The College of Education, Health & Human Development offers a variety of assistantships to students accepted into its graduate programs at MSU. 

Graduate Assistantships in the Department of Education

IMPORTANT NOTE: All Department of Education Graduate Teaching Assistantships for 2025-2026 have been filled. Please visit the Graduate Assistantships Across MSU section below to learn more about other opportunities across campus.

IMPORTANT NOTE: To be eligible for these assistantship opportunities, you must be accepted into a graduate program in the Department of Counseling. You may apply before you are accepted, however, securing a position is contingent on successful admission to the program.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships in the Education Department may be available up to 2 years for students enrolled in a master’s degree program and up to 3 years for students enrolled in a doctoral degree. Students appointed to a GTA position must (a) be in good academic standing per the Graduate School policy and (b) making adequate progress toward degree completion.

Learn more about graduate research and teaching assistantships in the Department of Education at the following link: Department of Education Graduate Assistantships.

Graduate Assistantships in the Department of Counseling

IMPORTANT NOTE: To be eligible for these assistantship opportunities, you must be accepted into a graduate program in the Department of Counseling. You may apply before you are accepted, however, securing a position is contingent on successful admission to the program.

Graduate research and teaching assistantships in the Department of Counseling are program-specific and offered after acceptance into each program. If you have specific questions about an assistantship in the Department of Counseling, please contact the department head at

Graduate Assistantships in the Department of Human Development & Community Health

IMPORTANT NOTE: To be eligible for these assistantship opportunities, you must be accepted into a graduate program in the Department of Human Development & Community Health. You may apply before you are accepted, however, securing a position is contingent on successful admission to the program.

Graduate research and teaching assistantships in the Department of Human Development & Community Health are program-specific and offered after acceptance into each program. If you have specific questions about an assistantship in the Department of Human Development & Community Health, please contact

Graduate Assistantships in the Department Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology


IMPORTANT NOTE: To be eligible for these assistantship opportunities, you must be accepted into a graduate program in the Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology. You may apply before you are accepted, however, securing a position is contingent on successful admission.

Graduate research and teaching assistantships in the Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology are program-specific and offered after acceptance into each program. If you have specific questions about an assistantship in the Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology, please contact

Graduate Assistantships Across MSU

IMPORTANT NOTE: To be eligible for these assistantship opportunities, you must be accepted into an MSU graduate program. You may apply before you are accepted, however, securing a position is contingent on successful admission.

At CHSC, we are an interdisciplinary group that works with a wide variety of communities and organizations to improve health and safety. We work in substance misuse prevention, traffic safety (the human behavior side), and wellbeing broadly (including social-emotional skills and mental, emotional, and behavioral development). The GRA could contribute to a variety of projects, depending on skills and interest. One project could be working on a CDC-funded project to prevent and address prenatal substance use and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Other projects in traffic safety include research to prevent cannabis-impaired driving among youth and young adults and engaging bystanders to prevent aggressive driving.

We offer both a tuition waiver and a stipend. The GRA can set their own schedule and primarily work remotely. We anticipate a long-term need for GRA support. If the fit is good, we would hope to retain the student through the summer and the 2025-2026 academic year (and perhaps longer).

There are opportunities to participate in dissemination, including publications and presentations.  Interested students can reach out to my colleague, Dr. Bridget Hanson, with a note of interest and their cv, if available. Her email is:

The Storytelling project is interdisciplinary research endeavor that develops lesson plans for middle school students that incorporates Indian Education for All, Computer Science, and other content standards.  The Storytelling project is especially interested in developing lesson plans that connect with students in rural and tribal communities. The team is looking for a graduate student in Education in order to help develop, implement, and test both lesson plans for middle school students and teacher training materials to help the teachers prepare to deliver the lesson plans.  No computer science experience is necessary to join the team.

For more information, please contact Brittany Fasy at

Graduate Assistant Position: Montana PBS Educational Media Specialist

IMPORTANT NOTE: To be eligible for this opportunity, you must be accepted into an MSU graduate program. You may apply before you are accepted, however, securing a position is contingent on successful admission for Fall.

Department Name: Montana PBS/KUSM

Position: Graduate Assistant: Educational Media Specialist

Number of Positions Open: 1

Program Description

Montana PBS is the state’s public television service based on the Montana State University campus and housed in the Visual Communications Building. The station produces, and broadcasts, high quality local and national PBS programming for Montana citizens.Montana PBS also creates digital content for PK-12 classrooms published on the FREE website PBS LearningMedia This program was first implemented in the fall of 2021 to create digital content and accompanying curriculum for Montana classrooms to be published on PBS LearningMedia. This content is shared and distributed with educators using a strategy developed in collaboration with the Montana PBS Education staff.

Description of Opportunity

Position Duration

This position is for 19 hours/week for 9 months (AY) September 1-May 31

Roles and Responsibilities

This position collaborates with a student from the MFA in Science and Natural History in Filmmaking (SNHF) program, a graduate student from the Education program at the University of Montana as well as the rest of the Education team at Montana PBS.  The person in this role will be responsible for creating support materials aligned to the media, writing scripts for video segments, supporting the production staff as needed and developing a strategy for measuring the impact and use of these materials with the help of local teachers, administrators and MSU faculty. 

  • Instructional Research and Planning
      1. Work with Montana PBS Education team to identify a content need for PK-12 classrooms that could be met with educational digital media 
      2. Collaborate with local educators, SNHF GA, UM GAs and Montana PBS Education staff to develop, prototype and test digital media materials for PK-12 students and teachers
  • Curriculum Development
      1. Develop support materials to accompany digital media to be published on PBS LearningMedia
      2. Align support materials to national standards and relevant content areas
  • Collaboration
      1. Work with a SNHF GA and UM GA as a team to conduct this study, develop consent for resources, write scripts, support production as needed, create support materials
      2. Work with local teachers to create support materials that are relevant and accessible
      3. Work with Montana PBS Education staff to create support materials that are aligned with the mission and brand of Montana PBS
  • Communications
      1. Use a variety of communication methods, in person and virtual to effectively communicate the purpose and progress of the work with all stakeholders especially the SNHF GA and the UM GA project team members
      2. Keep Montana PBS staff updated on the status of the project throughout the school year by attending scheduled staff meetings as well as meeting with various MTPBS staff informally
  • Professional Development/Training for Educators
    1. Deliver workshops for educators sharing strategies for using PBS LearningMedia in a variety of settings
    2. Train teachers to use media resources in their classrooms, including those created during this project

Field-based skill description

The GA in the Educational Media Specialist position will benefit from collaborating with a professional media organization to create educational media materials for children ages 4-17. The GA will also learn more about how to share best practices for using media in the classroom with educators. 

Transferrable/portable skill description

This position will help the GA develop facilitation skills for presentation and training, program development and management, interpersonal skills, problem solving, communication (verbal and written), teaching strategies for incorporating media and technology in the classroom, and understanding best practices in the field of public media education services.

Preferred skills/qualifications

    • Strong organizational skills 
    • Oral, written, and/or nonverbal communication skills 
    • Professionalism and maturity 
    • Ability to work independently 
    • Ability to collaborate with one or more team members
    • Ability to learn and utilize online tools with ease
    • Knowledge about teaching and learning in a public classroom setting
    • General understanding of child development for children ages 4-18
    • Confidence speaking in front of a group or in a collaborative learning setting
  • In addition, you will be expected to meet all of the Graduate School Qualifications: 
    • Full-time, degree-seeking graduate student accepted into a graduate program at MSU 
    • Maintaining term enrollment of 6 credits 
    • Cumulative and program of study GPA of 3.0 or better 
    • Making progress toward the achievement of their degree 
    • Meet academic requirements of a GA position


  • This position was developed in partnership with the Education and Adult & Higher Education programs
  • The most successful candidate for this program has experience in a classroom teaching setting, preferably in a PK-12 classroom

Performance and Feedback 

  • The general philosophy of Montana PBS is to provide feedback on an ongoing basis
  • Formal feedback also will be provided on an annual basis using the standard Graduate School GA Annual Review form.


  • Stipend and additional payments of $2000 per month over a 9-month period, September to May. 
  • The appointment is for no more than 19 hours/week. 
  • In-state tuition remission up to 12 credits/term are available for successful candidates. 
  • The student is responsible for all university fees. 
  • This position is part of the Graduate Student Union. As such, the GTA must pay monthly union dues or representation fees. If non-academic issues arise, the GA may take concerns to their supervisor or the University’s Human Resource Department.

To Apply for this position please fill out this form


You may contact,
Nikki Vradenburg, Ed.D.
Director of Education, Montana PBS

This graduate assistantship has been filled for 2024-2026.

Become a Marketing Grad Assistant for Bobcat Athletics! This program is designed to provide MSU graduate students with exposure and real-world experience in the sports marketing industry working football, basketball volleyball and so much more. The future graduate assistant will enjoy perks like game day gear, stipends networking opportunities and a full in-state waiver.

This position requires 15-20 hours in the office, along with leadership roles in all home football, volleyball and men's and women's basketball games! Possibility for required attendance at various events like Bobcat Club board meetings, track and field meets, rodeo and more!

If you are interested, please contact Jackson Dudak at

MSU LIFE Scholars Program: Graduate Assistant Position

IMPORTANT NOTE: To be eligible for this assistantship opportunity, you must be accepted into a graduate program in the College of Education, Health & Human Development or a relevant field. You may apply before you are accepted, however, securing a position is contingent on successful admission.

Department Name: MSU LIFE Scholars program

Position: Graduate Assistant (GA)

Number of Positions Open: 1

Program Description: The LIFE Scholars program is a 3-year, fully inclusive, non-degree certificate program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Students audit 1-4 classes each semester to gain knowledge in their area of interest, engage in extra-curricular campus activities to develop social networks and participate in campus and community internships to develop job skills and explore careers. More information can be found on the LIFE Scholars webpage.

Position Description

Duration: The position is for an average of 19 hours/week for fall and spring AY semesters or 10 pay periods.

Duties and Responsibilities: The MSU LIFE Scholars program seeks a GA to serve as a Program Assistant. The GA will help foster an inclusive community among scholars, peer partners, and the larger MSU campus community. The GA will contribute to overall program support. Specific duties and responsibilities will depend on program needs and the strengths and interests of the GA, but may include the following:

Program Support:

  • Contribute to a positive, welcoming environment by consistently being present, available, and responsive to students.
  • Maintain an organized office space.
  • Assist with program data entry and documentation.
  • Participate in peer partner recruitment (present to classes, contact professors, connect with campus groups, etc.)
  • Support peer partners by building relationships and providing information and support asneeded.
  • Lead seminars on topics of interest and/or need for scholars (relationships, sexuality, connecting with campus events, technology, financial literacy, etc.)
  • Increase the program’s social media presence to foster awareness, understanding, interest andsupport.
  • Offer tours to prospective students.
  • Participate in the planning and implementation of campus-wide inclusive events to foster aninclusive campus community. (Event TBD)


  • Provide direct academic support by attending class with scholars or helping with homework, asneeded (especially at the start of the semester).
  • Provide executive functioning support (set up Google Suites on devices, assist with enteringassignments in their calendars, etc.)
  • Connect students to MSU services (writing center, Smartycats, etc.)

Campus Engagement:

  • Support scholars in their completion of the social engagement requirement throughencouragement and assistance in signing up for events, supporting them in communicating withfamily members for transportation needs, and uploading photos to their Cognitopia accounts.
  • Attend monthly LS events.
  • Take and add photos to the shared album and Instagram to document program progress andsuccesses.
  • Connect students with each other and the greater campus community (hang out and playgames, model appropriate social interaction, encourage students to engage in events, etc.)
  • Connect with the Office of Student Engagement to promote engagement on campus.

Career Development:

  • Provide job coaching support to students working part-time on campus.

Field-based skill description:
The LIFE Scholars program is in its 6th year at MSU and is still developing the structures and systems to best meet the needs of the students in the program. The GA in this position will have the opportunity to leave a lasting mark on the program by bringing their creative ideas to directly impact the future sustainability of this program. They will gain hands-on experience working with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and gain a deeper understanding of diversity and inclusion.

Transferable/portable skill description:
Graduate Assistants will gain experience in communication, recruiting and organizing volunteers, marketing, social media, organizing events, interpersonal skills, fostering inclusive relationships among diverse groups of students, the leadership of meetings and projects and working as part of a cooperative team.

Preferred skills/qualifications

Successful candidates:

  • meet the academic requirements of a GA position.
  • are reliable, punctual, and contributing members of a team.
  • have strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • have basic computer skills, including knowledge of Google Suites.
  • prioritize and use their time effectively and possess strong organizational skills.
  • are comfortable working independently and as a part of a team.
  • take initiative and fully complete assigned tasks with minimal oversight.
  • are personable, positive, respectful listeners, and value developing relationships with others
  • are passionate about creating inclusive, connected communities.
  • have previous experience working with individuals with intellectual and developmentaldisabilities (preferred but not required).

Performance and Feedback:

  • Performance feedback will be provided on an ongoing basis.
  • Formal feedback will be provided on an annual basis using the standard Graduate School GTA Annual Review form.


  • Stipend: $8,000/semester or $800/pay period
  • The appointment is for an average of 19 hours per week
  • A tuition waiver for up to 12 credits/term is available for successful candidates.
  • The student is responsible for all university fees.
  • This GTA appointment is part of a Collective Bargaining unit represented by the Graduate Employee Organization (GEO), and the Montana Education Association ‐ Montana Federation of Teachers, MEA‐MFT. The Collective Bargaining Agreement can be found at Collective Bargaining Agreements. You will be bound by the terms and conditions in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, applicable policies of the University and Board of Regents, and applicable state and federal laws.

To apply for a position:

Please submit the following to

  1. Current resumé or CV
  2. Contact information for two professional references
  3. Letter of interest for this position

Christy Sofianek
Director, LIFE Scholars Program
Reid Hall, room 455
406-994-3688 or 406-581-8315 

Graduate Teaching Assistant applications for fall 2025 are due by 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 16, 2025. Application link: Graduate Teaching Assistantships 

This graduate assistantship has been filled for 2024-2026.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  To be eligible for this opportunity, you must be accepted into a MSU graduate program.  You may apply before you are accepted, however, securing a position is contingent on successful admission for Fall 2024.

Department Name: MSU Office of Student Engagement (OSE) 
Position:  Graduate Assistant (GA) 
Number of Positions Open:  1 

Department Description

The Office of Student Engagement (OSE) provides and facilitates student engagement opportunities for MSU students through a variety of programs, events, services, and activities. We support students interested in connecting with their fellow Bobcats through student government, student organizations, programs and events, and engaging in service to the community. OSE is in the Division of Student Success and is located in the student union. 

Description of Opportunity   

Position duration  

  • This position is for 19 hours/week for 10 months (AY), July 1, 2024 – May 1, 2025. 

Roles and responsibilities  
The main responsibilities of the Student Engagement GA are:  

  • Support fall and spring MSU Debut events programing through budgeting, event design, event implementation, assessment, and future planning.  
  • Support registered student organizations by assisting in the management and implementation of a student organizations funding structure 
  • Support students in the creation of new student organizations.  
  • Support OSE staff in office projects, initiatives, events, and other duties as assigned 
  • This position will assist in developing collaborations with departmental and campus partners to develop and implement program curriculum, program logistics, and relationships with key stakeholders.  
  1. MSU Debut Programming 
  1. Program Management:  
    1. Assist with the planning and implementation of the MSU Debut program.  
    2. Attend all MSU Debut events: late August-mid September(Fall Debut) and mid January-early February (Spring Debut)  
    3. Facilitate the recruitment and training event volunteers when applicable. 
    4. Assist in management program budget. 
  2. Marketing and Outreach: 
    1. Assist in established marketing methods and help create new avenues for marketing.
    2. Ensure communication with campus stakeholders is consistent
    3. Program Evaluation and Assessment: 
    4. Assist in evaluation and data collection for MSU Debut program 
  3. Other Duties:
    1. When MSU Debut duties are completed, opportunities to assist with other OSE programs and events may be assigned  
  1. Student Organizations Support 
  1. Student Organization Leadership Development:
    1. Assist in planning and implementation of the Student Organization Leadership Conference in the fall and spring semesters.
    2. Plan and implement monthly student organization leader and advisor trainings.
    3. Manage annual student organization awards.
    4. Communications
    5. Manage annual student organization registration process, which includes club storage and mail spaces.
    6. Compose and disseminate bi-monthly Club News e-newsletter and other announcements.
    7. Serve on committees as necessary to represent OSE and student organizations.
  2. Student Organization Support
    1. Act as consultant and guide to student organizations who need assistance planning their events/programs, which includes connecting to resources and potential collaborations. 
    1. Understand university policies and procedures, to serve as a guide to student organizations.  
    1. Compose and disseminate travel verification letters for traveling clubs. 
    1. Use information from needs assessment of student organizations to inform programming and services. 
  1. Engagement Software Support 
    1. Manage annual student organization registration in the engagement tracking software.
    2. Assist Program Manager maintaining and updating processes in the engagement tracking software.
    3. Strive to become an expert in and “go-to” for registered student organizations in utilizing the tool. 
  1. Customer Service 
    1. Provide customer service within the Office of Student Engagement, greeting walk-in traffic as necessary, including meeting with students regarding how to get involved on campus. 

Field-based skill description 

The GA in the Office of Student Engagement will gain hands-on experience supporting the vision, planning, implementation, and assessment of the fall and spring MSU Debut program.  This will involve working with the Student Engagement and Leadership Advisor to plan large-scale campus events, coordinate more than 50 campus volunteers, and assess the program for further and future development.  Through this experience, the GA will develop a deeper understanding of university policies and procedures, relationship management with internal and external partners, and program evaluation and assessment. This opportunity will allow the GA to put research and knowledge into practice to support student involvement, sense of belonging, and retainment at MSU.   

The 260 registered student organizations at MSU represent a variety of viewpoints, interests and cultures.  Working in the OSE will allow the GA to interact with students from all backgrounds.  They will also develop a deeper understanding of university policies and procedures and how to relay often complex information to students in a relatable way. The GA will also have great opportunities to build new programs and assess needs of student organizations, allowing them to put research and knowledge into practice to support our growing student organization population at MSU. 

Transferrable/portable skill description  

Graduate Assistants will develop facilitation skills for program development and management, event planning, leadership, presentations and trainings, interpersonal skills, problem solving, critical thinking, communication (verbal and written) skills, and understanding best practices in the field of student affairs.   

Preferred skills/qualifications 

  • Strong organizational skills 
  • Oral, written, and/or nonverbal communication skills 
  • Ability to work independently and as a team 
  • Ability to take initiative  
  • Strong passion for student involvement   
  • Past experience being involved in college OR experience working with college students 
  • In addition, you will be expected to meet all of the Graduate School Qualifications: 
    • Full-time, degree-seeking graduate student accepted into a graduate program at MSU 
    • Maintaining term enrollment of 6 credits 
    • Cumulative and program of study GPA of 3.0 or better 
    • Making progress toward the achievement of their degree 
    • Meet academic requirements of a GTA position: 


  • This position was developed in partnership with the Adult & Higher Education program. 
  • Students who are enrolled in another department or graduate program at MSU are also eligible to apply. 

Performance and Feedback 

  • The general philosophy of the OSE is to provide feedback on an ongoing basis with the goal of improvement and service.  
  • Formal feedback also will be provided on an annual basis using the standard Graduate School GTA Annual Review form. 


  • Stipend: $1,100 per month over a 10-month period, August to May.  
  • The appointment is for an average of 19 hours/week 
  • Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement, an additional payment of $130, during the Academic Year (Fall and Spring) only, to defray costs including, but not limited to, living and healthcare costs. 
  • Tuition waivers for up to 10 credits/term are available for successful candidates but is not guaranteed 
  • The student is responsible for all university fees. 
  • This GTA appointment is a part of a Collective Bargaining unit represented by Graduate Employee Organization (GEO), and the Montana Education Association‐Montana Federation of Teachers, MEA‐MFT. The Collective Bargaining Agreement can be found at You will be bound by the terms and conditions in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, applicable policies of the University and Board of Regents, and applicable state and federal laws. 
  • If non-academic issues arise, the GTA may take concerns to their supervisor or the University’s Human Resource Department. 

To apply for a position, please submit the following to Chris Pruden, Office of Student Engagement, electronic submissions only, please) by April 2nd, 2024. 

  1. Current resumé or CV
  2. Contact information for two professional references
  3. Letter of interest for this position


Chris Pruden
Student Engagement and Leadership Advisor  
Office of Student Engagement 



Additional Funding & Fellowship Opportunities for Graduate Students

Learn more about MSU internal and external funding opportunities by following this link.