Agriculture Publications
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What is the Farm Service Agency (FSA)? (MT202210AG) (New June 2022)
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) is part of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and administers many loan, direct payment, and other agricultural assistance programs. People who can benefit from FSA programs include farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural producers, including those getting started in agriculture. Many programs provide financial assistance to farmers and ranchers in times of distress. FSA began as an agency in 1933 in response to needs during the Great Depression. Over time, the FSA has served many roles, including providing medical care, promoting of cooperatives, and mediation services to help farmers avoid foreclosure. FSA’s programs have changed over time and many are updated with the Farm Bill, which is legislation passed roughly every five years. The information in this MontGuide is current as of April 2022 but will change.
- Beef Cattle Share Leases. (MT201607AG) (Current as 2021)
Advantages and disadvantages of agricultural leases, factors to consider in developing share arrangements and sample share arrangements are included in this MontGuide. - Grazing Leases (MT201601AG) (Current as 2021)
The definition of a grazing lease, estimating grazing lease rates, the basis of expressing lease rates and the terms of a grazing lease are discussed. - Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) (New 2015)
NAP can be a useful tool for producers looking for otherwise unavailable crop insurance coverage. This MontGuide provides an overview of different types of NAP coverage, explanations of the NAP premium and fee calculations, as well as how NAP payments are calculated when producers suffer a loss. - Agricultural Marketing Policy Center: The purpose of the Agricultural Marketing Policy Center is to provide applied research
and education, including extension education on agricultural marketing and related
policy issues for informed decision-making by farm and ranch managers, public decision
makers in rural communities and in local and state agencies, state legislators, and
congressional delegations in Montana and the Northern Plains and Rockies Region.
This website is maintained by faculty and extension specialists in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University. Our primary objective is to provide timely and relevant information that will enable agricultural producers in the northern Great Plains to better understand the economic issues that affect their businesses and communities.
Our goals are to provide a consistent source of objective analyses and discussions; review and describe current research in the department; summarize findings and implications of other relevant studies and reports; and announce upcoming events, educational tools, and other resources.