Please visit for Montana 4-H Foundation Scholarship information.

Applications are submitted through ZSuite under Events.


March 31 at 11:59 p.m. The application will close after this date and time. No applications, letters of recommendation, or supplemental materials will be accepted after the application has closed.


Selections shall be made by the Cascade 4-H Foundation Scholarship Committee. Recipients shall be notified in late April or May.


50%            4-H Involvement

10%            Financial Information

20%            Community Involvement and School Activities

20%            Essay


Payment will be sent to you by July 1st. The check will be made jointly payable to you and your post-secondary institution of your choice, contingent that all requirements are met.


Applicant must be or have been a Cascade County 4-H member at the time of their high school graduation or equivalent. The following items are required for the application to be considered complete.

  • APPLICATION: Completed on ZSuite, limiting essay questions to 300 words.
  • TWO LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Two letters of recommendation emailed to Jenn at by either the applicant or the person completing the letter. They can also be uploaded with the application. One letter of recommendation should be written by a 4-H volunteer. 
  • CURRENT TRANSCRIPT: A current transcript emailed to Jenn at or uploaded with the application.. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.


  • Cascade 4-H Foundation Scholarship
    • Candidates remain eligible to be scholarship recipients for six years after high school graduation or equivalent.
    • Up to seven scholarships of $500.00 each shall be awarded with priority given to first-time applicants.
    • The scholarship money awarded to repeat recipients will be up to $1,000, allocating the proceeds equitably if fewer people apply than money budgeted.

Please contact Jenn Volkmar,
Cascade County MSU Extension 4-H Agent, at,
with any 4-H youth scholarship questions.

Applications are submitted through ZSuite under Events.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.