Printable Version of 2024 October Fallon County 4-H Council Minutes (Word)

Fallon County 4-H Council Meeting

Oct. 21, 2024 5:30 pm – Fallon County Exhibit Hall

Call to Order: Alissa Miller called the meeting to order at 5:30pm

Present: Kodie Olsen (Extension), Alissa Miller (President), JoDee Hess (Secretary, Fertile Prairie), Toni Reetz (Tumbling Tumbleweeds), Wanda Pinnow (Tumbling Tumbleweeds), Carol Sparks (Red Butte Ramblers), Amanda Klaboe, Stella Klaboe, Mia Klaboe, Levi Formen, Jennefer Wheeler (Fairgrounds Manager), Katrinka Sherman (Kidz N Kritters), Dave Kirschten (Extension), Rachel Brockel (Country Pals), Roddy Rost (Country Cousins), Missy Thielen (Country Pals), Shantel Sander (Country Pals), Tryppton Sander (Country Pals) Brezden Sander (Country Pals), Stephanie Crisler (Treasurer), Ashley Moore (Tumbling Tumbleweeds), Linda Rost (Country Cousins), Molly Losing (Red Butte Ramblers), Charlotte Losing (Red Butte Ramblers), Jeannine Losing (Red Butte Ramblers), Matthew Losing (Red Butte Ramblers), Kevin Losing (Red Butte Ramblers).

Pledges: American pledge and 4-H Pledge were recited by members present.

Approval of Minutes: July Council minutes were read.  Missy Thielen moved to approve the minutes as printed.  Wanda Pinnow 2nd the motion.  Motion carried. 

Communications:  Thank You letter from Conrad Hess for the Karen Losing/John Reetz Scholarship was read.

Treasurer’s Report:  Discussion on the reimbursement form for the 2023-24 Oreo Trip – did not know what to do with – Wanda Pinnow moved and Roddy Rost 2nd to approve reimbursing for the form.  Motion carried.

  • There was a question about what to do with the points for kids who carry over their points for the fair year to year to make sure we have the finances to cover it (there is 1090 points now)
    • We would create a line item in the budget to account for this.
  • Wanda Pinnow moved to File for Audit.  Ashley Moore 2nd motion – carried.
  • Stephanie Crisler moved to approve the budget proposal for this coming year.  Ashley Moore 2nd motion.  Motion carried.

County Extension Update: National 4-H Week Window display winners – 1st Fertile Prairie, 2nd Country Cousins, 3rd Red Butte Ramblers

  • Some members got to have lunch with Governor Gianforte that was sponsored by JA Trucking
  • Charlie Sparks and Abigail Stonebrink won the Go Green competition
  • Reenrollment is due by Dec. 1 and New enrollment by June 1.  Club Financials are due Nov. 1
  • Annual Reports were passed around for all members to look at.
  • If anyone has ideas for workshops – let the extension office know for members or adults.

Committee Reports:         

  • Food Booth – Rachel Brockel reported as committee chair – Made $6864 gross with $4319 in expenses. Thinking about offering a different meal for Sunday morning.  Will discuss more in next meeting.
  • Livestock Committee- see the minutes for exact details.
    • Would like to see some workshops hosted on Fridays there is not school
    • Like to see a rodeo project added
    • Recommend to remove vet check
    • Wanda Pinnow moved to create a rodeo project. Shantel Sander 2nd , Discussion: several counties have guidelines to have the project, can do rodeo and horse projects, separate project horses rodeo is judged on times, working ranch horse would be different.  Motion carried
    • Wanda Pinnow moved that workshops would be allowed to count for projects for all levels (including 1st year). Rachel Brockel 2nd.  Motion carried
    • Wanda Pinnow moved to remove the vet check at fair. Missy Thielen 2nd.  Motion carried.
  • Policy Manual Review - have not really gone through it closely in 4 years.  Would like a committee to do so.  Volunteers were Wanda Pinnow and Shantel Sander.  Will put it out to the clubs for more.
  • Special Awards – The gift has been ordered and will be there at Achievement night. Family will be contacted by Alissa.
  • County Events - Fall Livestock Judging – FFA Hosted District Livestock Judging on Sept. 30th and allowed Country Cousins to help host for a county event.  Had 8 novice, 4 Jr. and 2 Sr. members participate.  FFA Is trying to get to host this yearly and make it a bigger event.  Could we see if members could be excused from school to come participate like FFA does?
  • Achievement Night – is Sunday Oct. 27 at 6:00pm. It is a baked Potato Bar with families A-M bringing a Salad and N-D bring desert.  It is harder to get the pins for achievement, so may have a green slip in packets to pick them up later.

Old Business – Record Book Review – had 2 groups.  Dave and Kodie got through most of them in the office then others helped finish.  Awards were given by the 2nd group. 

  •  Fair review – nothing to report
  • No other old business   

New Business – Shooting Sports – we need help with other leaders and parents.  There is a training Dec. 13-14 in Belgrade and need to be 21 to help.  Sign-ups are Nov. 17th @ 4.  Dave will be certified in Rifle on Dec. 22nd.  The meetings must offer 1 hour to shoot.  The State Shoot is the culmination of shooting sports.

  • Constitution – Yearly Review – Roddy Rost moved and Wanda Pinnow 2nd to approve the constitution. Motion carried.
  • Radio Ads – Still have 20 from last year. It is a standing deal for non-profits for $890  helped with fruit sales.  Should we move forward with it.  It is already a line item in the approved budget, so yes.
  • County Events Sign-Up – Fertile Prairie (Achievement Night), Kidz-N-Kritters (All Events Day), Country Cousins (Foods Festival), Red Butte Ramblers (Horse Judging), Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Livestock judging or range weed pull, will take to club), Country Pals (Small Projects Judging).
  • Family Code of Conduct- still applies to kids, but has parents and siblings included in the wording. This is from the state.  Examples: no base bid buyer – set in June and then it wasn’t.  Member attitude reflects those of parents in food booth.  We need to model behaviors.

-Election of Officers

  • President – 2-year term
    • Missy Thielen given from nominating committee
    • Alissa Miller declined nomination from the floor
    • Wanda Pinnow moved and Toni Reetz 2nd to nominate Missy.  Motion carried.
  • Secretary – 2-year term
    •  JoDee Hess stated she would be considered for nomination.
    • Carol Sparks moved and Wanda Pinnow 2nd to nominate JoDee.  Motion carried
  • Vice President – 1 year Interim term –
    • Dave requested to speak to this – He vacated the office which was his right as extension agent.  Montana Policy was that the current vice president did not meet the state requirements to be a leader or on the council in Montana.  It is a decision made by the extension agent.  He consulted with state leaders and extension, and the consensus was determined that the standards set were not met to be allowed to continue in the role.  It was not a policy change, so grandfathering was not an option.
    • nominations were called for – none were presented.  The nominations for VP were tabled until the January meeting.

Bank Business – The new president – Missy Thielen, current Treasurer – Stephanie Crisler, and new Extension Agent – Dave Kirschten will be signers and viewers on all accounts at the Bank of Baker as per part of their positions within the council and extension.

Other business – It was asked of Dave to elaborate on why one family was being removed from a club.  It was stated that the Appeal process for this year time had passed.  He stated that his standards where the kids go to school or compete in extracurricular activities, property ownership in the county, employment in the county, proximity to the county fair (Ex: Marmarth students would have to go to Armadon for their county fair so Baker is closer), if there is a functioning 4-H program in the county (this rule was bent).

  • There was a question brought up about if an exception could be made since this family was already participating. Dave replied that exceptions are difficult on a legal basis and could compound issues.
  • Carol stated that the family had done nothing wrong and other agents did not follow policy.
  • Other items brought up were registration on z-suite allowed it, inclusion agreement with USDA, hurting the kids, and no formal letter only an email was sent.
  • Could students who judge at the FFA Livestock judging also use it as a county event? Roddy Rost moved that members could use the Fall FFA Livestock judging as a county event.  Carol Sparks 2nd  Motion carried.
  • There is a list of committees to have clubs sign up for.

Next meeting is Tuesday, January 21st, 2025 at 5:30pm in the Exhibit Hall

Ashley Moore moved, and Roddy Rost seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by JoDee Hess, Secretary