Additional Resources
Al-Khatib, Kassim. 2019. Herbicide Symptoms. University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Costello, L.R. et al. 2003. Abiotic Disorders of Landscape Plants: A Diagnostic
Guide. Publication 3420. University of California Agriculture and Natural
Resources, Richmond, CA.
Ikley, Joe. 2020. North Dakota Herbicide Chart. North Dakota State University.
Active Ingredient - chemical in an herbicide product responsible for herbicidal properties (i.e. toxicity
to plants)
Adjuvant - material added to an herbicide product to enhance or modify performance, e.g. surfactant,
sticker, spreader, drift retardant, defoaming agent, etc.
Calibration - process of measuring and adjusting the amount of pesticide a sprayer applies or
delivers to a specific area; proper calibration ensures a sprayer is applying the
correct amount of herbicide uniformly over a given area
Chlorosis - yellowing of leaves and stems due to the destruction of chlorophyll or failure
of chlorophyll to form
- herbicide that is not absorbed by a treated plant but instead affects only the
portion of a plant that it touches
Cotyledons - seed leaves, the first leaves produced after a seed germinates; in monocots, a
single cotyledon is produced, while two leaves are produced in dicots
Dicot - plant that has two seed leaves, often referred to as a “broadleaved” plant; dicots
have leaf veins that form a net pattern and floral parts in multiples of four or five
Epinasty - abnormal bending or twisting of shoot tips or leaves
Fungicide - pesticide that controls fungi
Group - see herbicide group
Herbicide group - herbicide classification system that places herbicides into categories based on
what mode of action the active ingredient affects. The classification is based on
the Weed Science Society of America (
Incompatibility - condition that prevents herbicides from mixing together properly to form a uniform
solution or suspension
Insecticide - pesticide that controls insects
Mode of action - how a herbicide acts on a plant and affects its growth; most modes of action inhibit
a plant function or interrupt regulation of a plant’s physiology
Monocot - plant that has one seed leaf, for example grasses and sedges; monocots have parallel
leaf veins and floral parts in multiples of three
Necrosis - browning or dying of plant tissue, often most evident in leaves
Pesticide - chemical used to kill or regulate or interrupt the growth and mating of pests;
includes herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, rodenticides, and other chemicals
Phloem - plant vascular tissue (made up of living cells) that transports sugars from leaf
to the stem and roots
Plant-Back Interval - period of time to wait after an herbicide application before seeding can occur
without injury to seeded species
Residual - herbicide carryover that results in phytotoxicity
Soil Applied Herbicide - herbicide that is applied directly to soil rather than on growing plant
Sterilant - herbicide that persists in the soil for a long time (e.g. years) and kills all
plants; “bare ground” herbicide
Systemic Herbicide - herbicide that is absorbed through leaves or roots then transported throughout
the plant
Tank Mix - combination of two or more herbicides and/or other products (e.g. fertilizers,
other pesticides) into a single spray tank, which are then applied simultaneously
Translocation - movement of sugars, water, mineral solutions, or other materials (e.g. herbicides)
from one part of a plant to another
Xylem - plant vascular tissue (made up of non-living cells) that transports water and mineral
nutrients from roots to stem and leaves
Photo Credits
Figure 1 - Department of Agriculture and Food, Government of Western Australia
Figure 2 - Paul Bachi, University of Kentucky Research and Education Center, #5368856
Figure 3 and page 34 decorative photo - Tim Seipel, Montana State University
Figure 4 and page 10 decorative photo - Tim Seipel, Montana State University
Figure 5 - Montana State University Cropland Weed Ecology and Management Lab
Figure 6 - Montana State University Cropland Weed Ecology and Management Lab
Figure 7 - Paul Bachi, University of Kentucky Research and Education Center, #5368555
Figure 8 and front cover (left) - Ansel Oommen, #5573515
Figure 9 - Noelle Orloff, Montana State University
Figure 10 - Department of Agriculture and Food, Government of Western Australia
Figure 11 - Noelle Orloff, Montana State University
Figure 12 - Cheryl Moore-Gough, Montana State University
Figure 13 - Charles T. Bryson, USDA Agricultural Research Service, UGA1392020
Figure 14 - Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, UGA4214059
Figure 15 - Tim Seipel, Montana State University
Figure 16 - Brian Dintelmann; University of Missouri Weed Science Program
Figure 17 - Department of Agriculture and Food, Government of Western Australia
Figure 18 - William M. Brown Jr., #5356825
Figure 19 - Tim Seipel, Montana State University
Figure 20, front cover (right), and page 14 decorative photo - Tim Seipel, Montana State University
Figure 21 - Tim Seipel, Montana State University
Figure 22 and front cover (center) - Rebekah D. Wallace, Univeristy of Georgia,
Figure 23 and page 4 decorative photo - Jed Colquhoun, University of Wisconsin,
Page 5 callout photo - Noelle Orloff, Montana State University
Page 6 callout photo - CG Ag Consulting, Cut Bank, MT
Page 7 callout photo - Dr. Mohammad Babadoost, University of Illinois
Figure 8 callout photo - William Jacobi, Colorado State University, #5366454
Page 11 callout photo - Noelle Orloff, Montana State University