Click any title below to view the audio transcript for each MWCC video

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Welcome to the introductory video for the MSU Extension Mental Wellness Conversations video series. I'm Dr. Alison Brennan, an assistant professor in Human Development and Community Health and MSU Extension Mental Health Specialist. You'll see me in many of the videos in this series, and you'll also get to meet some of our amazing county Extension agents
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Now that I've introduced myself, I'd like to spotlight the other members of the Mental Wellness Conversations project team.
First, Dr. Michelle Grocke-Dewey, Associate Professor in Human Development and Community Health and MSU Extension Health & Wellness Specialist. Michelle was the lead on this project. She was the MSU PI for the 2020 grant that originally supported this project under the Western Regional Agricultural Stress Assistance Program, and she is currently the MSU PI for the 2024 grant.
Next, two former students, Katharine Sutphen and Parker Webb, who helped develop the curriculum and evaluate facilitator trainings.
Last, but certainly not least, Lori Mayr, our graphic designer.
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The MWC Project is part of our work to address farm & ranch stress in Montana.
Before I started in my current role, Michelle went on a tour of Montana to hear directly from agents and community members about what the major health issues were within their counties. Mental health in general came up often, as did farm and ranch stress specifically. From those discussions, it was clear that people wanted to be able to access educational materials anonymously, on their own time (rather than the traditional in-person workshop type format), which led to the idea for an online clearinghouse of resources.
In 2019, we received a Montana Healthcare Foundation grant to support the development of the MT Ag Producer Stress Resource Clearinghouse. Creation of the clearinghouse was informed by a statewide advisory council that included a wide range of people involved in agriculture We launched the clearinghouse in Spring 2020, and we update and add to the content often.
Another idea we had around that same time was to create a Mental Wellness Conversation Curriculum that could be used within agricultural communities to help normalize discussions about mental health. We knew that this effort was going to require a lot of funding support for content development, design, printing, and training, so we were thrilled when Washington State University asked us to be a major collaborator on the 2020 Western region USDA grant that funded the Western Regional Agricultural Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP). Using this grant funding we developed and published the Mental Wellness Conversation Curriculum in 2023. The curriculum includes a customized deck of standard playing cards, with each card rank (Ace, 2, 3 and so on) representing a specific wellness-related theme. There is also a companion guide that we give to facilitators who complete the Mental Wellness Conversation Curriculum facilitator training. But, we know that there isn’t a facilitator in every community to lead these conversations, which is why we are doing this video series. We want anyone and everyone to be able to learn about and apply the strategies and skills that we’ve included in the MWCC.
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The Mental Wellness Conversation Curriculum themes will be the basis of the video series, so here is a quick description of these themes:
Ace is Manage – Using the four As—avoid, alter, accept, adapt—to manage stress
Two is Move- The importance and benefits of physical activity; specific types of physical activity; guidance from health authorities
Three is Connect - Supporting mental well-being through connecting to people, pets, and nature
Four is Breathe - The benefits of controlled breathing for stress management
Five is Eat - The relationship between healthy eating and mental wellbeing, along with basic nutrition recommendations
Six is Reduce - Establishing healthy limits around potentially harmful coping strategies (including caffeine and alcohol)
Seven is Sleep - The stress-reducing advantages of getting enough high-quality sleep and guidance for improving sleep
Eight is Hydrate - Effective hydration for supporting mental well-being
Nine is Get Help - Recognizing signs of distress and knowing resources for getting professional help
Ten is Relax - Reducing stress through taking time to relax
Jack is Play - Remembering the importance of play for adults
Queen is Calm - Methods for calming the body and mind
King is Learn- Navigating the MSU Extension Ag Producer Stress Resource Clearinghouse for more information
As you can see in the box to the right, within the deck of cards, each suit provides a different type of information. We'll be covering all of these types of information within the video series, as well.
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Mental health is health. Just like with physical health, we can make changes and take action to improve our mental health. Our intent for this video series is to help you do that. The purpose of this video series is to promote the use of practices that support mental wellbeing, and to normalize conversations about mental health topics.
This will be achieved through a series of brief three to five minute videos centered on each of the wellness themes represented by card ranks, Aces through Kings, for a total of 13 theme-based videos.
Within each video, we'll provide information about key concepts for that theme and describe its significance for mental wellness.
Each video will include a "Try it!" Practical suggestions section, provide some resources if you would like more information or ideas for how to apply it, and each video will end with questions for personal reflection and discussion. We hope you'll use the discussion questions to start conversations with family and friends about these health topics.
Access to the card deck is not necessary for following along with or understanding the video series.  But, if you live in Montana and would like to have a deck of the MWCC cards, please contact me by e-mail with your full name and a shipping address.
Thank you for watching this introductory video. We hope this video series will be useful for you in your daily life.
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This video features the first theme of the Mental Wellness Conversation Curriculum, “Manage: managing stress with the four “A”s”. Through this presentation, you’ll learn about four different strategies you can use to manage a source of stress, referred to as a stressor, or manage your thoughts and feelings about the stressor.
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The four “a”s are a set of coping strategies described by staff at the Mayo Clinic.
Coping strategies are the techniques and resources we use to manage sources of stress and reactions to stress.
The four “a” strategies are: avoid, alter, adapt, and accept.
The first two, avoid and alter, are used to manage the stressor itself.
The second two, adapt and accept, are used to manage reactions to stressful situations.
Let’s take a look at each of these in greater detail.
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The first “a”, avoid, is just like it sounds: find ways to stay away from people, places and other stressors bothering you.
Some of the ways to use avoid as a strategy include:
Saying “no” to responsibilities that aren’t urgent or essential. One approach is to create a to-do list with high, medium and low priorities. On a stressful day, cross the low priority tasks off of the list.
If the news or social media is creating stress, disconnecting can be helpful. Now, we’re not suggesting you go completely silent on social media or stop paying attention to the news entirely. But having one day a week or specific times each day that you “unplug” can help you reduce your stress.
Another way to employ “avoid” is to create physical distance between you and something or someone causing you stress. For example, if you know that a person who bothers you will be in in certain locations, try to avoid going to those areas.
One key point about using “avoid” as a strategy is that although it can be useful in chaotic situations over which you have little or no control, it can create problems long-term if you rely on it too much, so be careful with this one.
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Sometimes it’s not possible to avoid a stressful situation. The second “a”, alter, involves looking for ways that the situation can be changed to create less stress. Some ways you can implement “alter” include:
  • Stating limits in advance. For example, set a time limit for how long you can stay at an event.
  • Asking others to change their behavior. This is best done in a way that doesn’t make the other person defensive. We recommend using “I” statements. If you aren’t familiar with “I” statements and need help doing this, you can follow the Rosenberg non-violent communication script.
  • Here is an example of how you would use it: When I see dirty dishes throughout the kitchen, I feel anxious and overwhelmed, because I need a clean kitchen to effectively cook a meal. Would you be willing to put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher instead of stacking them on the counter?”
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Not all stressful situations can be altered or avoided. Sometimes the only thing that can be changed is our perceptions of or reactions to the situation.
This third “a”, adapt, is about adopting a new outlook. If we adjust our expectations or redefine what it means to be successful under the circumstances, it can have a profound impact.
One of the ways we can adapt is to let go of perfection as the standard we set for ourselves. I fondly refer to this as lowering the bar. Sometimes good enough is good enough and we’re only setting ourselves up for failure by having unrealistic expectations.
Something that tends to go hand-in-hand with striving for perfection is negative self-talk. Negative self-talk will receive greater attention in video six (“Reduce”). Identifying and confronting negative self-talk is important for adapting to difficult situations.
Finally, it’s common to have what is referred to as a negativity bias—the tendency to focus greater attention on negative experiences or situations than positive ones. Intentionally looking for the positive aspects of our lives can help us get through difficult situations.
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The final “a”, accept, involves finding a way to be at peace with the situation. For some people, it’s helpful to talk with an understanding friend who isn’t going to be judgmental. Sometimes, all we need is to feel heard and have someone respond with empathy and encouragement.
Next, finding a way to forgive people and ourselves is part of finding peace in a difficult situation. Holding a grudge won’t resolve problems, and the burden of anger or resentment can interfere with moving forward.
Finally, similar to what was described for adapt, we can choose not to let negative energy dominate us. Often, stressors can illuminate opportunities for growth. Even if a situation didn’t go the way you planned, try identifying what can be learned form the situation that you might be able to use in the future.
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Think of something that has been a source of stress for you in the past week. Now, write down how you might implement each of the four strategies in this specific situation.
Decide which strategy you’ll try first. Then, after you give it a try, reflect on how it went. If needed, try a different strategy.
People tend to rely on the same one or two “a”s. It takes practice to determine when, and how best, to implement each strategy. The more you practice applying these strategies, the more effective and efficient you will become in making use of these stress management tools.
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You can read more about the four “a”s by visiting the Mayo Clinic online article. Scan the QR code with your smart phone or use the link provided. You can also find this link posted below this video on the dedicated webpage for the Mental Wellness Conversations video series.
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Personal reflection:
Which of the four “A”s tends to be your go-to approach?
With which could you use some practice?
Discuss with another person:
When have you used any of the four “A”s before?
Did it help with the situation?
Could a different “A” have been potentially more effective?
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Thanks for watching, and we hope you’ll return next week to watch the next video, Move: Physical Activity.