Meet MSU Graduate Students & Alumni
When you become a graduate student at Montana State University, you join a vibrant
community of scholars. MSU graduate students represent backgrounds as diverse as the
fields they study. Meet some of them, find out about their research and advice to
future graduate students.
Our latest video introduces you to MSU graduate students.
Scroll down to see more profiles and research stories.
While The Graduate School's website offers lots of information, sometimes the best
way to learn about becoming a graduate student is by hearing from our students and
alumni. Read their advice to prospective students.
Meet MSU alumni! Catch up with some of our graduates, learn about what they are doing today, and hear their advice to prospective graduate students. |
Profiles & Research Stories
Meet a Sloan Scholar: Robert Dorsey
The Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership aims to increase the number of Indigenous Americans earning master’s and doctoral degrees in STEM disciplines. Meet Sloan Scholar Robert Dorsey, an M.S. candidate in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering.
![Photo of Kristin](/gradschool/images/student_alumni_photos/smith_kristin.jpg)
Earth sciences Ph.D. student Kristin Smith talks about the importance of becoming involved in the MSU community.
![dorj in mtns](/gradschool/images/student_alumni_photos/dorj_in_mtns.jpg)
Strong Connections Between Bozeman & Mongolia Drew Dorj Sukhragchaa to MSU
Meet Dorjderem “Dorj” Sukhragchaa, Fulbright grant recipient and Master's candidate in Land Rehabilitation
National Science Foundation's East Asia & Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students Award Winners
In an effort to facilitate collaboration between American graduate students and foreign counterparts, the National Science Foundation (NSF) partners with science and technology agencies to allow American graduate students to complete research abroad. NSF’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI) provides students in science, engineering, and education first-hand research experience in one of seven East Asia and Pacific countries. The award includes a stipend, airfare, and in country living expenses. Students also receive an introduction to the science policy and scientific infrastructure of the country as well as an orientation to its society, culture, and language.
Meet Nicholas Loutrel (Physics), Sarah Mailhiot (Mechanical Engineering) and Jeffrey Simkins (Chemical & Biological Engineering), three Montana State University doctoral students who won EAPSI awards for summer 2016. Click on the links to learn about their research and find out about where they are going.
Graduate Students on the Ice — Research Projects in Antarctica
Click here to learn more about three Antarctic research projects involving MSU graduate students.
Three-Minute Thesis Competition
Ever wanted to hear an 80,000-word thesis or dissertation distilled into 180 seconds? The Three-Minute Thesis Competition challenges graduate students to do just that.
The College of Engineering has been holding an annual Three-Minute Thesis Competition since 2015. Click on the links below to take a look at the presentations.
See the 2017 competition
Judges' Choice Award winner Drew Norton; Peoples' Choice Award winner Utkarsh Goel
See the 2016 competition
Judges' Choice Award winner Jeff Simkins; Peoples' Choice Award winner Anali Huggins
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Graduate Student Videos
In these three videos, you'll meet some of our graduate students and find out about the research they are conducting at MSU.