Your first day on campus


Virtual Tour

Campus from the air in summer.
Explore our campus on your own time from any device.

Self-Guided Walking Tour

Campus map from walking tour.
Discover campus on your own self-guided tour with companion narration.

Your first day of class

Click here to learn more about what to do on your first day of classMSU prepares students to graduate equipped for careers and further education. Working alongside world-class faculty mentors, students discover new knowledge that helps to improve quality of life around the globe. This supportive and collaborative learning environment helps students succeed in competing for national and international scholarships and awards.

Teaching & Learning

IT info to get you up and running at MSU



Your first day in lab/studio/etc

Work with your department to make arrangements for your lab/studio and office space.

  • Office of Research Compliance - The Office of Research Compliance oversees University programs designed to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations for research by creating and supporting an environment that furthers research integrity and scholarly activity.

    • Training - Biosafety, Radiation, CITI and Specialized training 
  • Procurement Services - Procurement Services provides professional purchasing services for instructional, research, and administrative components of the University.
  • Undergraduate Scholars Programone of the largest multidisciplinary undergraduate research programs at MSU. The USP program is here to help undergraduate students in all disciplines pursue research, scholarship, and creative projects.
  • Undergraduate Research Opportunities
  • Research Alliance - The Research Alliance is a consortium of research support units across campus that includes the Office of Research Development, the Center for Faculty Excellence, the MSU Library, and Research Cyberinfrastructureworking together to support and increase the excellence of the university's research enterprise. 
  • Startup Funds - Faculty startup packages vary on what they include and where they come from. Check with your Department accountant to discuss what your package entails and how you can use it to support your success.
  • Laboratory Equipment Donation Grant Program (LEDP)  - This program permits universities, colleges, and other non-profit educational institutions to acquire used energy-related laboratory equipment. All non-profit educational institutions of higher learning that are interested in establishing or upgrading energy-oriented educational programs in life, physical, and environmental sciences or in engineering are eligible. The website can be accessed at:

Your first day of advising students

At MSU, we believe that academic advising is a critical component of a student's University experience. Advising teaches students how to navigate their academic journey and take ownership of their college experience. While advising happens differently in some departments, the Advising Commons has resources to help you with your role as an advisor.

 Your first day as a mentor to undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs

Mentorship encompasses all aspects of what we do at Montana State University from understanding the goals and wishes of freshman undergraduate students to guiding graduate students and postdocs through their academic journey to enabling the success of early career faculty in pursuing excellence in scholarship and teaching throughout faculty careers.

The Graduate School strives to foster an environment that produces outstanding graduate scholars who contribute new ideas and knowledge using creative and innovative approaches to solve challenges in an evolving world.

The Graduate School enriches the graduate student experience by providing excellent service, timely oversight, and relentless advocacy for student success.

Here are some other resources to start you on your mentorship path: