4-H NEWS- January 2025
Printable Version of January 2025 4-H Newsletter (PDF)
Dear 4-H Families,
Happy New Year! I hope that the new year finds you all well and ready to start the year with a bang! As you will all see, January will be a busy month with committee and other meetings. Make sure to save those dates on your calendar if you are serving on any of the committees or would like to attend any of the meetings. Everyone is welcome to attend the Council and Livestock meetings and your input is appreciated!
Fruit Committee Meeting: January 13, 2025– 4:30 pm– Extension Office
Fallon County Fruit Sales will begin January 31st.
To be eligible for financial support from the 4-H Council, youth must participate in all 4-H Council
fundraisers by:
- selling a minimum of 5 items on the fruit sale order blank
- worked (at a minimum) the number of hours they were scheduled for in the 4-H Food Booth during the fair.
- If selling as a family each members will need to sell 5 boxes.
Each member will receive 10% of their fruit sales if all deadlines set by the Fruit Sales committee are met. If a member fails to turn in their order sheet, pick up their fruit, sort their fruit, deliver their fruit or turn in their money by the designated dates, their 10% will be donated to the Fallon County 4-H Council. Youth choosing to use social media (mass messages) to sell fruit will donate their 10% to the Fallon County 4-H Council and will be ineligible for awards and bonuses. Members are allowed to advertise using social media but no sales may take place on social media.
Families may sell as a group and receive the 10% of total sales and be eligible for additional monetary rewards.
We would like to invite you to use “Remind” to help keep you informed. Remind is a free service that allows you to get messages directly to your phone. If you are already signed up please disregard!
What to Expect
- You will receive a text from a odd looking number, stating that this is Remind and if you accept you will receive reminders of 4-H events.
- You will need to reply with yes to the text and it will notify us that you are now part of our group.
Montana Citizenship Seminar is designed to inspire 4-H youth as they learn about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Youth delegates gain hands-on experience with the legislative process by participating in a mock legislature, creating and debating bills; they will work with other youth from across the state, meet with elected officials, tour the capitol, and participate in a service-learning project.
When: The seminar will begin on Sunday, January 19 at 3:00 pm and ends on Tuesday, January 21 sometime in the early afternoon.
Where: Helena, Montana – Seminar activities will take place at the Delta Colonial Hotel, the Bill Hamilton 4-H Building at the Lewis & Clark County Fairgrounds, and the Montana Capitol complex.
Eligibility: 4-H members must be 13 years of age by October 1, 2024. Citizenship Seminar youth and adult participants will also attend both the Legislative Breakfast on Tuesday, January 21st and the practice dinner on Monday, January 20th.
Chaperones: Each delegate must have a designated (adult) chaperone. Chaperones must be a certified 4-H volunteer or MSU Extension faculty member. Chaperones will be asked to participate in the seminar by acting as lobbyists during the legislative process.
Accommodations: Each individual/county or tribal area must make their own guest room reservations.
A block of rooms is reserved at the Delta Colonial Hotel (2301 Colonial Drive, Helena) under Montana 4-H Legislative Breakfast by calling (406) 443-2100.
The block will be open from November 25, 2024 - January 1, 2025. The rate is $132 per room plus tax. The program fee includes all meals for both Montana Citizenship Seminar and the Legislative Breakfast.
Fee: There is a $95 registration fee per youth and adult to offset the seminar program costs. The program fee includes all meals for both Montana Citizenship Seminar and the Legislative Breakfast.
Registration:Youth and adults are able to log into their ZSuite Profile and register under Events from November 29, 2024 – January 8, 2025. Please check with your local MSU Extension office to confirm the amount before paying. Registration for Citizenship Seminar includes registration to Legislative Breakfast. Participants attending Citizenship Seminar do not need to register separately for Legislative Breakfast.
Transportation: Transportation to the seminar and all activities is the county/chaperone's responsibility.
Legislative Bill: Each delegate is expected to sponsor one “bill” suitable for the 4-H Legislature. Delegates will receive a link via email to upload their bill after registration is completed in ZSuites. Review the Bill Template and How to write a bill document. The deadline to upload bills to the link is January 8th. Bills will be reviewed and grouped by topic area into committees prior to the event. Please see the template included with this email and in the ZSuite registration for information on how to write a bill.
Service Project: Each delegate and county/tribal area will have the opportunity to contribute to a service project that is yet to be determined.
History Bowl: Each delegate will have the opportunity to compete in the Montana History Bowl. The first round of the History Bowl will be a written form and distributed Sunday, January 19th during the seminar's check-in. The first round will determine which participants will compete in the second and final rounds later on in the event.
For more information on this event, please contact the Extension Office at (406) 778-7110.
The meeting was called to order at 5:33 pm by chairman Wanda Pinnow. The pledges were led by Brezden and Matthew. Missy made a motion to approve the July minutes as presented and Shantel seconded. The motion passed.
Extension Report: Kodie let the committee know that there will be a winner in each species for the golden pitchfork award and those awards will be given at achievement night. Kodie reminded the committee that enrollments are open on Zsuites and that returning members need to be re-enrolled by December 1.
Fair Board Report: Jennefer told the group that she had received positive feedback on how set-up and tear down was done this year. Jennefer asked the leaders to please remind their members to cash their fair checks as soon as possible.
Old Business: Kodie asked the committee if they would be interested in presenting to the fair board the idea of adding an addition to the north side of the barn that could be used for swine. Dave and Kodie can speak with the fair board and get their thoughts on this idea at their next meeting. Kodie asked the committee what their thoughts were on the schedule and location of the livestock pictures, the majority stated that they liked the pictures being taken after the youth leave the sale ring. The location did not work well as it required that the big door had to be closed and it was too hot during the sale. Scott had a suggestion on how to make weigh-ins go faster, he discussed the possibility of having more scales brought in so that more animals can be weighed at one time. Dave presented the suggestions that Paul Berger, Barn Superintendent, had. Paul would like to see the youth do more of the care for their animals such as fitting, cleaning the pens, and feeding. The committee asked what the current rule was and Wanda read the current rule on that matter. CARE OF ANIMALS: 4-H and FFA youth are personally responsible for their animals the entire time the animals are on the Fallon County Fairgrounds. This includes the caring, fitting, feeding, showing, selling and loading out of animals on Sunday. If you are unable to carry out this responsibility, prior arrangements must be made and the County Extension Agent must be informed to be eligible to sell any animal species at next year’s 4-H/FFA Youth Livestock Sale. (2012) All animals should show evidence of grooming and fitting. Stephanie made a motion to recommend to the council that we no longer require vet checks at the fair, Molly seconded, and the motion passed.
New Business: Kodie presented the idea of having a rodeo county project due to offering rodeo events at fair and that youth are having to use a project horse to compete in those events. Abbey made a motion to recommend to the council that this project be added to our county offered projects. Ashlee seconded the motion, and the motion passed. Kodie and Dave presented their idea of utilizing the Friday that the youth don’t have school and offering project workshops on those days. Kodie asked the committee if they would be willing to make a recommendation to the council to consider allowing these workshops to count towards the activity requirements. Missy made a motion to recommend to the council that the Extension led workshops will count toward the members’ activity requirements in all levels, Molly seconded, and the motion passed. The committee decided to have beef weigh-ins on December 30 from 9-11 am. Shantel made a motion to elect Wanda as the chairman of the Joint Livestock Committee, Ashlee seconded, and the motion passed. Abbey made a motion to elect Ashlee as the secretary of the Joint Livestock Committee, Shantel seconded, and the motion passed.
With no further business Wanda adjourned the meeting. The next quarterly meeting of the Fallon County Joint Livestock Committee will be held January 13, 2025 at 5:30 pm.
For a copy of the full minutes please contact the Extension Office.
Monday, January 13th, 2025– 5:30 pm- Library Basement
Agenda Items: Youth Needing AQA, Livestock Numbers, Fair Book Revision Recommendations,Beef Weigh-in Report, AQA Workshop Report,Club Discussions-Buyers Gift, Any other business.
Alissa Miller called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. American Pledge and 4-H Pledge were recited by members present. July Council minutes were read. Missy Thielen moved to approve the minutes as printed. Wanda Pinnow 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Thank You letter from Conrad Hess for the Karen Losing/John Reetz Scholarship was read.
Treasurer’s Report: Discussion on the reimbursement form for the 2023-24 Oreo Trip – did not know what to do with – Wanda Pinnow moved and Roddy Rost 2nd to approve reimbursing for the form. Motion carried. Wanda Pinnow moved to File for Audit. Ashley Moore 2nd motion – carried. Stephanie Crisler moved to approve the budget proposal for this coming year. Ashley Moore 2nd motion. Motion carried.
County Extension Update: Re-enrollment is due by Dec. 1 and New enrollment by June 1. Club Financials are due Nov. 1.
Committee Reports:
Food Booth –Rachel Brockel reported as committee chair – Made $6864 gross with $4319 in expenses.
Livestock Committee- see the minutes for exact details. Wanda Pinnow moved to create a rodeo project. Shantel Sander 2nd , Motion carried. Wanda Pinnow moved that workshops would be allowed to count for projects for all levels (including 1st year). Rachel Brockel 2nd. Motion carried. Wanda Pinnow moved to remove the vet check at fair. Missy Thielen 2nd. Motion carried.
County Events - Fall Livestock Judging – FFA Hosted District Livestock Judging on Sept. 30th and allowed Country Cousins to help host for a county event. Had 8 novice, 4 Jr. and 2 Sr. members participate. FFA Is trying to get to host this yearly and make it a bigger event.
Old Business – Record Book Review – had 2 groups.
New Business – Constitution – Yearly Review – Roddy Rost moved and Wanda Pinnow 2nd to approve the constitution. Motion carried. Radio Ads – Still have 20 from last year. It is already a line item in the approved budget, so yes. County Events Sign-Up – Fertile Prairie (Achievement Night), Kidz-N-Kritters (All Events Day), Country Cousins (Foods Festival), Red Butte Ramblers (Horse Judging), Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Livestock judging or range weed pull, will take to club), Country Pals (Small Projects Judging).
Election of Officers
President – 2-year term- Wanda Pinnow moved and Toni Reetz 2nd to nominate Missy. Motion carried. Secretary – 2-year term-Carol Sparks moved and Wanda Pinnow 2nd to nominate JoDee. Motion carried. Vice President – 1 year Interim term – nominations were called for – none were presented. The nominations for VP were tabled until the January meeting.
Other business – Could students who judge at the FFA Livestock judging also use it as a county event? Roddy Rost moved that members could use the Fall FFA Livestock judging as a county event. Carol Sparks 2nd it. Motion carried.
There is a list of committees to have clubs sign up for.
Next meeting is Tuesday, January 21st, 2025 at 5:30pm in the Exhibit Hall. Ashley Moore moved, and Roddy Rost seconded to adjourn the meeting.
For a copy of the full minutes please contact the Extension Office.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025– 5:30 pm– Library Basement
Agenda Items: Committee Reports, Workshop Updates, 2024-25 Enrollment, Rec Lab, Legislative Breakfast, and Election of Vice President.
Youth ages 5-7 by October 1st, 2022
Adults that would like to Volunteer
Cloverbuds is a 4-H program for youth ages 5-7 that allows them to explore 4-H prior to being eligible to become a full fledged 4-H member.
This year in Cloverbuds we will focus on a different Country every week. We will learn about the Country’s culture, create snacks that are unique to the country, keep our records in a passport book, make crafts, and the most important thing we will do is have FUN.
Cloverbuds will start in January and go through May
Cloverbuds will be the 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m. (Library Basement)
The first person to come in or call the office and answer the following question will win some 4-H Swag!
Question: How many youth in Montana are enrolled in animal and vet science projects?
Hint: You may be able to find the answer on the Montana 4-H Website!
Animal Quality Assurance (AQA) will be held each year in each county to be attended by first year 4-H and FFA members in market or breeding animal projects. The members must continue to complete the AQA requirement every other year to participate in livestock projects and show at the fair.
AQA Options:
- Attend an AQA Workshop
- BEEF ONLY: Kansas State University Online MQA Program.
- Develop a Lesson Plan with a hands-on activity for AQA topic
- Research a topic related to AQA.
- Create a project of your own.
Friday, January 10, 2025– 1:00 pm- Extension Office
This will be the first meeting of the year and will be focused on planning the riding schedule and other activities. First year members will need to watch the helmet safety video.