We know First-Generation students hold diverse identities. Below is a list of resources for a diverse range of students on campus!

Montana State University Common Terms

  • People in higher education use a lot of terms and acronyms that you may not be familiar with. Use this common term glossary to familiarize yourself with some common terms you may hear on campus.

First-Gen Advocates Directory

Center for First-Generation Student Success

  • Also known as NASPA, The Center was founded in June of 2017 and aims to provide evidence-based practices, professional development, and leadership skills to communities. Their mission is to use these methods to make advancements with First-Generation Students’ education and empower students on their journey. Their website contains real life data and statistics on First-Gen students and different programs/events that are open to all! The NASPA webpage can be found using this link .


  • TRIO Student Support Service is a grant based program at MSU that is dedicated to helping students thrive in higher education through innovative programs and services. They offer a variety of resources to their students such as book loans, research opportunities, free printing and tutoring, success advising in all fields, and much more. TRIO accepts applications through their website from January to June for the following academic year. Students are also considered for TRIO when applying to MSU in their first year based on their FAFSA information. The TRIO SSS website can be found using this link. 

First-Generation Students Association (FGSA)

  • FGSA is a new student organization here at MSU. Founded in November of 2022 the Association aims to provide a welcoming and open environment for all students on campus. Through meetings, events, and activities they empower students and build a sense of community with high impact experiences and support. If you are looking for more information, please go to the FGSA CatsConnect page to learn more. 

McNair Scholars Program

  • The McNair program is named after Ronald E. McNair who was an African American NASA Mission specialist and astronaut, he tragically lost his life in the 1986 U.S. Challenger explosion. This program was created in remembrance of him as he grew up in poverty and was the first in his family to achieve higher education. The goal of this program is to help 25 underrepresented students who are committed to obtaining a graduate degree reach their goals with a multitude of resources. If you are looking to apply to this program, please go to the McNair Scholars Program webpage

Student Commons

  • The Student Commons is open to any and all students on campus. They aim to provide a welcoming and warm environment for students regardless of their experiences, identity, and background. They provide this environment through a multitude of events, programs, workshops, and seminars. They also have a fun lounge for students to swing by and refuel on snacks and intruiging converstation located in room SUB 185. There is no application needed to use this resource and more information can be found at the Student Success website located using this link.

EMPower Center

  • The Empower Student Center is a free resource for minority students in STEM fields. They aim to provide a more inclusive space for students in STEM by providing free tutoring and printing, snacks, laptop rentals, academic guidance, etc. They work closley with students and value representing STEM Majors are for everyone regardless of your background. Their office is located in Norm Asbjornson Hall room 267 and more information can be found at the EMPower Student Center website link attached. 

Scholarship List

  • Provided is a list of scholarships students can apply for in an excel spreadsheet if they qualify as at least of one the following:
    • First-Gen, low income, student with disability, student who identifies as a minority, a part of the LGBTQ+ community, etc. 

Bounty of the Bridgers Food Pantry/Food Schoolarship

  • Bounty of the Bridgers is a free food pantry on campus for all students! They provide grab ‘n go snacks just a short block away from campus and also have a food scholarship application for students who live off campus. For more information on what they do as an organization follow this link to their website or feel free to drop in their office and say hi!

Child Care

Return 2 Learn

  • Re-enrolling at MSU? Return to Learn is just for you! This program is designed to help students who are coming back to MSU navigate campus life again. The goal of this program is to make sure non-traditional students graduate with their bachelors degree with help of campus resources. If you are returning to MSU or higher education after a break, visit the Return to Learn resource page here

NavMSU Handraise 

  • Hand raise is a new platform available on NavMSU geared towards advocating for students with real people and connections. Students often have questions but are not sure who to exactly ask for the answer. With Hand Raise, students can send their question into a private chat and get a real person response from staff at MSU. To download the app or learn more about this new feature follow this link to be redirected. 

How do I know if I am a First Generation College Student?

Did either of my parents graduate from a 4 year University?

  • If not, then you are first-generation!

What if my parents started college but never graduated?

  • You’re a first-generation student!

What if I have an older sibling that is in college/graduated from college?

  • If your parents did not graduate from a 4 year College orUniversity, then you’re still a first generation student!

What if my grandparents graduated from college but my parents did not?

  • You’re still a first generation student!