CFE Newsletter
Thursday, August 18, 2022
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Dear Colleagues, Welcome to Fall Semester 2022! We hope your summer has been rewarding, refreshing and recharging. It is our pleasure to introduce to you the newest member of the CFE team: Emily Smith, Program Coordinator. Emily is working half time in the CFE and halftime for Undergraduate Scholars Program. She recently moved to Bozeman from Albuquerque, NM where she was working with high school students. We feel fortunate to have her in our office. We look forward to working with you this year and hope you will help us welcome around 70 new faculty to our community! Mentorship encompasses all aspects of what we do at Montana State University from understanding the goals and wishes of freshman undergraduate students to guiding graduate students through their academic journey to enabling the success of early career faculty in pursuing excellence in scholarship and teaching throughout faculty careers. We are recruiting new faculty mentors for the Early Career Success Program and encourage you to take a minute and respond below if you are interested in being a mentor to new faculty member. Below you will find information about our upcoming workshops and programs. We want to remind you that MSU has an institutional membership with the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity, which provides all MSU faculty, postdocs and graduate students free access to a range of resources for success in higher education. We have developed new web resources for syllabus language and some suggestions of best practices for your first class, first week, first month and aspects of your class and classroom to consider before the first day of class. For work-life services and practical solutions to real-life issues, MSU employees and their families can access the MUS Employee Assistance Program at no cost. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if we can help you. Sincerely, The CFE Team UPCOMING CFE SESSIONSFall 2022 New Faculty OrientationThe 2022 New Faculty Orientation will take place on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at Romney Hall 211. This event will help equip new faculty with onboarding resources and knowledge of how to promote student success through teaching, scholarship and service. A detailed agenda is available on the CFE website. NOTE: Attendance is required for all incoming faculty members who are working half time or full time. Faculty members working below half time are also welcome to join! If you are a new faculty member and would like to join, you can register here. Active Learning Basics: Rethink Your Teaching to Promote Deeper LearningThursday, September 1st || 10:00 am to 11:00 am || SUB 233 and WebEx option only for those at off-campus locations || REGISTER HERE In this workshop, you will actively learn about active learning pedagogies, including proven strategies and evidence-based, best practices for creating an active learning classroom. Online Teaching SquareParticipate in an 8-week Online Teaching Square where you will observe and discuss the online courses and teaching practices of other online instructors from across various disciplines at MSU. Join the Mindful Mentor Faculty Program!Do you wish you had guidance and support in the practice of mentoring your undergraduate and graduate student researchers? This Fall semester you are invited to join a community of faculty who together will explore a relational and inclusive approach to mentoring that fosters personal growth and collaborative relationships, learning how to mentor students with authentic connection and compassion. Deadline to apply is Sept 2nd. OTHER MSU ANNOUNCEMENTSJunior Faculty League Coworking: Writing SyllabiFriday August 19, 1-5pm, Cheever 131 Come work with other faculty on your syllabus. You can drop by at any time and stay for whatever length of time you prefer. Associate Professor Susanne Cowan ( will be there to answer questions or brainstorm ideas. Introducing navMSU
Panopto is MSU's Lecture Capture ToolPanopto has replaced TechSmith Knowmia as MSU's officially supported lecture capture tool and is available to faculty, staff, and students through our campus license. Use Panopto to record lectures, screen captures, presentations, and other videos, and store them in your Panopto video library to be shared or viewed at a later date. iClicker Cloud is HereiClicker Cloud is our new student response system that allows faculty to collect real-time data from their students during a lecture. With our iClicker Cloud campus license, students can now use the mobile app to respond to classroom polling free of charge instead of purchasing an iClicker remote. Don't Cancel That ClassInvite the VOICE Center to your class instead of canceling it! If you know you will be out for a conference, professional development, or a personal matter during the upcoming semester, consider inviting the VOICE Center into your class to cover for that day. D2L Brightspace TrainingsMSU's Electronic Course Activation Tools (ECAT) team will host workshops on the Brightspace Learning Environment in August and September. NCFDD WEBINARSGuest Expert Webinar: Equitable, Accessible, and Inclusive Teaching PracticesAugust 23, 2022 at 2:00 PM ET || Sign-up here In this webinar, you'll learn strategies and supports to ensure teaching is equitable, accessible, and inclusive for all students. Guest Expert Webinar: NCFDD Discussion Panel: "What I Wished I Would Have Known as a New Full-time Faculty Member"August 30, 2022 at 2:00 PM ET || Sign-up here In this webinar, a panel of Assistant and Associate Professors from different disciplines and institutions will share their experience, insight, and advice to help support the success of new full-time faculty members. Core Curriculum: Mastering Academic Time Management
You will need to log into your National Center for Faculty Diversity and Development (NCFDD) account and then click the link below to access the event. This online resource is available to the MSU community free of charge. Learn more about how to register. |
View all of the NCFDD upcoming events
MSU Center for Faculty Excellence |