Horse ID
Printable Version of Horse ID (Word)
Fallon County 4-H Horse ID
To participate in county or state 4-H horse activities, this form must be on file at the Extension Office by June 1st.
4-H MEMBER NAME: _______________________________________________4-H YEAR: ____________________
PHONE NUMBER: _________________________________________________________________________________
HORSE’S NAME: _________________________________ GRADE REGISTERED _____________________
(Registration Number)
BREED/TYPE: ______________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ______________ MARE GELDING
WHO OWNS THE HORSE: You Family Leased from: ___________________________________
(Owners Name, Phone Number)
Turn in a copy of lease agreement with ID Form
THIS HORSE IS MY PROJECT HORSE FOR ___________________________________________________________ You can have a primary and a backup horse for each project: Western Horsemanship, English Horsemanship, and Working Ranch Horse. Driving Colt to Maturity and Green Horse can have one horse for each level.
List colors, brands, markings, and scars. Be as thorough as possible. Include photo showing a side view of the horse.
I certify this horse is a 4-H project for this year and the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. I also agree to follow both county and state guidelines pertaining to the horse project.
Members: ____________________________________ Date: ____________
Parent/Guardian: _______________________________Date: ____________
Fallon County Extension Office: P.O. Box 850; Baker, MT 59313 // Phone: (406) 778-7110 //