Citizenship Seminar

Citizenship Seminar participants on the stairs in the State Capitol

Montana Citizenship Seminar is designed to inspire 4-H youth as they learn about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

Youth delegates gain hands-on experience with the legislative process by participating in a mock legislature, create and debate bills, work with other youth from across the state, meet with elected officials, tour the capitol, and participate in a service-learning project.

Delegates will also attend the Legislative Breakfast (2025 date to be determined).

Citizenship Seminar is traditionally held in Helena in the years when the legislature is in session. It is held in conjunction with Legislative Breakfast, which is hosted in January (2025 date to be determined). 

A girl presents behind a speaker during Citizenship Seminar.

Event Details

Dates & Times

2025: To be Determined


Helena, Montana – Location of seminar activities and Legislative Breakfast are yet to be determined for 2025. 

Youth Eligibility

4-H members must be 13 years of age by October 1, 2024.


Each delegate must have a designated (adult) chaperone.

Certified chaperones must be 21 years of age or older.

Counties may combine with other counties to reach a desired 1:10 ratio of adults to youth.

Chaperones will be asked to participate in the seminar by acting as lobbyists during the legislative process.

Any adults with special skills or interests please email if you would like to assist in any way. 


Each individual/county must make their own guest room reservations.

A block of rooms is reserved for participants. Hotel and dates TBD for 2025.

Program Fee

There is an $85 registration fee per youth and adult to offset the seminar program costs.

Check with your county office to confirm amount before paying.

The Montana 4-H Foundation contributes $3,000.

The program fee includes all meals for both Montana Citizenship Seminar and the Legislative Breakfast


Both youth and adults: Log into your ZSuite Profile and register under Events.

More details coming for 2025.


Transportation to and from the seminar and shuttling youth delegates between activities is the county’s responsibility.   

Legislative Bill

Each delegate is expected to sponsor one “bill” suitable for the 4-H Legislature.

Submit bills electronically to Christine Sommers-Austin  - Due Date TBD.

The bills will be reviewed and grouped by topic area into committees prior to the seminar.

Please see the template in the ZSuite registration for information on how to write a bill.  

Service Project

Each delegate and county will have the opportunity to contribute to a service project that is yet to be determined.  

History Bowl

Each delegate will have the opportunity to compete in the Montana History Bowl.

The first round of the History Bowl will be a written form given (2025 date to be determined) during the seminar's check-in to determine the participates who will compete in the second and final rounds throughout the event.  


_____ Reserve your hotel room

_____ Registration through ZSuite

_____ Check with your county office to confirm amount before paying

_____ Email your mock legislative bill to 


American flag with text Montana 4-H Citizenship Seminar below, followed by blue MSU Extension logo and green 4-H Clover

Summer 2025 National Citizenship Washington Focus

Join us for a one-week summer program in Washington D.C. where teens experience the capital as their classroom and connect with young leaders from across the country to gain skills necessary to be effective change agents.

Save the Dates

Stay tuned for 2025 information!