September 3, 2003
Members Present: Mike Giroux, Tim McDermott, Peter Kommers, Harold
Schlotzhauer, Alan Leech, Shannon Taylor, Rich Howard, Joe Seymour,
Warren Jones, Jay Conant, Marvin Lansverk, Sandy Levy, Steve Cherry,
Yves Idzerda, Pat Lynes-Hayes, Maryann Prawdzienski, Assistant Deans'
Rep Joe Fedock.

New Members Present: David Weaver, John Christopher, Mike Neeley, Paul
Monaco, Joe Ashley.

The meeting was called to order by 2003-04 Chair Richard Howard at
4:10 PM.  A quorum was present.  The minutes of the April 30, 2003,
meeting were approved as distributed.

Chair's report - Richard Howard.
     - New members were welcomed.
     - The Faculty Council Annual Report for 2002-03 was distributed.
     (It is available at ).
          - A significant accomplishment was establishing a policy
          with the administration governing release time for the
          Chair, Chair-Elect, and Faculty Affairs Chair and increasing
          the release time buy-out for these positions.
          - A University Shared Governance web page has been created
          (see URL above), an acknowledgment that shared governance is
          operational and a critical element at MSU.
          - At graduation, faculty were recognized as an important
          component in the education of students, and the faculty
          award winners were acknowledged by name.
          - There has been increased interaction with the President
          and the Provost.
          - A formal liaison with Graduate Council has been
          - Faculty representation on UPBAC has been increased by
          adding the Past Chair of Faculty Council to the membership.
          - Discussion between the Provost and Deans was initiated
          regarding additional compensation to faculty for teaching
          - University employees were surveyed to estimate the number
          of employees' children who would take advantage of a
          scholarship to attend MSU-Bozeman, if it were available.
          - The addition of a MUS faculty representative to the table
          at Board of Regents' meetings was facilitated.  During the
          past year, MSU Faculty Chair Howard filled the position.
          - The Faculty Council Chair and Chair-Elect met regularly
          with the Board of Regents Chair, Richard Roehm.
          - The Faculty Affairs Committee, under the leadership of the
          Chair, Walter Metz, did an outstanding job of identifying
          Faculty Handbook amendments to be made and addressing them.

The chairmanship of Faculty Council was turned over to Warren Jones,
2003-04 Chair.  Outgoing Chair Howard was thanked for his leadership
during the past year.

Remarks by the 2003-04 Faculty Council Chair - Warren Jones.
     - Some issues to be addressed during the coming year have been
          - A web-based review of administrators at the level of
          department head or above will take place this semester.
          Rich Howard will help prepare the review and organize the
          results.  By having the review take place fall semester, the
          input can be used during spring semester reviews of
          - The possibility of greater faculty involvement in program
          evaluations to be used in MSU's strategic planning and
          resource allocation processes will be explored.
          - Developing a role for Faculty Council in academic program
          approval will be discussed.
          - Additional compensation for teaching overloads will be
          considered at greater length.
          - The idea of scholarships for employees' children will
          continue to be pursued.
          - The Faculty Affairs Committee, chaired by Marvin Lansverk,
          will consider Faculty Handbook amendments left from spring
     - Chair Jones views himself as a liaison between Faculty Council
     and the administration.  He may be contacted at or 994-6129.

Additional topics to be discussed during the year.
     - Other issues were briefly discussed during the past year, and
     there should be some follow-up of them.  They include review of
     the sabbatical process, especially in the area of peer review.
     Availability of sabbaticals should also be revisited.  The state
     contribution to the optional retirement program was briefly
     discussed last year and should be reviewed to determine if there
     is any possibility of the state increasing it.
     - Individuals to be invited to Faculty Council to give
     presentations include Greg Young, Vice Provost for Undergraduate
     Education; Bruce McCleod, Dean of Graduate Studies; David Dooley,
     Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; and the local
     regent, Richard Roehm.

     - President Gamble will give a campus address Wednesday, October
     8, at 4:10 PM in SUB Ballroom B.

As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:50 PM

Joann Amend, Secretary              Warren Jones, Chair