Through this project, you can learn about all aspects of the pork industry, either by directly caring for a hog or by learning about swine. At any level you may enroll in market pig or breeding pig. Youth wishing to enroll in Market Swine or Breeding Swine must also be enrolled in Level 1, 2, or 3. If you enroll in the independent study, you are expected to have already completed the three levels of the swine project and to have set some learning goals for your independent work.

Swine, Level 1

Activities in Swine Level 1 are for youth who may or may not have their own pig. If you don’t own your own pig, these activities will help decide if you really want to raise pigs or learn more. In this level, you will learn to identify the parts of a pig, breeds, how to judge market hogs, explore the digestive system, identify pork cuts and how to fit and show a hog.

It may take three years to complete this level. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.


Swine, Level 2

Learn about herd health, pork production from farrow to finish, cooking and preparing pork products, careers in agriculture, symptoms of swine disease, and how to: develop a pig health plan, balance a ration, and present oral reasons on a class of hogs.

It may take three years to complete this level. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project.


Swine, Level 3

You will be encouraged to teach others about pigs, explore career opportunities in the swine industry, organize a judging and showmanship clinic, plan a swine quiz bowl, operate and manage a swine breeding operation, learn about managing waste and explore genetics.

It may take as long as three years to complete this level. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project.

Additional Resources for All Levels

S Swine Resource Handbook for Marketing and Breeding Projects, 4H134R
Swine Helper’s Guide, BU8068 Group activities such as quiz bowls, skillathons, glossary games, swine pyramid, exploring a meat contest and understanding quality assurance keep youth involved.

Swine Independent Study/Advanced