Community Resources
As a result of grant activities from 2018 and 2020 funding, the following materials and information are available to view, download, and print. If you would like to request multiple copies of any one of these items please contact Extension Specialists Michelle Grocke-Dewey or Alison Brennan.
Online Resources:
All of the following online materials were developed as prevention resources and can be disseminated into Montana communities through Extension Agents, Prevention Specialist, Mental Health Professionals, Community Coalitions, and other Community advocacy groups across Montana.
Perceptions, Attitudes, and Behaviors Concerning Opioids and Stimulants Among High School Youth in Rural Montana
In 2020, our team applied for and received another SAMHSA grant allowing us to provide
opioid AND
stimulant use and misuse education, outreach, and training to rurally located Montana
youth and adults who
frequently interact with them. To inform the development of the youth-based outreach
and education
resources, a statewide survey was distributed to rural high schools.
Print Materials:
All of the following print materials were developed as prevention resources and can be disseminated into Montana communities through Extension Agents, Prevention Specialist, Mental Health Professionals, Community Coalitions, and other Community advocacy groups across Montana.
Opioid & Stimulant Misuse Among Youth Fact Sheet
In October of 2021 a factsheet was developed to help Montanans understand and become aware of how opioid and stimulant use and misuse affects youth. This factsheet contains information and statistics on both opioids and stimulants and may be helpful for those working directly with teens or for parents.
Order Free MontGuides Through Extension Publications:
Montguides are a self-learning resource created by MSU Extension Agents and Specialists and can be dessemintated locally by Extension Agents, Prevention Specialist, Mental Health Professionals, Community Coalitions, and other Community advocacy groups across Montana.