Weed Science looks at one of the most important environmental issues in Montana. Weed science is the study of how unwanted plants grow, interact with other plants and animals, and respond to management. Through this project, develop knowledge and understanding of natural resource ecology and the interaction between nature, agriculture and recreation. Learn how to make a plant press, the science of weed control, various methods for controlling weeds, the impact of invasive plants, and how to monitor changes in the land. Study how weeds use different dispersal methods, learn why weeds are fierce competitors, and explore careers.

Weed Science, Level 1

This level is designed for youth ages 11-13. You will develop the basic understanding of invasive plants, causes of their invasion, economic and environmental impact of weeds, weed identification, methods of weed dispersal and get an introduction to rangeland monitoring. You will build a plant press and collect at least 25 weeds.


This level has 14 activities that must be completed before moving on to Level 2, in addition to one “more challenge” option. Work at your own pace, but complete the level in three years. Additionally, it is recommended to build the plant press during the first year and collect at least 25 weeds by the time you finish the level.


M Weed Science, Level 1, 5352
M Montana Noxious Weeds, EB0159

Weed Science, Level 2

This level is designed for youth ages 14-18. You will broaden your understanding of how invasive plants impact the environment, methods to control weeds and integrated weed management. It is designed to help you start to understand how land managers can prevent and control the spread of invasive plants.


This level has 12 activities, complete at least four each year, in addition to one “more challenge” option to complete the level in three years. Add 20 more plants to your weed collection using the plant press built in level one.


M Weed Science, Level 2, 5353

Additional Resources for All Levels

M Missoula kNOweeds Curriculum
S Plant Identification Learning Kit (available at state 4-H Center for Youth Development)
S Alien Invasive Pest Species Folder, 5344

Weed Science Independent Study/Advanced