Congress Application
Printable Version of Congress Application (Word)
Fallon County Application
Fallon County: June 1st
- Member must be 13 years of age or older as of October 1st of the current 4-H Year to be eligible.
- Member should be in good standing in order to attend Montana 4-H Congress.
- Member must have competed in a County Event and have received a Blue Ribbon to be eligible to attend Congress and compete.
- Fallon County youth: 4-H Record Books must be up-to-date and turned in with application.
- Delegate agrees to attend all workshops and meetings at Congress to which they are assigned.
- Delegate must give a report to the 4-H Council and at Achievement Night. Additional
sharing of your positive
experience will enhance your chances of attending Montana 4-H Congress again.
Fallon County Extension
MAIL: P.O. Box 850; Baker MT, 59313
FAX: (406) 778-3431
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________
Years in 4-H: ______________________ Club: ______________________________________________________
What area have you pre-qualified in and wish to compete in at Montana 4-H Congress?
Career Communications Demonstration/Illustrated Talk Fashion Review
Gavel Games Horse Judging Horse Skill-a-Thon
Livestock Judging Public Speaking Quilt Contest
Stir-Up Video
What are your goals for attending Montana 4-H Congress?
Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA/Veteran’s Preference Employer and
Provider of Educational Outreach. Revised: 5/2019
To what groups and when will you present a summary of your congress experience?
What are your future goals for 4-H?
How have you contributed in 4-H Council fundraising activities?
4-H Leaders Signature:__________________________________________________________Date:
4-H Leaders Signature:__________________________________________________________Date:
I accept and agree to all requirements to attend Montana 4-H Congress
Member Signature :__________________________________________________________Date:
Parent Signature:____________________________________________________________Date: