In this project, learn about the modern sheep industry either by directly caring for a lamb or by learning about sheep through the achievement program in each level. You may enroll in either a market lamb or breeding project at any level. Youth wishing to enroll in Market Sheep or Breeding Sheep must also be enrolled in Level 1, 2, or 3. If you enroll in the independent study, you must have already completed all three levels of the sheep project and set learning goals for your independent work.

Sheep, Level 1

The activities in Sheep Level 1 are for youth who may or may not have their own lamb, but want to learn more about sheep. In this level, you will learn to identify the parts of a lamb, about the breeds of sheep, sheep behavior, uses of wool, about sheep by-products, fitting a sheep for show, showing a sheep, how to determine the health of a lamb, judging lambs and how to develop a management plan.

It may take three years to complete this level. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.


Sheep, Level 2

Learn more about the sheep project, including sheep parasites, meat safety, judging, using medications safely, the digestive system of sheep, health problems, management practices, careers, sheep production cycles, managing money, meat cuts and more.

It may take three years to complete this level. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project.

Sheep, Level 3

Gain leadership skills as you help others learn about sheep. In this level you are encouraged to teach others about sheep, explore career opportunities in the sheep industry, set production goals and make a budget for a sheep enterprise. You can also plan and conduct a sheep event in your community, address contemporary issues related to sheep production, learn about marketing and reproduction, plan and organize a judging contest and explore genetics.

It may take three years to complete this level. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project.

Additional Resources for All Levels

S Sheep Resource Handbook for Market and Breeding Projects, 4H194R
L Sheep Helper’s Guide, BU6370 Helpers will enjoy involving youth in sheep skillathons, sheep bingo, sheep pyramid, developing a management calendar and many more activities.

Sheep Independent Study/Advanced