charged for discrepancies.  Cleaning and checkout guidelines will be sent to the Student upon providing notice to vacate or at time of notice of contract termination. All charges for repairs, maintenance, and cleaning will be billed in accordance to University Facility, Maintenance, and third-party contractor standard rates.
  10. Utilities: The University will provide and pay for utilities as follows:
    1. Westside Houses, Paisley Court, and McIntosh Court: water and garbage pick-up.
    2. Grant Chamberlain and Branegan Court: water, garbage pick-up, electricity, and heat.
    3. Nelson Story and Peter Koch Towers: water, garbage pick-up, electricity, and heat.
    4. West Side Houses, Paisley Court, and McIntosh Court Students must be approved for utility service from NorthWestern Energy upon move-in. The Student will not be allowed to pick up keys without proof of utility account number.
    5. The Student is responsible for the connection and payment of natural gas and electricity during the entire contract period in units where utilities are not provided by the University.
    6. If utility services in the Student’s name go delinquent at any point during the contract term University Student Housing will be billed for your utilities and will then place those charges on your rental account. In addition to the charge for utilities , the Student’s account will be assessed a $50.00 processing fee per billing period.
  11. University Responsibility for Student’s Personal Property: The University assumes no responsibility for the theft, destruction, or loss of money, valuables or other personal property belonging to or in the custody of the Student regardless of the cause and location of the property. The University does not carry insurance against the loss or damage of individually owned personal property; Student shall obtain and pay for any insurance coverage the Student deems necessary to protect the Student and the Student’s property.  One option for coverage can be found via the application for University Student Housing Apartments.
  12. Commercial Use: Commercial use of any part of the room or facilities, and commercial solicitation and promotion in University Student Housing is prohibited. Students may not conduct commercial activity or promote commercial activity using the room, room address, or university computer address (montana.edu domain).
  13. University Authority:  The University reserves the right to:
    1. Require Students to move to other accommodations, if necessary, to vacate a building or a part of the building. 
    2. Move Students from a specific unit or building, if necessary, for administrative, disciplinary purposes, health and safety.
    3. Inspect all units, with 24-hour notice to the Student, for purposes of fire protection, inventory, maintenance, repair, rule enforcement, safety, sanitation, or other reason deemed necessary.
    4. Enter a unit without notice in cases of emergency or when attempts to provide notice by phone or in person fail.
    5. Impose sanctions, including contract termination, from University Student Apartments, on Students who violate the terms and conditions of this agreement and/or University Regulations including University Student Apartments Community Standards.
    6. Communicate changes to University Student Apartments regulations upon providing advance notice to Students through email, the newsletter, or otherwise.
  14. Termination: Students who want to be released from this contract for any reason must submit notice with University Student Housing Apartments at least sixty (60) days prior to the date the Student wishes to terminate occupancy. The Student will be released from the contract upon meeting the criteria on the 60-Day Notice Form. The Student is responsible for submitting a notice to vacate early enough to meet requirements in subsection B.
    1. If the Student and/or their household members fail to comply with the provisions of this contract, the University may terminate this contract and seek any other remedy in law or equity. The Student agrees to pay all reasonable costs, attorney’s fees and expenses made or incurred by the University in enforcing this contract.
    2. Students must vacate their unit within fifteen (15) days of the end of the academic semester unless:
      1. The Student has pre-registered for the upcoming semester. See section 2.B.
      2. The Student has children in the Bozeman School District. In this instance, the Student may vacate fifteen (15) days after the end of the public-school semester.
      3. The Student has formally requested a contract extension through the housing portal, and the extension has been approved.
    3. Upon termination, the University has the right to re-enter and take possession of the premises. If the Student refuses to leave voluntarily, the University may remove the Student’s belongings and bill the Student for the costs inventory, moving and storage. University will dispose of unclaimed property in whatever manner they see fit. 
    4. The University Student Housing office reserves the right to immediately terminate the contract of any Student if the Student, other household occupants, and/or guests pose an imminent or direct health or safety threat to or interference with other Students, their children, their property, University property, or University students, faculty or staff.
    5. In the event the University determines a reassignment/relocation or move out due to health and/or safety reasons, including without limitation, a pandemic or emergency declaration by any governing authority, the Student may not have the opportunity to retrieve property left in their residence. In such event, the University shall have the right to pack, store, and/or ship the Student’s belongings to the address designated by the Student. The University reserves the right to engage professional moving services.
    6. The University may terminate this contract without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Student.
  15. Notices:
    1. University: Notice by the University is deemed sufficient if delivered in person, affixed to the door of the premises, emailed to the Student’s preferred email account (as indicated in MyInfo), text to the Student’s preferred phone number (as indicated in MyInfo), and/or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested to the address of the premises.
    2. By the Student: Notice by the Student is deemed sufficient if delivered in person to the University Student Housing Office, emailed to a University Student Housing staff member, or mailed by certified mail, with return receipt requested, to University Student Housing at P.O. Box 172080, Bozeman, MT 59717.
  16. Appeals:
    1. The Student may file a written grievance with the Director of University Student Housing, or designee, if they feel the University has failed to comply with this contract.
    2. If the Student disagrees with the decision of the Director of University Student Housing, the Student may request, in writing, an additional review by the University Student Housing Contract Review Committee. The decision of the University Student Housing Contract Review Committee is final.

University Student Housing: Apartments
Community Standards

Welcome to University Student Apartments!

First, thank you for choosing University Student Housing Apartments as your home – we are so excited to meet you!

The regulations and policies of the University Student Housing Community Standards supplement the MSU Code of Student Conduct. The Code of Student Conduct applies to all students on and off campus, inclusive of all on campus communities as well as dining facilities. In University Student Housing, student conduct and/or Community Standards violations can be handled by University Student Housing staff, or Dean of Students as outlined in MSU Code of Student Conduct.

A student who violates any policies in the University Student Apartments Community Standards and/or Code of Student Conduct may be accountable to civil and criminal authorities, as well as to the university.

Disciplinary action at the university may proceed even while a criminal investigation is in progress.

These Community Standards are subject to change and students will be notified of any changes through their preferred email address indicated in MyInfo.

Overview of On Campus Housing

This Community Standards guide is a supplement to the University Student Apartments Contract. Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to both the information in this guide, the Code of Student Conduct, and the information in the contract. If there are any questions, residents can ask their Community Assistant (CA) or Community Director (CD) for clarification.

Office Hours and After-Hours Assistance

Location: 31 Hedges Complex, underneath Miller Dining Commons.
Hours: M-F 8am-5pm
Phone: 406-994-2661
After Hours: 406-994-3730
Email: housing@montana.edu

After Hours Assistance:

CAs are available after-hours to assist with concerns around safety and security, lockouts, and immediate maintenance issues.  You may use the yellow phone outside the entry door of 1502 W. Garfield (Auxiliary Services building), which will auto-dial the on-call phone 24 hours a day.

Community Support

  • A Community Assistant (CA) is assigned to each living area within the apartments. You will be given your CA’s contact information upon arrival, and you will most likely first meet your CA at your apartment walk through (your CA will reach out to you to schedule this). Your CA serves as a resource to answer questions, mediate roommate, or neighbor concerns, follow up on policy violations, plan and facilitate community events, and more.
  • The Community Director (CD) is a full-time professional employees who has at least a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience and who have extensive experience in the field of Student Housing. This live-in position is responsible for the total administration and operation of the Apartments community.
  • We work hard to connect Students with campus and community resources so watch for great opportunities to engage with a variety of resources via newsletter, Facebook, email, etc.
  • We publish a monthly community newsletter, “On the Horizon,” which will be emailed to you each month. This contains information such as updated policies, announcements, and monthly programs/events.

Helpful Information & Processes

Apartment Inspection Sheet

The Apartment Inspection Sheet (AIS) is used to document the condition of your apartment at the time of check-in. It is very important that you thoroughly review the inventory and note any discrepancies in the condition of the apartment from what is written on the inspection sheet. Any significant or notable differences must be submitted to your Community Assistant during the CA walk through of your apartment. The inventory will be kept on file for the duration of your tenancy. Unless noted on the Apartment Inspection Sheet, damages assessed upon check-out will be billed to the Student.


Please park bikes in bicycle racks or store them in your apartment. Bicycles should not be stored against or chained to gas meters, light poles, signs, or stair railings at any time. All bicycles must be registered through University Police with a registration sticker. Registration is free. Bicycles not registered or which appear abandoned may be removed from bike racks by the University.


If your heat is not working, inform University Student Housing as soon as possible to avoid freeze-ups.

Students living in the West Side Houses, Paisley Court, McIntosh Court, and Branegan Court, and are planning to be away from their homes for longer than 24 hours during cold weather months, must notify University Student Housing. During cold weather months, University Student Housing staff will verify heat is in working condition to prevent freeze-ups, by keying into the units. If no such notice is given and heat is not maintained in the unit, the Student will be held responsible for damage occurring from freeze ups.

Grant Chamberlain Drive, Towers, and Julia Martin units are heated via steam heat. Heat is turned on around October 1 and is turned off around June 1 – dates are weather dependent.

During extremely cold weather, please leave kitchen cabinet doors open under the kitchen sink and leave the passage door open to bathrooms to allow heat to circulate around pipes.

If you desire more heat, you may purchase a space heater. Space heaters should be equipped with auto-shut off.  Due to potential danger, heaters requiring liquid fuel are prohibited from use.

Housing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Modified apartments for students with disabilities are available on a first come, first-serve basis. Students must request these accommodations through the Office of Disability Services at 994-2824. If you anticipate or encounter disability-related barriers, you must clearly indicate your request for a modified apartment on the application.

University Student Housing can accommodate students with disabilities who require a live-in personal care attendant once a recommendation is provided by the Office of Disability Services. We will accommodate a student when they become eligible for assignment to an apartment. At that time, the non-disabled Student of a modified apartment will receive 30-day’s notice to move to another unit. When non-disabled students are assigned to modified units, they are advised of this policy and the possibility of moving.

Internet & Wireless Connectivity

ResNet provides high-speed wired and wireless connectivity for students across campus. ResNet is managed by MSU’s Auxiliary Services IT Division, and they support the university's academic mission by providing students with a range of essential technologies and services.

You can expect reliable networks designed for your success. Our wired and wireless networks are built on a 10GB fiber-optic backbone, which keeps students connected at speeds comparable to, if not better than, high-speed home DSL/cable service. Students benefit from reliable, 24-7 connectivity, and our dedicated technical staff are always on call to keep the networks up and running.

If you are experiencing issues with your internet connection, please submit a help ticket by emailing auxithelp@montana.edu or by calling 406-994-1929. 

Laundry Facilities

Washer/dryer hookups are installed in the West Side Houses and McIntosh Court.

Students in the remaining apartment complexes are offered washer/dryer facilities within their apartment area at no additional cost. Students should use laundry facilities at their scheduled time. Students are expected to follow the established laundry schedule.

Students are responsible for reporting any unauthorized usage by non-Students. To prevent theft and unauthorized use, laundry rooms should be kept locked at all times. Student’s front door key will unlock that building’s laundry room door.

Please help us maintain the laundry rooms - dispose of your garbage, clean up messes, clean out lint traps in dryers, etc.

When a washer or dryer is out of order in the laundry room, please complete the following steps:

  • Put an “Out of Order” sign on the machine not working so other Students do not attempt to use it.
  • Report the problem by utilizing the posted QR code and indicate which machine is out of order and what you believe is wrong with it.

Mail Service

Mail service for University Student Apartments is provided and facilitated by the United States Postal Service.  University Student Housing does not manage packages or letter mail nor communicate with carriers or the Post Office on the behalf of Students. 

The designated Post Office for University Student Apartments is:

United States Post Office
2201 Baxter Ln.
Bozeman, MT 59718

  • Mailboxes are in clusters in all complexes except the Westside Houses which have their own individual mailboxes. Previous Students are expected to leave the mailbox keys in the apartment for your use.
  • If no keys are left, please contact the Post Office to arrange to have your box rekeyed. If you would like your mailbox rekeyed, you must request a rekey from the Post Office within 2 weeks of your move in date.
    • You can find an address verification form on your Housing Portal.
  • If you find a key in your mailbox, this means you have a package waiting for you in the parcel locker within your mailbox cluster. Use the key to open the locker, retrieve your package, and leave the key in the lock.
  • If the door of your mailbox is jammed, or you have any issues retrieving your mail, call the Post Office.

Moving Out

60 days’ notice, a clean apartment in good repair, and return of keys on moving day are essential elements to successfully vacating your unit.

Listed below is the procedure for moving out of University Student Housing apartments :The Student must give 60 days’ notice of intent to vacate. Failure to do so will result in rent charges beyond the time you plan to vacate (no less than 60 days). At the time notice is given at the office, Students will also:

  1. Establish appointments for pre-assessment and check-out
  2. Be provided with a check-out information sheet
  3. The dwelling, equipment, and furniture shall be in good order (allowing for “reasonable” wear) and cleaned according to specifications noted on the Check-Out Information Sheet before the Student leaves.
  4. Student will be required to have all carpets cleaned by a professional carpet cleaner that uses a truck mounted system upon vacating the apartment. If hiring a company, a receipt for this service must be presented at the time the keys are turned in.  Renting a steam cleaner is not permitted.  If carpets are not cleaned, University Student Housing staff will make arrangements for cleaning and charge the expense back to the Student.  Student may contract the University Student Housing staff to complete this carpet cleaning and arrange this service with the University Student Housing Office.
  5. On the date of termination, the Student must be completely moved out and ready to turn in keys at the check-out appointment time.
  6. Charges for any damages, missing articles, cleaning, or driving/parking on the lawn and/or sidewalks will be deducted from the Student’s security deposit. If damage and/or cleaning charges should exceed the deposit, Students will be billed. A hold will be placed on transcripts until payment is received. Charges are an estimate. You will be charged the actual amount for cleaning, labor, and materials.


The Apartments community publishes “On the HORIZON,” a monthly newsletter containing useful information including updated policy items, announcements, pertinent articles, events, etc. The newsletter is the most immediate method of communicating information (including rent and policy changes) to Students. Therefore, Students are responsible for all information outlined in the newsletter. The newsletter is delivered via email each month, year-round. If you have any contributions to the newsletter, please submit them to your CA or CD.

Parking: Camper, trailer, boats, etc.

Long flatbed trailers, snowmobile and boat trailers, campers, and other oversized vehicles are not permitted to park in University Student Apartments at any time. They are also not permitted anywhere on campus. For more details call University Parking Services at 406-994-1723.

Parking: Guests

We provide temporary visitor parking passes for your guests, free of charge, in our office. The Student or a household member must be the one to pick up the parking pass. You will need to provide the license plate number, make and model of the vehicle, and how long your guest is staying. These passes can be provided for up to two weeks, but please note that if you are using these passes excessively, we have the right to refuse to issue you another pass. Visitor Parking passes cannot be issued for Students’ own vehicles. Areas that are marked “visitor parking” still need to have a visitor hang tag.


Single stream recycling bins are located next to most dumpsters. Most plastics, aluminum, carboard, newspapers, magazines, etc. are acceptable in these bins. Prohibited items include glass, light bulbs, plastic bags, and pizza boxes – please note the prohibited items on the bins. We appreciate your help in helping us move forward with sustainability efforts.

Repair and Service Procedure

If an item in your apartment needs repair, call our main office (406-994-2661). Do not make your own repairs to any item within or outside unit. Your request will be logged, and an appropriate maintenance person will come to your apartment to correct the problem, usually within seven working days. The maintenance person will always knock before entering and will leave a note on your door to let you know what action was taken if you are not home.

Some maintenance problems may not occur during normal working hours. If the repair requires immediate attention (i.e. broken water pipe, broken window, etc.), contact our on-call team immediately at 406-994-3730.

Roommate Agreements

Students within our community play an integral role in caring for the well-being of the people around them and the overall health of the community. As such, students will engage in dialogue with their roommate(s) and fellow community members in order to create shared expectations and guidelines for healthy and safe behaviors within the community. These dialogues are formalized through the roommate agreement process, community living agreement, as well as informally by participating in ongoing floor and community meetings.


Students must remove hoses from outside spigots during cold weather months to avoid frozen pipes. Broken pipes are costly and the breakage may not be detected right away. Students are responsible for damages resulting from inattention.

Vehicles & Personal Transportation Devices

Storage: All bicycles not parked in bicycle racks are subject to be impounded without notice. There are only two places where Students’ bikes are allowed to be parked: in their apartment and in the bike racks provided for their community.

Bikes should not be locked to trees, railings, signs, lampposts, or anywhere else they pose a safety hazard or property damage. Bicycles improperly stored in buildings are also subject to impound.

Bicycles may not be parked, stored, or ridden in the public areas of the hall. No motorized personalized transportation devices can be stored inside University Student Housing facilities or at the bike racks. There is parking available in designated areas in the parking lots. The university is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged bikes.

Abandoned bikes will be removed. Students’ failure to remove bikes will result in locks being cut (at student’s expense) and bikes being impounded and stored at University Police Department.

Safety: Always keep bikes locked with a secure lock when they are not in use. The University Police Department recommends students register their bike with them; this will increase chances for recovery if a student’s bike is stolen. It is free to register a bike on campus.

See Campus Personal Transportation Device Policy.

Vehicles/Personal Transportation Devices: Students, dependents, and guests must observe all MSU Parking Regulations and the University Personal Transportation Device Policy. Motorized Vehicles and Motorcycles in University Student Apartment owned parking lots that do not have an FH permit or FH Guest Pass, or are violating parking regulations, are subject to citation. Motorized vehicles or motorcycles may be towed and impounded depending on the frequency or severity of violations. Bicycles and other non-motorized Personal Transportation Devices should be parked and locked appropriately in bicycle racks.  Bicycles and Personal Transportation Devices should not be stored on, in, or to anything other than a bicycle rack (e.g. patios, under stairwells, chained to gas meters, stairway railings, light posts).

Preventative Maintenance

  • Ranges: Please do not place aluminum foil under the stove-top elements or oven elements. The extensive heat build-up can cause damage to the stove. The entire exterior of the stove should be cleaned with soapy water and degreaser where needed. Please do not use oven cleaner on any aluminum surface. Self-cleaning ovens should not be cleaned with an oven cleaning product. If cleaning products are used on a self-cleaning oven, a charge will result.
  • Drains and Toilets: Clogged kitchen and bathroom drains are typically caused by grease and soap build-up. This is especially true in Grant Chamberlain units.
    • Never pour grease or food down the drain. Grease should be poured into a tin can and disposed of in the trash bin and food should be disposed of into the trash.
    • If you notice your drains are draining slowly, please notify us immediately so that we can dispatch a plumber to rectify the situation.
    • If a toilet is clogged, first try to clear the blockage with a plunger. If you are unable to clear the clog using a plunger, call us right away to place a work order.
      • Do not use any type of chemical dispenser in the toilet tank as the tank may crack. Caustic chemicals are not permitted because they cause damage to pipes and fixtures.
      • Baby wipes and feminine hygiene products should never be flushed down the toilet.
  • Refrigerators: To keep your refrigerator cooling properly, it should be cleaned occasionally, inside, and out, with soapy water. Pull refrigerator out from the wall to clean the back side and the accumulated dirt under the unit. On single door refrigerators, always defrost the freezing compartment when frost is approximately one inch thick. Thick frost prevents the freezer from working well. Do not use sharp instruments to remove frost and ice. By removing ice in this manner, the interior shell of the freezer may be damaged, which will result in a charge. Upon check out, ensure refrigerator is clean and sanitized in accordance with the cleaning bill provided.
  • Showers:
    • Shower curtains must be used. When using the shower, keep the shower curtain inside the tub. Water puddles on the bathroom floor may ruin the floor tiles and/or leak into the unit below.
    • Please do not use adhesive rubber tub grips as they are extremely difficult to remove. Rather, use a removable rubber bathmat.
    • When showering, always use the installed vent fan to help remove the steam. Excessive steam build up can lead to mold and/or mildew. Leave the bathroom door open after showering as a secondary way of steam removal.
    • Students will be charged to repair flooring and sheet rock if excess water causes damage to flooring and wall surfaces.


Please do not remove sprinklers from designated areas. Waterspouts attached to units are domestic water and satisfactory for individuals to play in. All other exterior water sources are non-potable water; individuals should NOT play in this water.


Students wishing to transfer units must complete a Transfer Request Form available via My Housing Portal. Submitting the completed form automatically begins the transfer process where:

  • the Student’s current apartment will be inspected by the Maintenance Supervisor
  • the Student must be in good financial standing with University Student Apartments
  • the Housing Coordinator will make the decision if the transfer will occur

Transfers are made as units become available in order of application date. A $100 transfer fee plus rent for both units is payable at the time the transfer is completed. The Student has a maximum of five (5) days to transfer apartments.

Utility Information

Fox, Glacier, Gopher, and South 15th: The main water shut-off valve is located in the water heater closet about two feet above the floor just inside the door.

To reset the breaker switch on the electrical breaker box, push the switch hard to the extreme “off” position and then turn it to the extreme “on” position. Should the breaker switch go off again, call the University Student Housing Office. The breaker box is located in the following locations depending on the unit:

  • For Branegan Court, the electrical breaker box is located in the hallway outside of the bathroom.
  • For McIntosh Court, the electrical breaker box is located outside the bedrooms at the top of the stairs.
  • For the Westside Houses, the electrical breaker box is located in a bedroom closet.
  • For Paisley Court, the electrical breaker box is located immediately upon entry in the hallway.
  • For West Julia Martin, the electrical breaker box is located in the hallway outside of the bathroom.
  • For Peter Koch and Nelson Story Towers, the electrical breaker box is located in the laundry room.

Vehicle Engine Heaters

It is important that only heavy-duty, underwriter-approved cords be used for the heaters. Engine heaters blow out fuses in block-wide sections when improper cords are used. Regular extension cords are not safe, neither are multi-plug adaptors. Most outlets are controlled by thermostats, so they are only activated by colder pqwtemperatures (approximately 20 degrees). Engine heaters at 112-119 Julia Martin and Grant Chamberlain are on thermostats. Branegan and McIntosh have mini breakers on the posts. Make sure all heater cords are off sidewalks and keep cords close to outlets, so the grounds crew does not plow them over. To facilitate snow removal for units east of South 15th, please do not run cords over sidewalks.

Community Standards

These Community Standards are subject to change and students will be notified of any changes through their preferred email address indicated in MyInfo.

Abandoned Property

Any individual item left in an assigned resident space with an estimated value of less than $200 will be donated or disposed 48 hours after the Student has vacated unless the resident has contacted University Student Apartments to provide notification that they mistakenly left something in their space and to make other arrangements. Due to health and pest concerns, mattresses and fabric couches or chairs will be disposed of regardless of value. The Student will be charged an hourly rate for the labor associated with removing these items from their assigned space and disposing of them.

Property with an estimated value of $200 or greater will be temporarily stored and the Student will be charged for the hourly labor of removal of the items from their assigned space and charged a daily rate for the storage of the items.

University Student Housing will attempt to contact the residents via their preferred email address indicated in MyInfo to notify them of the items being stored. Items that are deemed valuable and left in a resident’s assigned space will be held in storage for 10 days after notification of the property found in the unit.

Failure to retrieve these belongings by the deadline will result in items becoming the property of Montana State University.

If an assigned Student space is left in an unreasonable dirty or unsanitary state that poses a threat to the health, safety, sanitation, or structure of the University Student Housing facilities or other residents, University Student Housing reserves the right to immediately dispose of all abandoned property regardless of value. The resident will be charged an hourly rate for the labor associated with removing these items from the apartment and disposing of them as well as charges resulting from any other cleaning, mitigation, or facilities work related to the state of the apartment.

Any personal items left in a public area (hallway, lounge, pod, laundry facilities, etc.) can be removed by community staff and placed in a locked space without prior notification. Montana State University does not take responsibility for lost, damaged, or stolen items left in public areas.


All Appliances issued with the unit must remain in the unit at all times.

Preventing fire and electrical hazards is a very important shared responsibility of each community member and is necessary to maintain a safe environment. The list of items and appliances is not meant to be exhaustive.  Items that may compromise the safety and security of community living environments and/or residents are prohibited. 

  • Air Conditioning Units: these are permitted, with the following exceptions:
    • Units cannot be installed in fire windows (Paisley “C” units).
    • Units cannot be installed October through April.
    • If selected air conditioning unit is found to be interfering with the electrical or heating components of a unit, it must be removed. Any damage charges will be billed in accordance with University Facility, Maintenance, and third-party contractor standard rates.
  • Deep Fryers
  • Dishwashers (except those installed by University Student Housing)
  • Halogen Lamps
  • Hot Plates
  • Lava Lamps
  • 3D Printers

Power Strip Use Guide

Possession of extension cords (without internal circuit breakers) is considered a fire safety hazard and is prohibited. When you need more outlets than you have, power strips with multi- plugs may be used. They must contain an internal circuit breaker and have the approval label of Underwriters' Laboratories. Power strips that have cracked or exposed wires, burn marks, loose connections, or other damage present a safety hazard and may not be used. If your power strip doesn't meet these requirements, it could be hazardous, and the will be instructed to remove it.

  • Unplug power strips when leaving the room for five or more days
  • Do not connect power strips together
  • Do not use power strips in bathrooms
  • Do not staple, tack, or tape power strips to the floor, walls, or ceiling
  • Do not cover power strips or cord with carpet, furniture, clothing, or other objects that could prevent air circulation

Alcohol and Drugs

In addition to section 330.70 of the Code of Student Conduct the following offenses constitute violations and can lead to serious disciplinary action, removal from University Student Apartments, suspension, or expulsion from the university.

For all Residents, regardless of age:

  • If a resident or their roommate does not wish to have alcoholic beverages in the apartment, that wish should be observed. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Possession of Methods of Rapid Consumption: To help students develop responsible, safe, and healthy habits, the possession of any apparatus used for the rapid consumption of alcohol (such as funnels, pong tables, shot skis, other simulated drinking games, etc.) is not permitted in University Student Housing facilities.

For Residents under the age of 21:

  • Residents and their guests who are under the age of 21 may not possess or consume alcohol. Based on Montana State Law, being intoxicated by alcohol is considered possession of alcohol.
  • Residents cannot possess empty or full alcoholic beverage containers (cans, bottles, kegs, beer cases, etc.) whether from original use, as decorations, “trophy bottles,” or for any other purpose in their room.

For Residents over the age of 21:

  • The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted by residents of legal age in private student rooms.
  • University regulations limit the amount of alcohol permitted in a private room. Kegs of beer and mini-kegs are prohibited.
  • It is a violation of housing policy to be visibly intoxicated in/around University Student Apartments. Students who are 21 or over who are disruptive because of the use of alcohol may be considered in violation of this policy.
  • Consuming alcohol or carrying an open container in any other areas outside of the Student’s assigned unit is prohibited. An open container is defined as any container of alcohol with a broken seal.

Students who are of legal age may consume alcohol within their residence. Students wishing to hold outdoor events that will involve the use of alcohol must obtain approval to serve alcoholic beverages through the MSU Conference Services Office.

Any damage, repairs, or remediation as a result of the use, possession, manufacturing, distribution, or sale of narcotics or illegal drugs, will be billed in accordance to University Facility, Maintenance, and third-party contractor standard rates.

Attics and Crawl Spaces

The attic doors should not be removed for any reason in units that have them. They are insulated and not available for storage. Crawl spaces in the West Side Houses are not to be accessed or used for storage.


Camping is not permitted on University property.


The university requires students to carry their CatCard identification with them at all times.

The CatCard is used for culinary services, campus purchases, entrance to on-campus housing, and to participate in activities such as Bobcat athletic events and check cashing at the MSU Bookstore. Be familiar with the CatCard Terms & Conditions and carry the ID at all times in the event that it is requested by a university official.

In accordance with the Code of Student Conduct, persons are expected to provide appropriate identification (university identification card or driver’s license) when requested by a university representative or employee—including University Student Housing staff.

All students are to abide by the CatCard Terms & Conditions found at www.montana.edu/catcard/terms-conditions.html.

  • Misuse of a university identification card will not be tolerated. Use of another person’s ID is prohibited.
  • If residents lose their ID, they must have a new ID issued at the CatCard Office located on the ground floor of Miller Dining Commons inside the University Student Housing Office (x2273). The replacement cost for an ID is $20. It is the cardholder’s responsibility to report their CatCard lost or stolen.
  • It is important to report your card lost or stolen as that will suspend activity on your account until either a new card is issued or you let us know your card has been found.
  • The cardholder is responsible for all transactions until the CatCard is reported lost or stolen.
  • You can report your card lost 24 hours a day by logging in to your online account or the CatCard GET Mobile app, or by calling 406-994-2273. (Please leave a voicemail if it’s after office hours.)
  • If you find your card after reporting it lost, for your protection you must log in to your online account or the CatCard GET Mobile app, or come to the CatCard office under Miller Dining Hall, to report your card as found.
  • Misuse of CatCard in the Dining Hall will be addressed through the University Student Housing Conduct process.

Peter Koch and Nelson Story Towers have restricted access and residents of those communities will be required to use their CatCard to access the building. 

Chemicals & Explosives

Any condition that creates a hazard is prohibited and must be immediately eliminated.  Chemicals and explosives (including but not limited to, firecrackers, spray-paint, explosive devices, smoke bombs, combustion engines, flammable and explosive liquids/gases, ammunition, bear spray, and fireworks) are not permitted in University Student Apartments. This includes materials and devices which by themselves, or when combined, could be explosive, toxic, flammable, or dangerous (such as camping fuel). Spray painting is not allowed in the University Student Apartments or indoor common areas. Spray adhesive can be used unless it is disrupting other Students in the building or causing damage to the building. If Students are unsure about a substance, check with a Community Assistant/Community Director.

Code of Student Conduct

The Code of Student Conduct is applied in University Student Housing and Dining Halls.

Students at Montana State University are responsible for reading and adhering to the Code of Student Conduct.


Culinary Services & Dining Hall Behavior

Students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by University Student Housing and the Code of Student Conduct while in the Dining Halls.

Health Code: Students are expected to abide by Gallatin County Health Code rules and regulations

Meal Plan Privileges: Valid meal plan holders may take one bagel, one piece of fruit, one ice cream novelty, or one dessertto go. Sandwiches, pizza, burgers, and all other food items are not allowed to be taken out of the dining commons without a dining hall provided to-go box. At times when take-away or grab n’ go options are available, students must abide by posted guidelines and direction from staff.

Theft or Destruction of property: Meal plans are non-transferrable. Students who attempt to share their meal plan, or share their CatCard or student identification number will face disciplinary action. Students may use their CatCard cash to purchase meals for non-meal plan holders.

Unauthorized removal of any dining hall property out of the dining commons (i.e. dishes, cups, silverware, napkin dispensers, salt/pepper shakers, condiments, chairs etc.) is not allowed.

Decorations & Displays

While we realize you want to make your apartment your “new home,” University Student Housing does not permit major modifications to apartments.

Painting: Students cannot paint. Students who paint without approval of University Student Housing will be responsible for repainting, for damages resulting from use of unauthorized paint, and/or charges for a professional painter to restore the original paint color.

Wall Hangings: A reasonable number of pictures and other hangings may be hung on apartment walls.

  • Contact paper or wallpaper may not be used on the walls of your apartment.
  • Nothing is permitted to be hung from the ceiling, within two feet of the ceiling, or on sprinkler piping or sprinkler heads. Damage to the sprinkler heads or lines may cause the sprinkler to discharge resulting in significant water damage to the unit. Damage to the sprinkler heads, lines, or the unit as a result of such an action will be the responsibility of the Student.
  • The following are NOT PERMITTED to display wall hangings: tape, adhesives, glue, paste, nails, tacks, staples, and screws on walls, furniture, doors, or other woodwork or glass.
  • A student may utilize products, such as Command brand items, “blue” painter’s tape and poster putty, on walls, but will be responsible for any costs to repair damages that may result from use.

Due to potential safety concerns and fire hazards, posters and/or decorations cannot be placed on the window. Hanging blankets, sheets, tapestries, or other items (e.g. plants, decorations, window clings, stickers, or paint, etc.) that physically or visually restricts or blocks access to the room is prohibited. Window obstruction of any kind is considered a hindrance to egress. University-provided window shades are approved by campus Fire Safety personnel. Shades and shade hardware should not be tampered with or removed.

No additional message boards, white boards, or bulletin boards may be hung on the exterior of University Student Housing doors or in the hallways. In communities where whiteboards/message boards are already present, any posting, messages, or other displays must conform to the public postings policy listed below.

Digital and Public Posting Display Guidelines:

  • Abide by all University Student Housing, Code of Student Conduct and other university policies.
  • Can only promote/advertise registered student organization events, on-campus student resources, on-campus job/internship opportunities, RHA and/or ASMSU elections, or ASMSU/RHA ballot initiatives. All advertisements must be approved by University Student Housing through the only Solicitation Request.
  • Please remember that students will be accountable for any and all damage to their room and its furnishings.
  • Tape (especially carpet tape or duct tape) has a tendency to leave a residue which is extremely difficult to remove. Nails leave holes that will require repair, so an alternative method of hanging personal items is suggested, such as non-tape adhesive strips.

Check with a University Student Housing Staff member if there are any questions.

Disruptive Behavior

Any act that poses a danger to health, safety, or property within housing facilities is prohibited.

Students shall not obstruct or disrupt the University living environment. Disruptive behavior is behavior that interferes with the University living and learning environment, or that interferes with the other students’ rights to socialize, study, or sleep.

Disruptive behavior may include, but is not limited to the following:

  • Excessive noise or nuisance
  • The odor of marijuana is disruptive to the community and is cause enough for disciplinary action.
  • Failure to cooperate with the reasonable directive of a University official (including all members of University Student Housing), acting in the performance of their duties
  • A student’s failure to obtain express consent from the resident(s) of another room prior to entrance.

Any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video recording of any person without that person’s prior knowledge, or without effective consent when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress, is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, surreptitiously taking pictures of another person in a restroom or other location where a person would expect privacy.

Residents who assist anyone in a policy violation or a crime may be in violation of housing policy themselves. Hall staff reserve the right to require items that cause an ongoing disruption to the living environment be removed from University Student Housing immediately.


Drugs - Illegal Use: Use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of narcotics or drugs as defined by city, state, or federal laws is prohibited in Residence Hall communities. This includes mind-altering drugs, designer drugs, or synthetic substances used as a substitute for a controlled substance, except as expressly permitted by law or university policy. This also includes the abuse, distribution, or improper use of prescription drugs.

The odor of marijuana is disruptive to the community and is cause enough for disciplinary action.

Medical and Recreational Marijuana: Although Montana state law permits the use of medical marijuana, i.e., use by persons possessing lawfully issued medical marijuana cards, federal laws prohibit marijuana use, possession and/or cultivation at educational institutions and on the premises of other recipients of federal funds. The use, possession or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes is therefore not allowed in any Montana State University housing or any other Montana State University property; nor is it allowed at any University-sponsored event or activity off campus.

The possession of a medical marijuana permit does not allow for the possession or use of marijuana in University Student Housing. Marijuana obtained for medicinal purposes cannot be stored or used in University Student Housing.

Recreational marijuana use, possession, and distribution is also a violation of University Student Housing policy, the Code of Student Conduct, and federal law.

Use, possession and distribution of marijuana is illegal under Montana law for persons under 21; for those 21 and older, these activities cannot occur on any university property pursuant to university policy and federal law. See University Guidelines regarding decriminalization of marijuana.


Some halls are equipped with passenger elevators. To prioritize elevators for residents who need assistance or are travelling more than three floors, please use the stairs if you are going up or down one, two, or three floors. Freight elevators are available for use with approval to move items. Freight elevators should not be used in a passenger capacity unless approved by hall staff.

Elevator Capacity restrictions are posted in each elevator and should always be adhered to.

Inappropriate use of the elevators (i.e. jumping, pressing multiple buttons at once, prying doors open, bouncing in elevators, riding within the elevator for extended periods of time without the purpose of moving to another floor, etc.) or instigating any other inappropriate actions in the elevator that would cause it to break or initiate a staff response or emergency alarms and stops may result in disciplinary action and the liability for the cost to repair the damage to the elevator.

Emergency Procedures

Evacuation Locations

Branegan: USA Garden

Julia Martin Apartments: Parking lot

Nelson Story Tower: Parking Lot

Paisely Court: Parking Lot

Peter Koch Tower: Parking Lot

West Side House: Bobcat Parking Lot

Policies: Fire evacuation plans have been established to ensure Student safety.  In communities with centralized fire systems, fire drills are conducted multiple times a year, where alarms will sound in each hall so that Students are practiced in the proper evacuation procedures and university staff may test fire emergency equipment.

CAs will explain the evacuation procedures at the Orientation Meeting and an evacuation plan will be posted at each floor exit door. Students may be asked to create an evacuation plan for their household to be kept on file with University Student Housing. Students need to be familiar with these procedures. The use of fire escapes during a “non-emergency” is prohibited.

Some guidelines for evacuation:

  • Evacuate quickly and safely. Students may endanger the lives of both themselves and others if they do not exit the building as quickly and carefully as possible.
  • Do not use elevators during evacuation. Use the stairwells to evacuate.
  • If residents smell smoke while in their room, first feel the door and door knob to determine if heat is present. If it is not, place a towel over one’s mouth and open the door. If residents see smoke, crawl to the nearest exit (heat and smoke rise, and residents are safer closer to the floor).
  • When residents feel the door, if heat is present, do not open the door. Put a towel over one’s mouth and under the door, open the window and hang a piece of white cloth out the window, and then close the window. The cloth will let fire fighters know where to find residents. Unless residents live on the first floor, they should not jump out of the window. Never break the window, as this will draw smoke into the room. If a resident is still in the room, then they should call 911.
  • It is wise to wear shoes and warm clothing when evacuating since Students may have to remain outside for an extended period of time.
  • If a student should need assistance during a fire alarm, they should speak with University Student Housing staff as soon as possible to setup arrangements for emergency personnel.
  • If a student intentionally disregards the fire emergency process, they may face disciplinary action through conduct.
  • For resident’s with approved Assistive Animals are responsible for the evacuation of their animal during an emergency evacuation. *See Assistive Animal Agreement.

Filming and Photography

Filming and photography in University Student Housing may be allowed for class projects only. In order to do so, a filming request must be completed no less than one week prior to the requested date of filming. Failure to receive permission may result in your request being denied and future filming restrictions.

Fire Safety

As stated in section 330.110 of the Code of Student Conduct, violations of local, state, federal or campus fire policies including, but not limited to:

  • Intentionally or recklessly causing a fire which damages university or personal property or which causes injury;
  • Failure to evacuate a university building during a fire alarm
  • Improper use of university fire safety equipment; or
  • Tampering with or improperly engaging a fire alarm or fire detection/control equipment (including fire extinguishers and AED units) while on university property. Such action may result in a local fine in addition to university sanctions.

Candles: Burning candles is prohibited. One of the most common causes of fire in residential settings is from the use of candles. Because of the threat this poses to persons and property, burning candles is prohibited. Decorative candles are allowed but cannot be burned. Evidence that candles have been burned may result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of candle(s). It is encouraged to trim the wicks of all candles in the living environment and to use electric candle warmers if they wish to enjoy the smell of scented candles. 

*See Religious Practice section for directions on exemption process.

Items Blocking Hallways, Stairways, or Egress: In the event of an emergency, or just everyday transit, residents need to be able to move freely through our hallways, stairways, and entrances/exits. Additionally, facilities and fixtures must remain available for frequent cleaning and disinfection. Therefore, no personal items, appliances, or trash should be stored outside of a student’s apartment. This includes the hallways, bathrooms, lounges, laundryfacilities, kitchen facilities, and any other space shared with other residents. Doormats in hallway are prohibited.

Incense: Burning of incense in the University Student Housing is strictly prohibited. The evidence of burned incense is enough for disciplinary action and/or confiscation.

*See Religious Practice section for directions on exemption process.

Objects Producing Smoke or Vapor: Use of objects that produce smoke or vapor including, but not limited to: smoke machines, smoke bombs, chemical de-foggers, fog machines, signal smoke makers (flares), dry ice smoke or fog, smoking paraphernalia or materials, electronic cigarettes, and vape pens are prohibited in University Student Housing.

As noted in Montana State University’s Tobacco Free Campus policy, smoking of any kind (cigarettes, marijuana, e-cigarettes, vaping, etc.) is prohibited in residential areas or on campus. 

Open Flame Cooking Devices: Charcoal burners and other open-flame cooking devices shall not be operated on balconies or within 10 feet of combustible construction. Combustible construction means the structure’s patio fences and deck railings, as well as combustible decks above patios. Cooking devices shall not use a gas container larger than 2.5 pounds [nominal] 1 pound capacity (camp size). University Student Housing reserves the right to fully restrict open-flame cooking devices as needed due to safety or usage concerns. Charcoal burners and other open-flame cooking devices are strictly forbidden at both Nelson Story and Peter Koch Tower.

Sprinkler Pipes & Window Coverings: Due to potential safety concerns and fire hazards, posters and/or decorations cannot be placed on the window(s). Only university provided window treatments (blinds or curtains) may be used. Hanging blankets, sheets, tapestries, etc., that physically or visually restrict or block access to the room is prohibited.

* See also: Decorations and Displays

Tampering with fire safety equipment is prohibited. This includes smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, alarm pull stations, and fire panels.


Students may not remove University furniture or store it outside the unit. Once Students are moved in, the furniture status in the apartment (Furnished or Unfurnished) may not be changed.

Exceptions may be granted for medical concerns, with the following stipulations:

If Students are approved for medical purposes, all furniture will be removed at one time for a charge of $100.


Snow Removal: The Student is responsible for the removal of snow on walks, landings, and stairways between the unit and the main sidewalk. Facilities Services will remove snow from all major sidewalks, streets, and roads as needed.

Lawn Care: Facilities Services will manage lawns, including mowing/ trimming/ fertilizer, herbicide applications, and rodent control, during fair-weather months; please keep lawns free of toys, bikes, etc., to facilitate easy management of green spaces.

DO NOT let children play with water valves on buildings or sprinklers.

Planting: In-ground planting is permitted only at the designated community garden offered May through October. Container plants/gardens are permitted around units and must be located on unit balconies/patios, out of the way of pedestrians and mowers. Students will be charged $69.00/hour to restore grounds if in-ground planting takes place.

When moving out, DO NOT drive on sidewalks or the lawn.


Students may not house guests/visitors for more than five (5) consecutive days. Students must request approval from University Student Housing for exceptions to this. If guests will be parking on campus the Student may obtain a temporary parking pass from University Student Housing on their guests’ behalf. Parking permits, temporary or permanent, are require for parking on campus at all times.


University Student Housing keys are not to be duplicated.

  • If you temporarily lose your key, a loaner key may be requested at the University Student Housing office. This loaner key must be returned within five (5) days from the date of the key checkout, or the unit will be rekeyed at the Student’s expense.
  • A rekey is at least $125 per lock. Nelson and Peter Koch Tower units are at least $250 to rekey. McIntosh units are at least $625 to rekey.
  • Children must be eight (8) years of age or older to have their own key.
  • University Student Apartments provides a key service for emergency lockouts. In the event of a lockout after 5:00pm, please contact our on-call staff at 406-994-3730.
  • Written notice must be given to the University Student Housing Office if a non-resident is permitted to check out a key to your apartment. Students and designated individuals will be required to present picture identification to receive a key. University Student Apartments provides a key service for emergency lockouts. In the event of a lockout after 5:00pm, please contact our on-call staff at 406-994-3730.

Maintenance and Cleanliness

  • Community Assistants, Maintenance, and/or University Student Housing staff will perform regular facility checks of all units. Facility checks will identify any cleanliness, sanitation, maintenance, or safety issues that need to be addressed. Students will be given 24 hours' notice of entry. Students will be held responsible for documented violations. Any violation charges will be billed in accordance with University Facility, Maintenance, and third-party contractor standard rates.
  • It is the responsibility of the Student(s) to keep their assigned unit clean. Roommates are expected to maintain their spaces in a manner that is comfortable for all assigned Students in accordance with the mutually signed Roommate Agreement.
  • Students are responsible for replacing light bulbs as they burn out (interior lights, oven and refrigerator lights, etc.). University Student Housing may be able to provide you with replacement fluorescent bulbs if you stop by the maintenance house (call for location). Please be sure all bulbs are in working condition when vacating your apartment. Halogen lamps are not permitted as they pose a substantial fire hazard.
  • Students are expected to practice appropriate personal hygiene and to maintain an environment within their assigned space and community which is sanitary as defined below. Damages or unresolved pest infestation resulting from violation will result in termination of contract.
    • Bathroom area: free from excess moisture or product residue on surfaces and exhaust fan vents cleared of debris and dust. Towel racks are to be utilized for garments and linens. Toilets, bathtubs, and sinks are to be free from mineral deposits and product buildup. No excess power strips or altered outlets.
    • Bedrooms: no unnecessary clutter or garbage. No leftover food or drink. No candles or incense. No excess power strips or altered outlets.
    • Carpeting: Students who have carpet in their units are responsible for its upkeep. The use of shake-on carpet fresheners is prohibited.
    • Commonareas: no unnecessary clutter or garbage. No leftover food or drink. No candles or incense. No excess power strips or altered outlets.
    • Garbage: all garbage must be bagged, tied, and taken immediately to garbage receptacles. Do not leave garbage outside of units. Students are responsible for the disposal of discarded personal appliances and personal furniture items too large for dumpsters.
    • Kitchen area: appliances, cabinets, pantry, sinks, and surfaces should be free from crumbs, grease, leftover food, used dishes, and garbage. Food must be stored in airtight containers. Garbage may not be set outside of units for any amount of time. No excess power strips or altered outlets.
    • Maintenance Requests: Students should notify University Student Housing staff of all maintenance, facility, or pest concerns. Student will be held liable for unreported damage or infestations. Student will be given 24 hours’ notice of Maintenance entry. Minors and animals must be supervised by an adult. All third-party contractors will be accompanied by University Student Housing staff for the duration of their presence in-unit.
    • Modifications and Repairs: Students may not paint, or otherwise modify a unit. The Student will be charged for the cost to restore the unit to its original state if they modify the unit in any manner. This includes but is not limited to: installing satellite dishes outside of units.
    • Outdoor areas: no unnecessary clutter or garbage. Bikes are to be stored in the provided racks or storage units. Children’s toys and personal recreational equipment is to be stored in your unit or the provided storage unit. Plants and furniture are to be tasteful, in good repair, and situated on unit’s balcony or patio, out of the way of breezeways, sidewalks, and stairs. Items found to be blocking emergency exits, sidewalks, or public areas will be deemed abandoned and removed at Student’s expense in accordance to University Facility, Maintenance, and third-party contractor standard rates. Outdoor furniture, accessories or open flame cooking devices are strictly forbidden at both Nelson Story and Peter Koch Tower.
    • Pests: Maintenance is to be notified of all pest concerns. An eradication plan will be implemented and enforced by University Student Housing. Student will be held responsible for unreported infestation and any resulting remediation. Failure to adhere to prescribed pest eradication plan will result in termination of contract.
      • Generic ant and mouse traps can be purchased from local hardware stores and utilized in units.
      • EcoLab pest control is available for all other pest issues upon Maintenance’s suggestion. Student may be held responsible for third-party contractor charges.

Mechanical Work

Major overhauls, defined as mechanical work on vehicles other than tune ups, are not permitted in campus parking lots. Vehicles inoperable for longer than two weeks must be removed from University Student Housing lots. Abandoned vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Operation of a Business

Students may not conduct commercial activity or promote commercial activity using the university computer address (montana.edu domain). Business should not violate this contract or the Code of Student Conduct, nor should it violate fire code or impede on others’ peaceful and safe enjoyment of their residence.

Peaceful Enjoyment

Students, additional household residents, and their visitors will conduct themselves in a way that does not disturb other Students’ peaceful and safe enjoyment of their residence.

Quiet hours are 9pm-7am, seven days a week. Courtesy hours are always in effect.

Students, including all household members or visitors who disturb others, disrupt the ordinary operation of University Student Housing activities, and/or fail to comply with housing requirements will be required to leave the premises and/or will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of housing contract.


Students and their guests are not permitted to have animals/pets in University Student Housing Apartments units.

Students will be assessed a $35 per day fine for violations of the pet policy starting from the date the animal arrived on the premises. Student will be held responsible for the removal of the animal and remediation of the unit. Any violation charges will be billed in accordance with University Facility, Maintenance, and third-party contractor standard rates.

Exceptions are made for fish and totally aquatic species kept in tanks no larger than 20 gallons.

Service animals are permitted in University Housing. Assistive animals are permitted for a Student with approved accommodation through the Office of Disability Services and University Student Housing. Owners of service and assistive animals must adhere to the Guidelines for Assistive Animals to ensure their animal does not violate their obligation to the University Student Housing Apartments contract. Please note that failure to adhere to the Guidelines for Assistive Animals will result in fines and the animal or Student being removed from University Student Housing. Any violation of the Assistive Animal contract will result in charges for the remediation of the unit. For more information about approved assistive animals, please contact University Student Housing. 

Play and Recreation Areas

Play areas and playground equipment are provided for Students to enjoy. Playgrounds are not supervised, and the University assumes no responsibility for misuse or injury. Students are asked to immediately report any equipment in need of repair to University Student Apartments. All play areas close at 9:00 p.m. nightly.

It is every Student’s responsibility to help maintain cleanliness in public areas.

  • Immediately dispose of all animal waste in garbage receptacles.
  • Clean common area grills of all food remnants after use.
  • Dispose of all trash in garbage receptacles.
  • Collect your loose clothing items, toys, recreational equipment, etc. after using common areas.

University Student Housing prohibits the use or placement of any item exterior to the apartment unit that could pose potential harm or nuisance to others or damage property. Trampolines, air inflatables, climbing structures, horseshoe pits, archery sets, etc., are not permitted.

Property Damage, Vandalism & Theft

Students are responsible for the furniture and fixtures and university property within their apartments and common areas. University Student Apartments will make every attempt to fairly determine whether the Student will pay for damages. Anything outside the realm of normal wear and tear, such as damage and maintenance resulting from negligence of Student, household members, or guests will be charged to the Student. Any special cleaning or replacement of equipment resulting from Student’s misuse will also be the Student’s responsibility.

Students who, because of their actions, are responsible for damage to University Student Housing facility (such as leaving a window open during the winter that results in a burst heater pipe), will be held financially responsible for any/all damages caused as a result.

University Student Housing may refuse, revoke, suspend, or reassign housing for a student or group of students based on behavior that violates the Code of Student Conduct and/or Community Standards or damages. If students are found responsible for malicious or careless damage to University property they will be sanctioned through the conduct process.

If students are found responsible for malicious or careless damage to University property they will be sanctioned through the conduct process. If no responsible individuals can be identified, common area privileges may be restricted.

Dart Boards

Because of the potential for bodily harm and physical damage to University Student Housing facilities, hard tip darts and dart boards will not be allowed. Any damage resulting from the use of a dart board in a room will be the financial responsibility of the residents of the room. Soft tip darts and boards are acceptable.

Windows & Screens

Removal of screens is prohibited. Submit a maintenance request (work order) immediately if your screen is damaged, removed, or missing. If found to have been purposefully removed, the resident may be charged for the screen replacement and/or reinstallation. Throwing objects from or at windows is strictly prohibited. Items should not be attached to the window in order to maintain the condition of the window.


In University Student Housing, vandalism is defined as any damage to property, furnishings, furniture, elevators, bulletin boards, flyers, or any additional/unnecessary messes beyond what is expected with normal use of the facilities (i.e., smashed fruit in the hallway, spilled drink in the stairwell, etc.). Activities that require excessive clean-up by the custodial staff will be charged to the individuals responsible.

Religious Practices

Any person wishing to smudge within University Student Housing must make their request by contacting their Community Director.  All requests will be reviewed and then the student will receive an official email regarding their request. No resident may smudge on University Student Housing premises until they receive that email from the University Student Housing office acknowledging their request.  

For those students that have a religious practice that is in conflict with the outlined University Student Housing Community Standards or Contract, please contact your Community Director to see if an accommodation or exception can be made.


University Student Housing facilities are to be completely free of commercial enterprise and/or personal gain. Students are not permitted to operate any form of business/for profit activities in the University Student Apartments. 

Solicitation of information like surveys, polls, etc. are only permitted by the Hall Council or University Student Housing staff in the performance of their duties.

Any concerns regarding unauthorized door knocking should be directed to your Community Director.

University Student Housing does not permit Registered Student Organizations or MSU Departments (except University Student Housing) to display physical posters in on-campus communities.

For any campaigning, digital displays, donations, information tables, or other advertising opportunities the following guidelines apply:

Digital and Public Posting Display Guidelines

  • Be in compliance with all University Student Housing, Code of Student Conduct and other University policies.
  • Can only promote/advertisement registered student organization events, on-campus student resources, on-campus job/internship opportunities, RHA and/or ASMSU elections, or ASMSU/RHA ballot initiatives.
  • Advertisements making any mention of illegal use of alcohol or drugs, either implied or explicit, will not be approved.


University Student Housing does not permit hanging banners on the outside of University Student Housing facilities. Any banner displayed will be considered a violation of the policy and will be removed and disposed of. The sponsoring organization or individual will be charged a removal/disposal fee.

ASMSU and RHA Campaigning

Candidates for ASMSU and RHA elections and/or for sponsored ASMSU or RHA ballot issues may request to have an information table in Residence Halls.  Requests should be made at least five (5) business days prior to the date of activity to the Associate Director of University Student Housing. 

  • Information table locations have been predetermined for each residence hall.
  • The maximum time limit for each tabling activity is two hours and must take place between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
  • Tabling for candidates cannot occur more than two times per week and no more than a total of six times per semester.
  • Candidates must be accompanied by a resident of the residence hall the entire time at the table.
  • As designated by each individual hall council, all candidates for ASMSU and RHA elections must be allowed opportunity for equal time and publicity when speaking, if any candidate is allowed to speak.
  • To speak to the hall council of a residence hall, a candidate must contact the Hall Council President at least five (5) days in advance of the time wishing to speak to seek approval.
  • A candidate will not be allowed to arrive at a meeting and speak to a group without the hall president’s prior approval.

ASMSU Candidates are expected to abide by the ASMSU Election Policy.

Digital Displays

Only registered MSU student organizations or candidates for elected office, and MSU Offices and Departments may submit a posting for the digital displays in the living areas of residence halls at MSU. Organizations or candidates submitting an advertisement for the residence hall digital displays submit the advertisement for review by University Student Housing to assure it complies with university policies.

Digital Display Format:

  • JPEG File
  • 1920x1080 pixels
  • 16:9 Aspect Ratio
  • 11x17 Landscape

Digital Display Submission & Approval Process:

  • Advertisements must be submitted to University Student Housing via the online solicitation form at least five (5) business days prior to requested start date of advertisement.
  • If approved, the submissions will be displayed on digital displays in University Student Housing facilities.
  • Advertisements will remain on the digital displays for a maximum of seven (7) days (MSU Departments may request an exception).


Registered Student Organizations collecting items on behalf of an outside organization for a service opportunity must request permission prior to setting up a collection site. Please submit the request two weeks in advance.

Information Tables

MSU University Student Housing and Culinary Services allow Registered Student Organizations and University departments to request a table in the entrances to Miller Dining Commons for the purpose of presenting information to students.


  1. Registered MSU student organizations and University departments must request an information table with University Student Housing Life at least five (5) business days prior to the first day of tabling. University Student Housing reserves the right to deny information table requests that have not been submitted at least five (5) business days prior to the requested tabling date.
  2. A solicitation form must be submitted for all requests by student organizations and university departments.
  3. Because of the popularity of tabling, and the possibility of multiple organizations wishing to table for the same reasons, tabling for one organization/department cannot occur more than two times per week and no more than a total of six times per semester. University Student Housing and Culinary Services reserves their right to restrict tabling to certain dates during the year.
  4. All requests are subject to approval and scheduled on a “first come, first serve” basis.
  5. Tabling will only be allowed at Miller Dining Hall (North and South entrances)

Day of Tabling

  1. All Registered Student Organizations and MSU Department must present the signed request form they received via email to the University Student Housing main office (located underneath Miller Dining Hall) M-F 7:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  2. Registered groups are expected to provide their own table and chairs. University Student Housing or Culinary Services staff will advise groups on the designated tabling locations.
  3. The registered group’s name and purpose must be clearly stated and visible to students approaching that table.
  4. Approved groups or individuals are allowed to table no more than four hours per tabling opportunity. Tabling may not start before 8 a.m. and must be completed by 7 p.m.
  5. Registered Student Organizations and/or MSU Departments are expected to remove any items including trash from the tabling location prior to leave. Items may not be stored overnight.

The Registered Student Organization/University Department approved for an information table may not:

  1. Require students to stop at their table or physically attempt to stop them.
  2. Require students to give their room, hall or telephone number to receive information or qualify for raffles, drawings, etc. If students willingly give this information, the registered student organization or university department may not provide this information to any other party.
  3. Advertise or discuss illegal use of alcohol or drugs with students.
  4. Any approved individual or group must abide by all University policies including University Student Housing community standards and Code of Student Conduct.
  5. Leave their table and approach students in other areas of the dining hall.
  6. Call out to or harass students as they pass the table.
  7. Impede foot traffic through the lobby or create any safety hazard or blocked exit.
  8. Registered student organizations or departments that violate any University policy, and/or submit false information or misrepresentations in their requests and communications with any University personnel or resident, will be prohibited from future activities in any University Housing & Culinary Services areas and any permissions previously granted may be withdrawn.


The University will not provide access to student mailboxes or mailing labels to outside groups or organizations for mass mail or flyer distribution. In addition, the University will not provide access to student email addresses for the purpose of mass email distribution. Student to student communication should be through official mailing process; students may not request for an item or letter to be placed in someone’s mailbox.

Delivering flyers via mailboxes and sending building, area or campus-wide emails are restricted to University Student Housing staff and staff members must have advance approval from the Communications Team.

Posted Information/Advertising/Community Display Area

University Student Housing staff and the Resident Hall Association groups are permitted to advertise events in their halls. The sponsor and posting date must be indicated clearly on materials to be displayed on bulletin boards. The individual planning the program should remove any postings within 48 hours of the event’s completion. Any posters approved should be consistent with University policies and meet the guidelines for Digital and Public Postings detailed above.

University Student Housing does not permit physical posters from non-University Student Housing groups to be displayed or distributed in University Student Housing.

Non-University Student Housing groups are not allowed to display any commercial advertisement or promotions within University Student Housing.

Violations of the University Student Housing Posting Guidelines will subject the sponsoring organization, individual, or department to cover the cost of removal and repair costs for damages resulting from the unauthorized posting.


  • Due to city fire codes, safety and welfare of Students, and general aesthetics, storage of items including but not limited to freezers, tires, concrete blocks, lumber, garbage, recyclables, motorcycles, furniture, etc.) is not permitted outside units, on landings, in stairwells, or in breezeways.
  • Doors that serve as a means of egress are required to be distinguishable as a door and cannot be concealed by curtains, drapes, or other decorations as identified in the currently adopted 2021 International Fire Code.
  • The use and placement of neatly stored grills, lawn furniture, and other like items, is permitted, with the exception of the Peter Koch and Nelson Story Towers.
  • After written notification to the Student to correct violations of the storage requirements, the University will remove any materials improperly stored outside and the Student will be billed for this removal at a rate of $32 per hour, in addition to a $30 per item removal fee.

Storage Units: storage sheds are permitted in the West Side Houses, with prior approval and in coordination with the University Student Housing maintenance team.

  • Sheds must be placed at the rear of the units near the exterior wall. Storage sheds should be no larger than 8 feet wide, 12 feet deep, and 7 feet high at the peak of the gable, and neatly painted.
  • It is the responsibility of the Student to remove the shed upon vacating the unit.
  • Sheds left after a Student moves out, will be dismantled and disposed University’s discretion; Student will be billed for charges associated with removal.


Subleasing is not permitted.

Smoking & Tobacco Use

No Smoking

Smoking is not allowed inside any University Student Housing facilities. This includes cigars, cigarettes, pipes, hookah, e-cigarettes/vape, or any other smoking device. Hookah pipes or bongs are prohibited inside of any University Student Housing facilities. Any smoking paraphernalia known to be associated with or suspected of use with drugs may be confiscated by University Police Department and is a violation of the drug policy.

Tobacco Free Campus

As of August 1, 2012, Montana State University is a Tobacco Free Campus.

The use of tobacco (including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, and all other tobacco products) by students, faculty, staff, guests, visitors, and contractors is prohibited on all properties owned or leased by MSU, including:

  • All interior space on the MSU campus and property leased by MSU, including the agricultural research centers and other remote sites;
  • All outside property or grounds on MSU's campuses, including areas such as walkways, breezeways, parking lots, and patios;
  • All outside property leased by MSU;
  • All vehicles leased or owned by MSU;
  • All indoor and outdoor athletic facilities.

Advertising, sale, or distribution of tobacco is prohibited on MSU's campus.

Tobacco industry and related company sponsorship of campus groups, events, individuals, and departments is prohibited. This includes scholarships, sponsorship of faculty positions, and recruiting for employment. Tobacco industry and related company sponsorship of MSU athletic events and MSU athletes is prohibited.

Littering on any university property, whether owned or leased, with the remains of tobacco products is prohibited.

Organizers and attendees at public events, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, social events, cultural events, and sporting events using MSU facilities are required to abide by MSU's tobacco-free policy. Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating the policy to attendees and for enforcing this policy.


Signs which are the property of the federal, state, or local government, or which belong to the university, may not be posted in student rooms. Sign theft is illegal. If residents are found possessing such a sign, they will be reported to the proper authorities for disposition of their case. If students are found to be in possession of a local business sign, they will be reported to the business concerned and/or the local police.

University and Community Information

It is expected that Students attend community meetings with their Community Assistants, and/or Community Director where students receive important information regarding their housing and the campus community. To ensure that this information is received, students are strongly encouraged to check their preferred email. Preferred email may be edited through MyInfo.

Students are strongly encouraged to check their university email for important communications. Email communication constitutes official notification from the university. Failure to check this university-issued email accounts does not negate a student’s’ responsibility to respond to the provided information.

Vehicles/Personal Transportation Devices

Students, dependents, and guests must observe all MSU Parking Regulations and the University Personal Transportation Device Policy. Motorized Vehicles and Motorcycles in University Student Apartment owned parking lots that do not have an FH permit or FH Guest Pass, or are violating parking regulations, are subject to citation. Motorized vehicles or motorcycles may be towed and impounded depending on the frequency or severity of violations. Bicycles and other non-motorized Personal Transportation Devices should be parked and locked appropriately in bicycle racks.  Bicycles and Personal Transportation Devices should not be stored on, in, or to anything other than a bicycle rack (i.e patios, under stairwells, chained to gas meters, stairway railings, light posts).


Waterbeds are not permitted.

Weapons – (University Weapons Policy)


For purposes of this policy, “Weapon” means an instrument, article or substance that is designed, used or likely to be used to cause bodily harm or property damage. Weapons include the following items: firearms, including rifles, shotguns, handguns; bowie, dirks and knives (other than kitchen knives) with blades four (4) inches or longer, explosives, swords, nun chucks, throwing stars and other martial arts weapons, crossbows, compound bows, recurve bows, long bows, pepper spray (except for small, personal protection dispensers), BB guns, paintball guns, ammunition, and non-functioning replicas that could be confused with actual firearms/weapons. “University Premises” means the facilities and land owned, leased by, or under the primary control of Montana State University-Bozeman and passenger vehicles owned, leased, or otherwise under the control of the university.


No person may carry or possess a weapon, regardless of whether the person has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, on university premises except as authorized by this policy.

  • Residents of University Student Housing may store rifles, shotguns, crossbows, compound bows, recurve bows and long bows with field or broadhead points, and bear spray at the University Police Department.
  • Licensed Peace Officers and Security Personnel. Licensed Peace Officers working in the course and scope of their employment as law enforcement officers and employees of a contracted private security company, registered to carry firearms pursuant to Title 37, Chapter 60, MCA, working in the course and scope of their employment, are authorized to carry loaded firearms on campus.
  • The transportation of unloaded firearms directly between a parking area on campus and the location authorized for its use, or transportation of a firearm to be stored in the university storage facility as outlined in this policy is permitted under this policy.
  • The use of starting pistols at athletic events, replicas in connection with authorized military drills by ROTC, or theatrical productions sponsored by the university is permitted.
  • The display of unloaded firearms in connection with university events or events contracted under the Facility Use Policy by third parties is permitted, if the advance written permission from the University Police Chief or designee is obtained. The Chief of Police shall provide notice to university administrators or employees who, in his or her discretion, should be advised of the granted exception.


Students and employees who violate the provisions of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment. The University Police Department shall be responsible for appropriate enforcement of the policy for visitors and others on campus which may include removal from the campus, restriction of access to campus under section 1200.00 of the Facilities Use Manual, criminal, and/or civil proceedings.

Discharging a weapon in University Student Housing will be cause for immediate contract termination and removal from University Student Housing.

In all cases of weapons violations, students will face disciplinary action and law enforcement will be involved. Students could face contract termination and removal from University Student Housing and suspension from the university.

In addition to our Student Code Conduct Weapons Policy. University Student Housing also prohibits the following items:

  • Axes
  • Hatchets
  • Ice picks

Yard sales

Yard sales are permitted but are restricted to an individual’s yard. Please curtail traffic congestion and do not allow people to drive on the lawns. Please remove all signs from University property at the conclusion of your sale.

ResNet Acceptable Use Policy