Bozeman Applied Economics Summer Conference
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the conference?
The Bozeman Applied Economics Summer Conference is typically held the second or third week in June, since 2022. Dates for the annual conference are set during the fall semester each year.
2025's conference will be held June 16 - 17, 2025.
Where is the conference?
The conference is supported by and organized by the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University, with support from MSU's Initiative for the Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis.
The majority of the conference is held on Montana State University's Bozeman campus, in Linfield Hall.
Where should I stay while at the conference?
The campus offers a low-cost option of conference housing in a dorm reserved for the
conference (single rooms, shared bathrooms, no summer students) for approximately
$50/night. Campus housing registration instructions are sent to registrants once finalized.
With summer being peak season in Bozeman, hotel rates are high. We will pass along more information on this option when it is finalized. There are also hotels on Main Street, about one mile from campus, as well as possible short-term housing on VRBO or Airbnb.
Does your conference offer any travel support for attendees?
Travel support for presenters is generally not offered. For 2025, Arnold Ventures
will be covering the travel expenses of participants presenting papers on the economics
of crime.
How do I register?
Conference attendees have papers accepted or submitted by the annual February review
date. Once applicants submit a paper for consideration and are accepted, they are
sent information on registration.
I just found this conference online and want to attend. Can I register?
Attendees of this conference are applicants to the conference. Please check the conference
website to learn more about the application process. Papers for presentation are typically due at the end of March each year.
What is the schedule like for the conference this year?
The tentative schedule includes 25-minute presentations as well as a lightning round
of 10-minute talks, from approximately 9am-3pm (with breaks and lunch) Both afternoons,
there will be organized hiking opportunities following the sessions, as well as a
conference dinner on Wednesday evening. All conference sessions will be held in the
same lecture hall (301 Linfield Hall) on MSU campus in a single track. The program
will be finalized when we have confirmed the participation of accepted presenters.