Animal Project
Printable Version of Animal Project (Word)
4-H Year: |
This record belongs to |
County |
Project Name & Level |
Years in Project |
Years in Level |
These are my project goal for this year. Briefly describe three project goals for the coming year.
1. |
2. |
3. |
I have evaluated my records and believe that they are accurate, complete, and verify that this represents my own work.
4-H Club Member Date
I have reviewed this record book.
4-H Club Leader Date
Record ALL the activities you do in this 4-H project as you do them.
Fallon County: Level 1: Include seven (7) activities from your project manual. Level 2 & Above: Include five (5) activities: if these activities are not from a project manual, they will need to be in paragraph form and approved by the county agent.
When You Did It…What You Did…What You Learned!! |
Date |
What You Did |
What You Learned |
May add additional pages as needed.
Value of Animal(s) Purchased/Owned/Possessed Enter the value of animal(s) that you owned prior to beginning this project year or that you purchased or were given for this project. |
Date |
Description |
Number |
Purchased From/ Owned By |
Weight |
Unit Price |
Market Value |
Subtotal |
Total Market Value (Total A) |
Value of Animal(s) Owned at End of Project Enter the value of animal(s) that you owned at the end of this project year. |
Date |
Description |
Number |
Weight |
Estimate Value/Price |
Subtotal |
Total Estimated Value (Total B) |
May add additional pages as needed.
Feeding Record Write the kind of feed at the top of the columns. Use the units (pounds, cwt, tons) that are most convenient for you, however, be consistent. Also record how much the feed for each month costs. Use the chart to keep track of feed for all animals in this project.
Animal |
Kind of Feed |
Champion Pellet |
Month |
Amount |
Price |
Amount |
Price |
Amount |
Price |
Amount |
Price |
October |
November |
December |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
Totals |
Price/Unit |
Subtotal |
Total Feed Cost (Total C) |
Comments Record notes or other comments you have regarding this feeding record. |
MarketAnimalGrowthRecord UsethischartforMarketAnimalProjects ONLY. |
Name of Animal |
Birth Date |
Date Project Started |
Start Weight |
Date Project Ended |
End Weight |
Total Weight Gained |
Total Days on Feed |
Average Daily Gain |
Feed Cost Per Lb. Gain |
Total Weight Gain = Ending Weight MINUS Starting Weight Average Daily Gain = Total Weight Gain DIVIDED By Days on Feed FEED COST PER POUND= Total Feed Cost DIVIDED By Total Pounds Gained |
Production Record for Animal Breeding Project Fill this out only if you are taking a breeding project. |
Dam ID |
Date Bred |
Sire ID |
Date Offspring Born |
Number Born Male Female |
Average Birth Weight |
Number Weaned Male Female |
Number Sold Male Female |
May add additional pages as needed.
Sales Record Record the sale of your animal(s) or sale of goods from the animal (includes wool, etc.) |
Animal Sold |
# |
Date |
Place Sold |
Sale Weight |
Selling Price |
Total Sale |
Subtotal |
Sales Total (Total D) |
May add additional pages as needed.
Expenses Other Than Feed Record any other expenses such as taxes, marketing, transportation cost, show expenses, commission, insurance etc. |
Item and Description |
Cost |
Subtotal |
Other Expenses Total (Total E) |
Health Care Chart Record any health care related items such as wormer, vaccines, etc. |
Date |
Reason for Treatment |
How Administered |
# of Animals |
Size of Dose |
Cost Per Animal |
Total Cost |
Subtotal |
Total Health Care Cost (Total F) |
May add additional pages as needed.
Award Income Include all the awards and show premiums you won for your project. |
Item |
Name of Fair or Show |
Placing/Award |
Value |
Total Award Income (Total G) |
Project Summary |
Receipts |
Expenses |
Value of animal(s) at end of project Total B |
Value of animal(s) at the beginning of project Total A |
Value of animal(s) sold Total D |
Feed cost Total C |
Award money received Total G |
Health care cost Total F |
Other expenses Total E |
Total Income |
Total Expenses |
Net Income: Total Income minus Total Expenses
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.