4-H Shooting Sports Leaders Committee
Chartered in October of 2017, the Cascade County 4-H Shooting Sports Leaders Committee is dedicated to growing the 4-H Shooting Sports Program through hands-on learning activities taught by state 4-H certified instructors.
Committee objectives
- Promote the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship, and ethical behavior by increasing our certified instructor roster 10% annually and providing safe, updated equipment to instruct with and learn from.
- Develop integrity, sportsmanship, cooperation, decision-making skills, and public speaking skills in youth through participation in structure, informal learning experiences, including demonstrations, visual presentations, tours, competitive shooting events, community service activities, and exhibits thereby increasing shooting sports member enrollment by 10% annually.
- Teach concepts that lead to the safe and responsible use of firearms and archery equipment, including sound decision-making skills, self-discipline, and concentration by maintaining a 90% rate of member successful project and record book completion.
- Complement and enhance the impact of existing safety, shooting, and hunter education programs using experiential educational methods and progressive development of skills and abilities by offering one or more multi-agency education/safety event annually.
Shooting Sports Leaders Committee Executive Officers
Kara Emery,
Galloping Guns 4-H Club
Samaria Kirby,
Trouble Shooters 4-H Club
Vice President
Jody Cope,
Montana Sunsets 4-H Club
Misty Ayers,
Chestnut Valley 4-H Club
Voting Members
Meetings are open to all leaders, members, parents, and community members who wish to attend and participate in discussions, but only Cascade County 4-H enrolled active Cascade County 4-H Leaders in good standing may vote.
4-H Shooting Sports Projects
- Air Pistol
- Air Rifle
- Archery
- BB Gun
- Hunting
- Shotgun
- Small Bore .22 Pistol
- Small Bore .22 Rifle
- Western Heritage
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.