- It’s never too late to add nutrients to the garden. Add straw, hay, green manure crops,
sawdust, kitchen scraps or whatever is on hand.
- Where snow still covers the ground, add your amendments, letting the spring thaw help
break down the additives. Till or spade in added materials during any weather breaks.
- Start cabbage and onion seeds for early transplants.
- February is ideal cold frame weather. The sunny days sprout seeds quickly, forcing
rapid growth. A dark manure tea watered in every other week, gives ample nutrients.
- Pre sprout asparagus seed. Mix seed with 20 parts sand to one part seed. Wash the
mix with warm water 3-4 times a day and use folds of damp paper towels or cloth as
a sprouting bin. Sprouting occurs in a week to 10 days. Transplant sprouts into temporary
pots until the weather breaks.
- Work aged manure into garden pea patches. Plant peas as soon as soil thaws and is
workable. Mulch rows well and water weekly during dry periods.
- Start Eggplant and Pepper.
- Check stored vegetables for rot.
- Continue pruning when wood is not frozen. Save apple clippings for bloom-forcing indoors.
- Prune grapes.
- Check and repair winter storm damage the first chance you can.
- As soon as wood thaws, tree and shrub pruning can be started.
- De-thatch old lawns if needed before feeding high nitrogen fertilizers.
- Check perennial beds for heaving from severe frosts. Repair damage if possible, or
mulch with straw or evergreen boughs until soil can be worked.
- For a good supply of chrysanthemums for late-fall bloom, divide old plants, setting
out new shoots. Give new plants a mulch layer for frost protection.
- Start petunia and begonia.
- Force some spring bulbs for early indoor blooms. Extend life of Valentine roses by
asking if they were conditioned. If they were, recut stems on a slant and place in
cold water. If they haven’t been conditioned, recut stems and place in hot water.
The hot water opens up conducting tissue and allows for better water absorption. Once
water cools add preservative provided by florist, following instructions on the packet.
- To continue poinsettia culture, water when soil becomes dry and begin to fertilize
at every third watering with a balanced fertilizer. Continue this culture through
Yellowstone County Extension Office
301 N 27th St, #330
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 256-2828
Fax (406) 256-2825
4-H / Youth Development Agent:
Roni Baker
Agriculture Agent:
Francisco Gamboa
Family & Consumer Science Agent:
Erin Gregory
Horticulture Agent:
Anthony Sammartano
4-H Program Assistant:
Stephanie Johnson
Administrative Support:
Brandy Butler
Administrative Support:
Leslie Idstrom