2025 Dates coming soon

Join us for essential training and meaningful connections with statewide 4-H Volunteers!

This event is open to all Montana 4-H Volunteers. 

Location:  TBD

Registration & Accommodation 

Registration Fee: TBD

Hotel Costs: TBD: Cost per night for a double queen room, plus tax (room block name coming soon)

Hotel Reservation information and registration descriptions coming soon

Registration Deadline: TBD


Past Speakers and Sessions

2023 Speaker: Vernon Parent from Utah State University

During registration, adult volunteers will be asked to select their workshops.

Some workshops are limited and once the workshop is full it will be closed. 


Title Presenter(s) Workshop Description

2023 Sessions

Generosity Jane Wolery Generosity is the willingness to give or share. Explore the ways generosity impacts our lives -- both as a giver and receiver. Learn how the Montana 4-H Foundation can partner with you to host "Generosity Parties" in your local community. You will leave this session uplifted and with a variety of examples of how generosity has played a role in each of our lives. This workshop will be interactive and will provide learners with practice in both giving and receiving. Paraphrasing Ralph Waldo Emerson, it is one of the beautiful compensations in life that we cannot help another without helping ourselves.
Who is Robert and Why Do His Rules Matter? Josie Evenson & Allison Kosto Parliamentary procedure can be confusing for adults, much less kids! This workshop will review basic parliamentary procedure guidelines using simple engaging techniques that can be replicated at the county or club level. Additionally, it will showcase resources available for 4-H leaders on parliamentary procedure.
Shaping Teen Leadership in your County Brett Schomer, Judy Smith Are you tired and burnt out from doing it all? We have the answer...teen leadership. Well trained and motivated teens age 13-18 are an untapped resource in most county 4-H programs. In this workshop participants will learn and practice 5 ways to strengthen teen leadership and put those teens to work in your county. No experience necessary!
The FUNdamentals of Record Books Julianne Snedigar, Trent Noel As 4-H members most of us dreaded record books, and it seems that hasn't changed with our own kids and the 4-H members in our clubs. Record books, however, are one of the most important tools used by 4-H to enhance "Learning by Doing." In this workshop we will not only go through the different methods 4-H members can use to complete their record books, we will also provide many helpful hints and tools. Record books should not be painful! Join us for this interactive workshop that will improve your skills, which will allow your 4-H members record book experience to be more positive.
Outdoor Project Jack Bazemore In this workshop we will explore ways to educate youth on outdoor recreation, safety that goes with being in the outdoors, and environmental science. These activities may include but are not limited to: fire starting, first aid and wilderness medicine, basic water rescue techniques, leave no trace, and orienteering. These programs are included because of the low cost to execute them, and high level of participant involvement.

2023 Sessions Continued

Ordinary to Imaginative:Transforming Club Meetings Sara Fluer Participants in this session will learn strategies for transforming ordinary club meetings into an engaging and focused format. By integrating the principles of positive youth development into every meeting agenda, 4-H volunteers will increase their ability to facilitate more effective meetings. Participants will receive a take-home resource kit with ideas to implement for their next club meeting.
A Family Affair:Involving Parents in 4-H activities Allison Kosto Ever feel like you are the only one who does all the work in your 4-H Club or program? Do you struggle to get parents to actively participate and assist with 4-H activities? If so, then come to this workshop to explore the topic of parent involvement and techniques to engage more parent in your 4-H Club and activities.
Digital Leadership in 4-H Christine Hodges What does it mean to be a digital leader? How can we as adults lead as examples for 4-H youth and families in digital spaces? Dive deep into this digital leadership discussion and learn what it means as a 4-H volunteer.
Who are the newcomers and why are they coming? Tara Mastel Montana communities are seeing many new people moving in from places near and far. This presentation shares results from an MSU Extension study of newcomers and shares ideas for 4-H volunteer leaders to help them understand who might be coming to their communities and clubs, how we might welcome them and why it is important to welcome them.
Vernon Parent (Key Note Speaker)   Lean how with just 15 minutes, you can teach leadership skills to the youth in your club and project. It will be fun and interactive, and you will come away with a plan to enhance the leadership skills in your 4-H program.

2023 Sessions Continued

Breaking the Ice Kelton Jensen Have fun learning new Ice Breakers and why they are so important at your 4-H meetings.
Biosecurity for Your Animal Projects Kellie Kahtani Learn how to keep your animals safe as you travel to shows, bring new animals onto your property, or have others visit you who have animals. This interactive workshop will look at the spread of disease and prevention methods you can use at home.
Engaging and Empowering Youth Struggling with Mental Health Jamie VanderLinden, LCSW, LAC By training, I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Addiction Counselor at the Southwest Montana Community Health Center. I am the Director of Behavioral Health and the Child Evaluation Center, a Nationally Accredited Child Advocacy Center, at the health center. I would like to present strategies to engage youth that are struggling with mental health. These youth often act out in ways that become frustrating to adults such as stubbornness, defiance, isolating, or lack of motivation. With any person, the less we do, the worse we feel. Volunteers have an influential role as advocates to motivate and empower youth. I would like to present practical tips for recognizing signs of mental health struggles in youth and approaches for empowering these youth to not only achieve their best but to continue to “better their best.”
Modeling: Strengths and Challenges in Leadership Andrea Berry Discuss modeling leadership behavior: how that looks for each participant, strengths they have, challenges they have faced, how to expand the tools available to each leader.
Volunteers, County Agents, and the Extension Office- A powerful team Roni Baker Often times there is tension within the relationships of volunteers, County Agents and the Extension Office. By understanding our roles, communicating and working together a great team is formed to help youth learn and grow.